Week 10 Flashcards
fennel staff topped with pinecone
zeus and semele (hera)
hera is jealous of semele, so she disguises as an old woman, and tricks semele into thinking zeus is lying about his identity, so semele makes zeus promise to reveal himself, she is killed by seeing his godly face, zeus sews baby dio into his thigh
dio wanders in his madness to asia minor where he meets cybele, the great mother, she cures his madness and reveals secret rites
who cares for baby dio
ino, queen of orchomenus disguises him as girl, hera still finds him and drives him mad
euripides bacchae
pentheus, dio cousin is king of thebes, semele sisters have spread rumors so dio divinity challenged, he makes the women of thebes into maenads and they leave the city
bacchae pt 2
cadmus and tiriseas on dio side, pentheus tries to bind dio and threaten him messenger tells pentheus of the women
possessed women devoted to dio
bacchae pt 3
dio makes pentheus want to go see, he dresses as a maenad, hides in a tree, ripped apart by his mother agave who thinks he is a monster, she carries him into thebes, madness cured, dios justice
eating of raw flesh
his procession, maenads, saytrs, and sileni
basically saytrs but old, always a wise one named silenus (tutor)
dio associated
with fertility goddess and theatre
zagreus dio
son of zeus persephone, god of mysteries and underworld, jealous hera has him eaten by titans, athena saves his heart, gives to zeus, who swallows and give semele the baby, hits titans with lightning bolt
zagreus anthropogony
humans formed from ashes of titans, gives humans dual nature of divine and evil
king midas
midas returns silenus to dio, dio offers him gift, gold touch turns into curse, dio pities and cures him
dio homeric hymn
too pretty, pirates kidnap, chaos breaks loose, takes vengeance
part of dio procession, especially in pompeii, god of sheperds and musicians, invented pan pipe (syrinx)
echo and pan
he is in love, she flees, pan spreads panic to sheperds, they tear her to pieces and all that remains is her voice
echo and narcissus
in love with his reflection, transforms into flower