Week 3 Flashcards
what does kronoses thrown up stone become
temple of apollo in delphi
titans that side with zeus
prometheus and clymene
how gaia says zeus will win
with help of hecantonchires who he frees from tartaus
lasts 10 years, zeus doesn’t hold back
instrumental hecatonchires
cottus, briareus, gyes send titans to tartarus
neutral titan
titan who escaped and punishment
atlas, forced to hold up sky forever
how did gigantomachy start
apollodorus said it started when a giant stole helios cattle
how were giants defeated
with heracles help
typhoeus parents
gaia and tartarus
typhoeus appearance
dragonlike, body of human, 100 snake heads
defeat of typhoeus
apollodorus version: zeus uses same uranus sickle given by hermes and imprisons in a volcano (etiological for volcanoes)
monstare (monster)
to show, to war, or advise
hybrids, more common, examples: chimera, minotaur, saytrs
familiar but exaggerated, animals but like with super powers, examples: nemean lion, cerebus, golden fleece
THE ACTUAL SEA, gaia’s son
phorcys and ceto children
grasea and gorgons
aged ones, 3 sisters share one tooth one eye
three sisters, only important one is medusa
medusa and poseidon myth
medusa is devout to athena and chaste, raped by poseidon in athena’s temple, athena turns her into hideous creature. she has a number of children with poseidon (cerebus), apotropaic
posiedon wife
amphirtite, who is a nereid
poseidon and amphritite son
phorcys and hecate daughter
syclla, desired by poseidon and punishe by amphitrite. monsters with dog’s head, attacks sailors (composite)
syclla’s companion, a whirlpool, daughter of posiedon and gaia (exaggerate)
thaumas and electra kids
iris and harpies