Week 7: Social Classes Flashcards
What is bias?
Bias is without any facts present.
How does bias relate to intersectionality?
It is important to remember how bias relates to intersectionality and the course’s purpose.
What is disability?
Disability is the interaction between individuals and the environment. Down syn. and the postive and negative factors like negative attiudes, limited support.
What characterizes disability?
It is a complex phenomenon that reflects the person’s features and can occur at any time.
What are the types of disability duration?
Disability can be permanent, temporary, or episodic. It can worsen, remain the same, or improve.
What is the range of severity in disabilities?
Disabilities can range from mild to severe.
How common are disabilities?
Everyone will present temporarily disabled at some point; the number of individuals with disabilities is increasing.
How can disabilities be acquired?
Disabilities can be present at birth, demonstrated early in life, or acquired through injury or chronic conditions, and can occur in later life stages.
What is an invisible disability?
An invisible disability is not immediately noticeable.
What types of disabilities are common?
Common types include pain, flexibility, mobility, and mental health issues. Approximately 1/5 of the population has one or more disabilities.
What are the effects of disability on social determinants?
Many face violations of their rights, acts of violence, prejudice, and disrespect.
What barriers do individuals with disabilities face in healthcare?
They face barriers, stigmatization, and discrimination when accessing health services, compounded by language, gender, income, and education.
What are some health risks associated with disabilities?
Individuals with disabilities experience higher rates of chronic diseases and physical violence, as well as social isolation. They may face barriers to acess healthcare.
What percentage of working-aged adults with disabilities obtain a diploma?
74% of working-aged adults with disabilities obtain a diploma.
What percentage of working-aged adults with disabilities complete post-secondary education?
38% of working-aged adults with disabilities complete post-secondary education.
What are some recommendations for improving disability services?
Recommendations include improved access to healthcare, increased data for decision making, strengthened workforce capacity, and explicit inclusion in public health programs.
What is the Medical Model of Disability?
The Medical Model focuses on impairments and chronic illness, viewing the medical issue as the main problem. Medical model, social mode etc
What is the Social Model of Disability?
The Social Model focuses on the limits placed on the client based on the environmental context.
What is the Interface Model of Disability?
The Interface Model posits that disability exists at the meeting point between the person’s medical diagnosis and the environmental factors affecting disability.
What factors are included in the Biopsychosocial Model?
The Biopsychosocial Model includes socioeconomic status, economic resources, income, education, and occupational factors.
What does Social Class encompass?
Social Class includes socioeconomic status and subjective social standing, which are more difficult to change over time.
How does religion relate to health?
Religion provides social support, access to resources, and influences health beliefs and behaviors.
What is the role of faith-based counseling?
Faith-based counseling can lead to improved health outcomes.