Week 7 Lecture: Qualitative Data Analysis Flashcards
Theoretical frameworks
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= what underpins how you see world –> influences data collection and analysis
- all research is bound by theoretical framework –> bias
Theoretical Sampling
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= analysing in terms of patterns of response, iterative and simultaneous data collection and analysis
- Induction = idea –> proposition –> works/not to explain event, strategy, action, relationship
- Deduction + verification = testing propositions, finding accounts/data that support/contradict understandings of data
First stage of analysis
= asking the question (analyse what is important enough to ask about)
Interactive Process of Data Analysis
- Data collection
- data display
- reflection on data
- data coding
- data distillation (reduction)
- generation of themes
- story interpretation
- research conclusions
all interact, go between them etc.
Qualitative units of analysis
- meanings
- practices
- encounters
- narrative structures
- organisations
- lifestyles
- utterances (words, phrases etc.)
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= Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software
- enter transcripts –> create categories –> organise
- does data management not analysis
- use when lots of data
- lose interview narrative and focus of participant
Visually displaying qualitative findings
- comparison table/matrix
- hierarchical tree diagram (themes and connections): trunk is key code, branches subcodes
- e.g. code is ethnicity in …., subcodes = ethnic groupings
- boxes (connections between themes)
- physical layout of setting
- personal or demographic info for each person or site
Modes of Qualitative Data Analysis
- content analysis = search for a priori categories, focus on frequency and researchers’ categories
- thematic analysis = identifies emergent categories via themes, privileges authoria; view of category importance
- semiotic analysis = interpretation of language through examination of explicit and implicit messages
- discourse analysis = interpretation of entire systems of communication
Content analysis
= search for a priori categories, focus on frequency and researchers’ categories
Thematic analysis/Grounded theory
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= identifies emergent categories via themes (create categories based on what ppl say)
- privileges authorial view of category importance
- develop theories grounded in data
- Strategies: theoretical sampling, constant comparison
(Glaser and Strauss, 1968) (Strauss and Corbin, 1990)
Open Coding
= through reading entire transcript, identifying, naming, categorising (mutually exclusive) and describing concepts and patterns
“in vivo” coding
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= use respondents words as concept/code (emic perspective)
- preferred
Steps of Coding Data in Thematic analysis/Grounded theory
- Open coding
- Clustering
- Axial coding
- Selective coding
- Saturation
= cluster similar codes and exclude redundant codes to reduce number while maintaining meaning
Axial coding
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= identify themes by finding categories that cut across data sets
- connect categories and sub categories to put data back together
- split or merge categories
Selective coding
= unifying codes around a core concept/overarching theme to answer question/develeop theory
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= little/no new data and no new data fit into developed categories
- coding and analysis occurs until saturation
Preliminary Organising Scheme
= 5-7 themes or descriptions (groups of similar codes) to form major idea, identified by constantly comparing data
Constant Comparative Analysis
= constantly comparing data to find themes –> evolve into theoretical framework –> guides data collection
Deviant Case Analysis
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= analysing elements of data that appear to contradict emerging patterns (from data analysis) to refine analysis until account for majority of cases
- revise, broaden or confirm data analysis patterns
Negative case analysis
= identify cases that don’t fit emerging theory
Semiotic Analysis
= interpretation of language through examining implicit and explicit messages (semiotics = symbols)
- assumption that surface signs relate to underlying structure
- assumption of underlying structure
Eco (1976) claims about semiotics
“semiotics studies all cultural processes as processes of communication”
“whole of culture should be studied as a communication phenomenon based on signification systems”
= thing that points to underlying meaning
= meaning being pointed to (by signifier)
Denotative meaning
= obvious (manifest) meaning
Connotative meaning
= meaning from social context, in addition to denotative
= signs being open to multiple interpretations
= generalised meaning instilled in a sign = sign system
Discourse Analysis
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= interpretation of entire systems of communication
- focus on language as social practice, how individuals use language in specific social contexts to construct selves and surrounding world
- discourse as constructing or reflecting meaning
Doing discourse analysis
- Identify interpretive repetoires = shared ways of talking about world
- Identify regulatory social constructs
- Consistency in discourse –> indicates particular repertoire (not underlying reality)
- Discourse confirmed by use in other texts
- Illustrate dominance in specific context
Framing of issues
= construction of language (inclusions and exclusions) to suit purpose
Data Analysis in Participant Observation Studies
- difficult to interpret
- analyse convo not individual speakers
- how decide which observations significant?
- in social group: cant observe all at once –> who to observe and when
Types of Triangulation
- Data triangulation = multiple data source types –> different perspectives
- Theory triangulation = multiple theoretical perspectives –> interpret single data set
- Investigator triangulation = multiple researchers interpret data
- Methodological triangulation = multiple methods –> study single problem
Data triangulation
= multiple data source types –> different perspectives
Theory triangulation
= multiple theoretical perspectives –> interpret single data set
Investigator triangulation
= multiple researchers interpret data
Methodological triangulation
= multiple methods –> study single problem
Enhancing trustworthiness in qual studies
- member checking = verifying interpretation with participants
- return of transcript for review
- provisiding of analysis conclusions
- triangulation
Member checking
= verifying interpretations with participants
Constructing narrative in qual
- identify dialogu that supports themes
- look for dialogue in participant dialect
- use metaphors and analogies
- collect quotes
- find multiple perspectives and contrary evidence
- look for vivid detail
- identify tensions and contradictions in individual experiences