Week 7 - Learning Flashcards
Simple form of learning
Occurs when a stimulus is presented repeatedly and the response weakens
Russian physiologist - Pavlov provided theoretical basis for____
Classical conditioning
The _____ involuntarily elicits the UCR
Unconditioned stimulus
i,.e food, puff in the eye, hot stove
The ____ is an innate or unlearned response to
Unconditioned response
is a reflex and response of autonomic nervous system
Starts as a neutral event (does not elicit UCR)
Conditioned stimulus
i.e. bell, buzzer, electric can opener
the ___ is a learnt response to the CS
Conditioned Response
Occurs because the UCS and CS were paired
Conditioned Response
A phobia is an excessive and irrational fear of an object, place or situation
excessive and irrational
The actual pairing of the two stimuli - CS & UCS
Several pairings of CS & UCS are usually needed before CR is fully developed
Repeatedly presenting CS without UCS
Conditioned responses reappear, is never permanently destroyed
Spontaneous Recovery
Most similar stimuli will elicit most CRs (conditioned responses)
Opposite of generalization, subject learns to respond to one stimulus only
Classical conditioning: What is the response
Unconditioned response UCR
Classical Conditioning: What originally caused the response?
Unconditioned stimulus UCS