How are quantitative data stored in a data set?
How do descriptive statistics summarise the characteristics of a sample?
What assumptions apply to the results?
- The assumption their groups are comparable (Equality)
- The shape of the data (Normality)
- The nature and direction of causality (Linearity)
How sure can we be that results from the sample will generalise to the wider population?
How is the clinical importance of treatment effects decided?
How are treatment effects summarised from multiple studies of interventions in a systematic review?
What is Descriptive statistics
-Refer only to the sample, not attempting to generalise beyond the sample
- Results in research reports begin with descriptive statistics and move towards inferential statistics
- are about a sample and conclusions can be drawn accurately only about that sample
What is inferential statistics
Statistics that attempt to go beyond the sample and help us to infer what happens in the wider population
- statistics explore whether data from samples can be applied to general relevant population
What is Central Tendency
- Refers to the mid_way point between the highest and the lowest of a sample of scores on a continuous variable
What is confidence intervals
- ) shows level of uncertainty in applying sample mean to populations
- A CI tells us exactly how uncertain we are – the narrower the CI the better for precision re the population
What is clinically important
What is a forest plot?
- records the mean weights for each group, the difference scores and the group sizes numerically in a table