WEEK 7: Ch: 9, 12,13 Flashcards
What are the 4 basic components of religiosity?
1-Believing: a religious person accept some spiritual/supernatural beliefs.
2-Bonding: the importance in religions of uniting oneself with its something greater than oneself.
3-Behaving: the way of living that religious encourage to achieve harmony with god.
4-Belonging: a sense of identity people gain rom being part of a community of believers
Intrinsic religiosity
When persons religious activity based on a view that religion is important in its own rights.
Extrinsic religiosity
when religion is treated as a way of obtaining some other extrinsic goals
Religiosity and B5 correlations
-Religiosity is not strongly correlated with personality traits. However religious people have slightly higher correlations with agreeableness, conscientiousness and honesty & humility.
- Has stronger relations with fairness and altruism.
-Altruism is restricted to religious group members only.
-Personality influences religiosity not the other way around.
-Negatively correlated with openness to experience ( even tho spirituality is positively correlated to openness to experience)
Study about: amazing apostates and amazing believers.
-Amazing apostates grew up in a religious household and don’t believe in religion due to unfactual things. Good at school etc.
-Amazing believers grew up in a household with non believers and went through a personality crisis. This comes from emotion, passion and strong need of community.
- results: non-religious people that were raised in religious households show higher openness to experience levels.
Religiosity-Mental ability
People with higher mental ability are slightly less religious.
Religiosity in developmental course
Mostly stays stable or might increase between young adulthood- middle age and decrease a little when become older.
Religiosity and life outcomes
- Religious people 25% less likely to die.
-Modest correlation between religiosity and life satisfaction ( more optimistic and have a bigger support system.
-Weak correlation with crime rates
-Religious people tend to have more kids.
3 related tendencies to Right-wing authoritianism
1-Conventionalism: strong adherence to norms endorsed by society and authorities
2-Authoritarian submission: obedience towards authorities perceive has legitimate.
3-Authoritarian regression: hostility toward people that are considered deviant deserving of punishment.
The Problems with the F-Scale
- Doesn’t actually measure the 3 tendencies.
-No reversed key items so you can’t neglect the acquisition bias.
The right-wing authoritarian scale improvements and interpretation
-Reversed key items were added
and focused on the right constructs.
-High score indicated with willingness to punish people and approval of restriction of civil liberties.
-Also means that one is more willing to favour the group that he belongs to.
Social dominance orientation
People differ in the preference of hierarchy, as opposed to equality in relations among social groups.
-Western cultures usually prefer to be equal rather than the hierarchy.
-Higher scores are associated with lower levels of support for policies, tendency to oppose multiculturalism and favour assimilation. Greater favourability toward exploration of animals.
Relation between right wing authoritarian and social dominance
-They have a positive moderate relationship.
-Right wing thinks world is not safe and their values are threatened
-High social dominance think that the world is competitive and resources should not be shared.
Social values dimension
1- Openness to Change(self direction, stimulation)- Conservation( conformity, tradition, security):
2-Self-enhancement (achievement-power) ; Self-Transcendence (universalism, benevolence)
-Conservation values are related to right wing authoritarian values
-Self- enhancement correlated to social dominance)
Social values correlation to personality
- Openness to experience is negatively correlated to right wing and conservation
-Honesty-Humility negatively related to social dominance and self-enhancement.
Developmental change in political attitudes
- Authoritarian values tend to stay stable but more details:
1-Tend to decrease during young adults years
2-Tend to decrease from collage years to 30’s
3-People who become parents have higher authoritarian values than their collage year s
4- People who don’t become parents have lower comparing to their collage years
5-Liberal art student have the biggest decline