WEEK 2: Ch: 3, 4 Flashcards
The Four “Humors “ theory
-Hippocrates based personality on 4 seasons 4 elements.
1-Snaginus (red): extroverted and stable (cheerfulness)
2-Cholericus (yellow): extroverted and unstable (causes anger)
3-Melancholicus (black): introverted and unstable (depression)
4-Phlegmatic (white): introverted and stable (calmness)
-Balance of the fluid determines someone’s personality
-can be categorized on two scales (extravert,intravort, stable, unstable)
Three somatoform types (body types= personality)
-Sheldon associated body types with intelligence, moral worth and future achievement.
A- Fat (endomorph): (most social,cheerful,relaxed)
B-muscly (mesomorph)(most competitive, dominnat, assertive)
C-skinny (ectomorph): nervous,shy, senistive, intellectual
MBTI : 16 types
1- Extraversion-Intraversion
2- Sensing vs Intuition
3-Thinking vs feeling
4-judging vs. perceiving
Enneagram (8 types)
reformer, helper, achiever, individualist, investigator, loyalist, enthusiast, challenger, peacemaker
Lexical Hypothesis
People will want to talk about personality traits that they think it’s important.
-Result: people will come up with new words. These words become available in every language over time
-Language personality lexicon contains all important words related to personality traits.
History of Lexical approach
1-Galton: first-attempt (realized some words in the dictionary overlap)
2-Baumgarten: undertook an inventory in German personality elated words.
3-Allport and Odbert: undertook an English inventory ( 4500 words describing people) excluded descriptive words.
4-Goldberg: created manageable lists 3584 words.
5-Raymond cattel: factor analysed the dictionary from all port and Odbert . Revelaed 12 factors. 35 variables.
6-Ernest Tupes and Raymond cristal: classified the 35 variables into 5.
7-Goldberg: The big five: individual differences are encoded in the language , the more important it is the more cultures have words for it.
Goldberg’s big five
4-emotional stability
5- intellect
Dutch lexical study
3- conscientiousness
4- emotional stability
5- Intellect/ spirit
B5 Inventories
2-Big Five Inventory 2
3-Big Five aspect scale
HEXACO Dimensions (Final)
1-Honesty-humility: fairness, honesty(differs from the B5 due to this trait)
2-Emotionality: oversensitive, vulnerable
3-Extraversion: outgoing, cheerfull
6-Openness to experience
(Engagement: extraversion, consciousness,opennes to experience
Altruism: Honesty&Humility,Emotionality, )
Difference between typology and dimensions?
1- Typology is a cluster , dimensions are continuum
2- Types are easier and more colorful than dimensions
3-dimensions are better reflection of reality.
Study based on NEO-PI-R : three clusters
1-Externalizing type: low ın agreeableness and consciountusness
2-Internalizing type: high on neuroticism low on extraversion
3-Resilient type: low on neuroticism high on extraversion, agreeableness, openness to experience and conscientouness
Outcomes of the cluster study :
1- People don’t perfectly fit in the clusters they are more spread.
2- HEXACO dimensions explain better than the clusters.
What proves the existence of HEXACO 6 traits
Lexical approach
across the entire population
across groups generations, individuals