Week 6 Pathways Du, Ren, PC, SJ, Lv, GB Flashcards
PC Primary
center of chest, connects with PC and descends through diaphragm to abdomen, passing through upper middle and L Jiao.
PC First Branch
runs from inside chest to emerge at costal region 3 cun inferior to anterior axillary fold near P1, arches over axilla and follows along antero-medial aspect of upper arm, between lung and Ht channels to cubital fossa of elbow at P3, descend forearm between the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis muscles to reach palm at P8, travels from palm along middle finger and terminates at tip, P9
PC 2nd Branch
arises from palm at P8 follows radial aspect of ring finger to its tip
PC primary connects with which zang fu?
PC channel meets with other channels at which point?
P 1
PC Luo
begins at p6, ascends along Pc primary to PC and then connects to heart
PC Divergent
separates from primary channel on arm, at level of point below axilla and 3 cun inferior to GB22, enters chest and communicates with 3 jiao, a branch ascends across throat to emerge behind ear to converge with SJ channel
SJ Primary
Begins at the ulnar aspect of the tip of the ring finger, runs between 4th and 5th metacarpal and dorsum of the hand. Travels up posterior aspect of forearm between radius and ulna between LI and SI channels. Traverses olecranon at SJ 10, continues posterolateral aspect of arm to shoulder where it intersects with SI channel at SI 12. Travels towards spine at UB 11 and DU 14. Ascends laterally to highest point of shoulder intersecting GB 21. Descends anteriorly to supraclavicular fossa at ST 12 and disperses midway between breast at Ren 17. Connects with PC and descends through diaphragm to abdomen at Ren 12 linking upper middle and lower jiao.
SJ First Branch
Separates at Ren 17, ascends to emerge from supraclavicular fossa, rise along neck to posterior aspect of the ear, circles behind ear at GB 11 to temples to intersect GB 6, 5, 4 and 14. Winds across cheek, intersects SI 18, ascends to inferior aspect of the eye.
SJ Second Branch
Separates behind ear, enters ear, emerges in front of ear to intersect SI and GB at SI 19 and GB 3, crosses previous branch on cheek to terminate at outer canthus at SJ 23 linking with GB 1
SJ Luo
Separates from primary at SJ 5, goes up posterior aspect of arm and over shoulder, converging with PC channel at chest.
SJ Divergent
Separates primary on the head and branches to the vertex, descends into supraclavicular fossa and across 3 jiao, disperses in chest.
SJ Primary Channel connects with what zhang fu?
SJ Primary channel meets with what other channels?
SI, Du, UB, GB, ST, Ren, PC
Hand Jueyin
Foot Jueyin
Foot Shaoyang
Hand Shaoyang
LV Primary
Originates at the lateral aspect of the dorsum of the big toe at LV1, runs to LV 4, 1 cun anterior to the medial malleolus, ascends along medial aspect of lower leg, intersects SP 6 then continues to ascend anterior to the SP channel to 8 cun above medial malleolus where it crosses and continues posterior to SP channel un the knee and medial aspect of thigh. Continues to pubic region at SP 12 and 13, encircles the genitals, ascends to enter lower abdomen where it intersects with CV2,3, 4. Continues up to curve around stomach before entering Liver and connecting with GB. Crosses diaphragm and spreads in costal and hypochondriac region. Ascends along neck to posterior aspect of throat and nasopharynx to link with tissues surrounding eyes. Ascend across forehead to vertex here it intersects with DU 20.
LV First Branch
Descends from eye system through cheek and encircles inner surface of lips.
LV Second Branch
Separates from Liver, crosses diaphragm and spreads in the Lung, meeting with PC 1.
LV Luo
Separates primary channel at LV 5 on medial aspect of lower leg, connects with GB channels, ascends to genitals.
LV Divergent
Separates primary channel on dorsum of foot, ascends to pubic region where it converges with GB primary channel.
The Liver channel connects with what Zangfu?
Lv, GB, Lu, ST
The liver channel meets with what other channels?
SJ, SP, Ren, PC, DU
GB Primary
Begins near the outer canthus at GB 1, crosses anterior portion of ear to GB 2 and ascends to upper border of zygomatic arch at GB3. Ascends to corner of forehead to GB 4-7 to region above the ear to meet SJ 22 and 20. Curves posteriorly across sides of head to corner of forehead at ST 8 and descends to supraorbital region at GB 14. Ascends and curves across the side of head to GB 20. Crosses top of shoulder to GB 21 and SJ 15 to meet at Du 14. Passes laterally to BL 11 and SI 12 then enters supraclavicular fossa at ST 12.
GB First Branch
Emerges behind eat at SJ 17, emerges in front of the ear and passes SI 19 and ST 7 to outer canthus. Descends to corner of Jaw near ST 5, crosses SJ channel to rise to infraorbital region and meets BL1. Descends to neck passing near ST6 and intersecting ST 9 to rejoin main channel at supraclavicular fossa. Descends into chest, meeting at PC 1, crosses diaphragm, connects with Liver and unites with GB. Continues along inside of ribs and emerges at inguinal region. Encircles the genitals, runs superficially along margin of pubic hair then enters deeply to emerge at sacral region where it meets bladder channel at Baliao and DU 1. Emerges on butt at GB 30.
GB Second Branch
Descends supraclavicular fossa to anterior aspect of axilla, passes through GB 22, 23, and 24. Intersects liver channel at LV 13, descends to hip joint to meet previous branch at GB 30, continues down lateral aspect of thigh and knee. Descends along lateral aspect of lower leg to anterior aspect of lateral malleolus. Follows dorsal surface of foot along groove between the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones to end on lateral side of tip of 4th toe at GB 44.
GB Third Branch
Separates on the foot to GB 41 and runs between first and second metatarsal bones to medial tip of big toe then through toenail to link with Liver Channel.
GB Luo
Separates from primary channel at GB 37, connects with Liver channel, descends and disperses over dorsum of the foot.
GB Divergent
Diverges from primary channel on thigh, enters pubic hairline where it converges with divergent channel of Liver, enters flank between lower ribs, connects with GB and spreads up to Liver, proceeds upwards across Heart and esophagus. Emerges at lower jaw, disperses in face, connects to eye and rejoins the GB primary channel at outer canthus.
GB Channel intersects with what Zangfu?
GB Liver
GB channel crosses what channels?
ST, SI, UB, SJ, Lv, DU
Ren Primary
Arises in uterus (female) lower abdomen (male) emergest at Ren 1
ascends along midline abdomen, chest, throat, jaw, terminates at Ren 24
Interior portion of channel winds around mouth, connects with Du and Du 28, and terminates below eye at ST 1
Ren Branch
arises in pelvic cavity, enters spine, ascends along back
Confluent point of Ren
LU 7
Ren Luo
Descends from Ren 15 and disperses over abdomen
Du Confluent point
SI 3
Du Primary
Originates lower abdomen and emerges at perineum
passes through Du 1, rruns posteriorly along midline of sacrum and interior of spinal column to Du 16 and nape of neck
enters brain
ascends to vertex Du 20
descends along midline to head and bridge of nose and philtrum at DU 26
terminates at junction of upper lip and gum
What are the meeting points of the Du and Ren
Ren 1 and Ren 24
Du first branch
originates lower abdomen
descends to genitals and perineum
winds around anus
ascends interior of spinal column
enters kidneys
Du second branch
lower abdomen
winds around external genitalia
ascends middle of umbilicus
passes through heart
ascends to throat
winds around mouth
ascends to below middle of eye
Du 3rd branch
BL 1
follows bladder channel bilaterally along forehead
bilateral branches converge at vertex and enter brain
single channel emerges at Du 16
divides again through BL 12 along either side of KD
Du Luo
arises Du 1
ascends bilaterally along sides of spine to nape and spreads over occiput
at the scapular region it connects with BL channel and threads through spine