Week 4 LU, LI, ST, SP Pathways Flashcards
Lung Main Pathway
Originates middle burner
Runs down to connect with LI
Ascends to ST and diaphragm and enters lungs
Ascends to throat, emerges at LU 1
Descends along medial aspect of arm to reach styloid process of radius, then to thenar eminence and ends at medial side of tip of thumb
Branch separates at LU 7 to LI 1
Lung Connecting Pathway
Separates LU channel at LU 7
Connects with LI channel
From LU 7 flows to thenar eminence where it scatters
Large Intestine Main Channel Pathway
Tip of index finger
Runs along radial side of index finger and up lateral-anterior aspect of arm
reaches shoulder at LI 15
Connects to DU 14 and descends to supraclavicular fossa to enter lungs
Ascends from supraclavicular to SCM muscle to cheek and enters gums of lower teeth
Curves around philtrum and crosses over to end at side of nose to link with ST channel
Large Intestine Connecting Channel Pathway
Starts LI 6
Branch connects to lung channel
From LI 6 branch runs along main channel on arm to shoulder, jaw, teeth.
From jaw, another branch enters ear
Stomach Channel Main Pathway
Starts beside nose at LI 20, ascends to medial canthus to meet BL1, descends to ST 1, descends to enter upper gum and curves to meet DU 28 and DU 26, circles around lips and meets REN 24 at chin, runs lateral across cheeks to ST 5 and ST 6, ascends passing ST 7 to GB3, ascends to hairline at ST 8 passing GB 6,5,4, follows hairline to meet DU 24
Stomach Connecting Channel Pathway
Starts ST 40
connects with SP channel
Branch runs along anterior border of the tibia to upper thing and abdomen, to top of head, converges with all other yang channels.
A branch separates from from the neck and goes forward to the throat
Spleen Channel Main Pathway
Starts from tip of big toe
Runs along medial aspect of foot and ascends to medial malleolus
Follows posterior aspect of tibia, passes knee and thing to enter abdomen
Enters spleen and stomach
Traverses diahphragm and esophagus. Ends at center of tongue
A branch goes through the diaphragm and links with the heart
Spleen Connecting Pathway
SP 4 links to ST channel
Another branch enters abdomen and connects with LI and ST
Stomach Divergent
Branches from primary channel in middle thigh, ascends to abdomen, travels to stomach and disperses in spleen, ascends to heart, ascends along esophagus and emerges at mouth, continues along nose to connect with eye and unite with primary ST channel.
ST First Branch
ST 5 descends along SCM in throat to enter ST 12
ST Second Branch
St 12 along mamillary line, 4 cun lateral on midline to ST 18, then passes 2 cun lateral on midline descending along umbilicus to ST 30
ST Third Branch
Originates pyloric orifice of stomach, descends within abdomen and meets previous portion of the channel at ST 30. Travels to ST 31 on aneriolateral aspect of the thigh, descends too femur and patella laterally to tibia and dorsum of foot terminating at tip of second toe ST 45
ST fourth branch
Separates from main channel at ST 36, 3 cun below knee, terminates at lateral aspect of middle toe.
ST fifth branch
Separates on dorsum of foot and ST 42 and terminates medical side of tip of big toe at SP 1
Spleen first branch
Ascends through diaphragm, runs along esophagus and spreads over lower surface of the tongue.
SP second branch
Ascends from the stomach, passes through the diaphragm, and flows to link with the heart.
Great Luo
Separates from primary channel at SP 21 on lateral aspect of chest, spreads through chest and lateral costal region, gathering the blood of the Luo-connecting channels of the whole body.
SP divergent
Branches from primary channel in middle of anterior thigh, follows ST divergent channel to through where it penetrates the tongue.
Lung Divergent
Diverges from lung primary at axilla and passes anterior to the Ht channel at the chest, connects with Lung and disperses in LI
Branch ascends from Lung, emerges at supraclavicular fossa, ascends across throat, and converges with LI channel
LI Divergent Channel
Separtaes from LI primary channel on hand, ascends arm to shoulder at LI 15
travels medially to spinal column
crosses supraclavicular fossa and descend to thorax, breast, lung, and LI
branch ascends from supra to throat and unites with LI primary channel