week 6 L1 Learning Flashcards
any enduring change in the way an organism responds based on it’s experience
Behaviourism/behaviour analysis
studies behaviour as a function of environmental influences
3 types of learning
Classical conditioning, operant conditioning and cognitive + social learning
a behaviour elicited automatically by an environmental stimulus
when repeated exposure to a stimulus decreases an organisms responsiveness to the stimulus- getting used to something
when exposure to a stimulus increases an organisms responsiveness to the stimulus
Habituation and sensitisation
non associative learning
Systematic desensitisation
Gradual progression of introducing the phobia to the organism until they no longer fear it
Stimulus generalization
a tendency for the conditioned response to be elicited by neutral stimuli that are similar but not identical to the conditioned stimulus
Stimulus discrimination
tendency for the conditioned response to be elicited only by stimuli that are very similar or identical to the conditioned stimulus
Repeated presentations of the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus will eventually eliminate the response
Spontaneous recovery
the reemergence of a previously extinguished conditioned response
why is classical conditioning adaptive
Biological preparedness- helps us to learn adaptive responses to stimuli that could kill us
Interstimulus interval
Usually the neutral stimulus needs to be presented very close in time to the unconditioned stimulus to create a conditioned stimulus
Forward conditioning
when the (NS) occurs before the (UCS)- most effective
Simultaneous conditioning
when the (CS) and (UCS) are presented at the same time
backward conditioning
the (UCS) is presented before the (CS)
Law of effect
responses that produce a satisfying outcome in a situation will be more likely to occur again in that situation
operant conditioning
focuses on behaviours that have some effect on the environment
Three term contingency
Antecedent, behaviour and consequence
Conditions that are in place when operant behaviour occurs
the function (consequence) that changes the likelihood that the behaviour will occur again
reinforcer or punisher- do these increase or decrease the likelihood of the behaviour occurring
refers to the process of delivering and observing increase likelihood of behaviour, increases the likelihood the behaviour will occur again
two types of reinforcer
primary (unconditioned) secondary (conditioned)
decreases the likelihood that the behaviour will occur again