What is ethnography
focus on ordinary social situation or events within a specific context
Holistic understanding
- understanding another ways of life from their perspective (or ones experiencing it)
- uncovering cognitive model or patterns of behavior
Values underpinning ethnography- culture
Behavior - patterns of group behaviors and customs, way of life and what it produces
Cognitive - consist of beliefs, knowledge and ideas that people use as they live
- where theyre coming from - where they live
- time, place, culturl beliefs, values, practice
eMIC - mics are usually inside a room - insider
emic vs etic view
EMIC - Insider:
ETIC - outsider
Emic advantage and disadvantage
- familiar/ has some knowledge of context
- share identity, language, experential knowledge
ADV: - access and acceptance
- trust and openness
- in depth generation of data
DISADV: - blurs understanding due to researchers familiarity
- role conflict
- influence of researchers perspective
eg: If you had to talk to someone who was the same race as you about a personal experience - emic
etic advantage and disadvantage
etic - outsider view, unfamiliar with context
objective understanding
access information that insider may not be privy to
- difficulty establishing trust and gaining access
- issues of misrepresentation
- cultural shock
eg: same thing but this time you have to go and talk to an indigenous person
types of ethnography
Critical ethnography
- systems of opression and domination of those in margnal positions or those with less power
- taken for granted assumptions that gude human behavior and interaction
- expose patterns of oppression and power that shapes women lives
- attend to intersecting impact of race, class, ethnicity, sexuality and others that sustain opression
- issues of health and aging as it relates to cultural beliefs, values and practice among racial groups
- disparity and inequities faced by racialized older adults
CIFAD - Can I Fall Asleep Doe?
different forms of ethnography
Classical - providing insight about a group/culture
Instituitional - focus on peoples everyday lives and how their lives are organized and coordinated by instituional forces
Focus - cultures and subcultures
Autoethnography - personal experience to understand cultural experience (narcissist much?)
Digital- online communit and culture