WEEK 11 Flashcards
what is commonly the componenent in mixed method studies
qualitatve descriptive approaches
reasons to use qualitative descriptive approach?
- to provide straightforward descriptions of experiences and perceptions
- particularly when little is known about the topic
- to identify participants perceptions as to why an intervention did/did not work and how it can be improved
- approach is often encouraged with master’s students
aligned with which theory?
constructionism and critical theories, pragmatism (where researcher is not aligned to one view of knowledge or one methodology)
methodology- sampling
- non prbability
- uses purposive sampling
- combination of approaches - snowball, opportunistic and convenience
- gold standar- data staturation and must report how it was achieved
methodology- data collection
semi structured, face to face interviews
focus groups, telephone interviews and online approaches
open ended free text responses in survey
methodology - data analysis
- inductive approach
- content and thematic analysis
- choice depends on aim of study
- immersion of researcher in analysis
- coding is inductive (emerge from data) or a priori (use of template)
- codes can in vivo (participants words) or names by researchers
range from minimal amount of interpretation to high levels of interpretation
extent of decription is ultimately determined by the focus of the study
- qualitative design lack scientific rigor associated with quantitative approaches
- not theory driven
- can be seen as quick fix for researchers
- thematic and content analysis is the easiest approaches to qualitativr
- lack of methodological rulebook to guide researchers
purpose and features of case studies
- to explore a phenomeneon or study idea or behavior of a group/individual
- uses a number of sources of data
- similar analysis techniques as other methods:
. Codes and categories
. Descriptions
. Develops typologies/ generates theoretical ideas
types of case studies
- single instrumental case stude
- collective/multiple
- intrinsic
reseasrhes selects on bound case to illustrate the issue
researcher selects multiple cases to illustrate the issue
researcher focuses on the case itself
types of MMR
- sequential
- concurrent
- transformative
reason for conducting MMR
- look at phenomena
- satisy grant issuing bodies
- used for clinical/practice situation - add a human dimension, push through policy changes