3 main types of sampling strategies
covinience, network and purposive
does qualitative have a power analysis?
how is sample size determined
by research method (phenomenology vs grounded)
I Peed in Front Of a Roast Turkey
self report for data collection in qualitiative
Interview - focus group
photo voice
field notes
records of available data
terms - social desirability bias, concealment, reacivity, research bias
how is the interview structured?
- open ended and starts with a grand tour question (question that gives complex responses)
- prompts or additional questions presrnt that are based on what is considered important to the researcher in terms of what they want to know and if not answered, will be asked in a neutral way
semi structured vs non structured interview
think of it as if youre kinda dumb, youll need a guide to assess the question youre going to ask therefore semi-structured interview
If the gods blessed you with intelligence, you would store everything in your brain and would not require a guide, therefore non-structured
can a focus group be used for just an individual?
why do researchers audio tape the interview?
to capture the participants exact words (you dont wanna be caught lacking)
do you need consent to record the audio in an interview
what if someone denies consent to be audio recorded?
take notes after the interview and hope that you’re brain caught all the information
what is transcribed verbatim mean?
to capture recordings word for word
what else should the data collection section include?
informed consent, length of interview
advantage of face to face and telephone interviews over questionnaires?
- rate of response is likely better
- respondents unlikely to leave or refuse to continue and interview in person or in phone, but in questionnaires they can leave whenever (its giving abandonment issues )
- advantage if person is blind or illiterate
- you know who youre talking to when youre on the phone or face to face but in a questionnaire could be another person
- misunderstood questions are clarifies
- order of questions are controlled but in a questionnaire you can answer the 1 st question and then the 10th question and would impact answers
- can be conducted in a group
social desirability bias
- informant changes their reality to be percieved as more desirable socially (people pleaser much?)
- informant is not true to themselves (self deception)or to other (other - deception)
interview guided by photographs and is empowering to individuals