what is phenomenology
focus on understanding human experince or lived experience of people
purpose of phenomenology
seeks to make sense of peoples experience - how phenomenon is perceived - felt, judged and remebered, made sense of anf spoken about
how can you capture phenomenon?
in depth interviews
is phenomenology a positivist assumption?
what is bracketing?
- bracketing used to expose biases and assumptions
- assumption that researchers can seperate personal knowledge about a topic from their experience
phenomenological methods
- Descriptive - to provide rich and detail description
- Interpretive - move from description towards understanding and searching for relationship (lonely ass)
- Hermenutics - focus on interpreting a phenomenon or meaning making
I Ate Dusty Rats
Phenomenological reduction or bracketing steps
Intuiting - remain open to meanings attributed to phenomenon by those who have experienced it (basically just listening and shutting the fuck up)
Analyzing - extracting significant statement, making sense of the meanings and reporting themes (psychoanalyzing someone after you stfu)
Describing - occurs when researches comes to understand and define the phenomenon
Reflexivity - bracketing achieved through journaling of ones own conceptions (you wanna talk, write it instead but still do stfu)
remember DIH=DIE, were talking about I
Interpretive phenomenology
- here you actually dont stfu
- youre trying to fill in the gaps of knowledge you have (which is not a lot) with the other person so there is no bracketing
- more on human experience through personal preconception to understand key meanings
Hermeneutic circle
- interpretation is not a linear process
- a back and forth iterative movement
- understanding enhance through interactive process
Descriptive or phenomenon?
1.decribe the nature of a phenomenon
2.to interpret/ understang meaning of a phenomenon
3.nature of experience
4.meaning of experience
5.no bracketing
- descriptive
- interpretive
- descriptive
- interpretive
- interpretive
- descriptive
Process of conducting a phenomenological research
Identifying a phenomenon of interest –> structuring the study —> data gathering —> data analysis —> describing finding
Identifying a phenomenon
- people who have firsthand experience of an event/situation
- issues common to everyday exstance of people
- centered on live experience as starting point of the research
Structure of the study
- guided by question that relates to human experience
- bracketing used - set aside personal biases when engaging with participants, allows to pursue interest of participants
- identify personal biases about phenomenon of interest
- clarifying and documenting personal experince and beliefs
sample to begin with
usually small - 3-8 people
data gathering
- oral data, in depth conversation
- open ended questions to guide participants
- researcher probes for clarification and insight - transcript or written records can be clarified with researcher
- data saturation - guide decision when not enough data is collected