Week 6 Flashcards
What are the functions of the foot and ankle?
What are the structures of the medial column of the foot?
What are the structures of the lateral column of the foot?
Where do you palpate for the navicular?
Where do you palpate for the cuboid?
What structures can also be assessed with surface palpation of navicular, cuboid, and talus?
What is a ray?
What are the joints of the foot/ankle complex?
What joints are a part of the hindfoot?
distal tiobiofemoral joint
Talocrural joints
Subtalar joints
What type of joint is the proximal and distal tibiofibular?
What are the motions of the talocrural joints?
What are the structures of the subtalar joint?
Explain the hind foot joint motions in WB
Explain the hind foot joint motions in NWB
What are the structures of the mid foot?
What are the joints of the forefoot?
MTP joints
PIP joints
DIP joints
In the forefoot, describe supination
In the forefoot, describe pronation
Explain metatarsal break
Would a metatarsal break occur?
What are the weight distribution forces on the talus, MT heads, and calcaneus?
Describe the plantar arches
What are the functions of the arches?
What are the ligaments of the medial longitudinal plantar arch?
What is this?
What happens to the arches in response to downward forces?
Which muscles maintain the transverse arch?
Give an example of a specific force the transverse arches manages
Which mussels increase longitudinal arch stiffness?
Provide examples of muscles that support the longitudinal arch
Label and explain function
Which muscle increases longitudinal arch stiffness when it increases in tension?
Explain the longitudinal arch loading system
What happens when the spring is overstretched?
How does the achilles tendon affect the arch?
What is plantar fasciitis?
What is the role of plantar aponeurosis?
What increases tension in the plantar fascia during WB and NWB?
What is the windless test?
What is the plantar aponeurosis and the windlass effect?
What are the effects on the longitudinal arch stiffness during the lowest arch, a raised arch, and the highest arch?
Assess a single leg stand (CKC), what muscles would produce forces to aid in frontal plane pelvic stability?
glute med
Adductor magnus
During hip extension and external rotation, what ligament would be most taught?
Does the coxofemoral joint produce flexion/extension, adduction/abduction, and external/internal rotation?
A patient comes in with right hip pain. You assess their single-leg stance on the right, and notice lateral trunk lean toward the stance leg. What effect does this compensation have on hip joint reaction forces?
It decreases forces by reducing the moment arm of body weight
Assess glute medius during side lying hip abduction. The maximum force takes place at approximately (___) degrees of hip abduction due to optimal length-tension relationship.
25 degrees
If a patient has a positive Trendelenburg sign. How would the gluteus medius muscle on the stance limb be affected?
lengthened and weak
A patient had a CVA. They present with high muscle tone and positive CNS symptoms. How can hydrotherapy help the patient?
Warm water helps to relax the neuromuscular system
What type of condition at the coxofemoral joint cause bending forces to be decreased, and joint reaction forces to be increased
coxa valga
Assess the arthrokinematics of the hip joint. What external manual forces would produce the greatest functional return in hip extension needed for stepping backwards?
anterior glide of the femur
A patient is submerged in water to their neckline. Their feet are not in contact with an underwater surface. What area of the lower quarter would experience the most increase in hydrostatic pressure forces?
ankle area
Which option does the adductor muscle group of the thigh NOT produce: 1) Varum moment in the absence of a medial counterforce. 2) Creates a valgum moment in the absence of a lateral counterforce
1) Creates a varum moment in the absence of a medial counterforce
A morbidly obese patient presents with an onset of left hip pain, particularly when walking and climbing stairs. What would explain the effects of obesity on the biomechanics of the hip joint?
The bending moment at the femoral shaft will be increased due to obesity.
A patient presents with low back pain. They display significant anterior pelvic tilt. What muscle imbalance is most likely related to this deviation?
Tight erector spinae
lengthened glute max
What is the condition that causes the moment arm for hip abductors to be decreased and the knees assume a knocked in position?
Coxa Valga
What condition of the knee is related to genu varum and genu valgum?
Genu varum - coxa valga
Genu valgum - coxa varum