Week 1 Flashcards
Give examples of connective tissue structures
Joint capsules
Adipose tissue
Give examples of connective tissue types
1) bone:
Compact, spongy
2) cartilage:
Hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage
3) connective tissue proper:
A) Loose:
Areolar, adipose, reticular
B) Dense:
Regular, irregular, elastic
What is the function, location and cellular description of adipose CT?
Protects and insulates, stores fat
Location & cellular description:
Beneath skin, around kidneys, behind eyes, on surface of heart, cells in fluid-gel like matrix
What is the function, location and cellular description of areolar CT?
binds organs
Location & cellular description:
Beneath skin, surrounding organs, cells in fluid-gel like matrix
What is the function, location and cellular description of blood?
Transports gases, defends against disease, acts in clotting
Location & cellular description:
Throughout the body in close system of blood vessels and heart chambers, cells and platelets in fluid matrix
What is the function, location and cellular description of bone?
Supports and protects, provides framework
Location & cellular description:
Bones of skeleton and in middle ear, cells in solid matrix
What is the function, location and cellular description of cartilage?
1) Cartilage (supports and protects)
2) elastic cartilage (provides flexible framework)
3) fibrocartilage (absorbs shock)
4) hyaline cartilage (provides framework)
Location & cellular description:
1) cells in solid-gel like matrix
2) external ears, part of larynx
3) between bony parts of spinal column, parts of pelvic girdle, and knee
4) ends of bones, nose, and rings in respiratory passage walls
What is the function, location and cellular description of dense irregular CT?
Sustains body parts
Location & cellular description:
Dermis, cells in fluid-gel like matrix
What is the function, location and cellular description of dense regular CT?
Binds body parts
Location & description:
Tendons, ligaments, cells in fluid-gel like matrix
What is the function, location and cellular description of elastic CT?
Provides elasticity
Location & description:
Connects parts of spinal column, also in walls of arteries and airways, cells in fluid-gel like matrix
What is the function, location and cellular description of reticular CT?
Provides support
Location & description:
Walls of liver and spleen, cells in fluid-gel like matrix
What is the location and function of fibroblast?
In tendon, ligament, skin, bone
Creates mostly Type I Collagen
What is the location and function of chondroblast?
Fibroblast found in cartilage
Produces mostly Type II Collagen
What is the location and function of osteoblast?
Fibroblast found in bone
Produces Type I Collagen and Hydroxyapatite (responsible for bone regeneration)
What is the location and function of osteoclast?
Found in bone
Responsible for bone resorption
Define extracellular matrix (ECM)
It is the non-cellular component
present within all tissues and organs and provides not only essential physical scaffolding for the cellular constituents but also initiates crucial biochemical and biomechanical cues that are required for tissue morphogenesis, differentiation, and
What is the arrow pointing to?
Ground substance (it is high in water content)
What are the components of the ECM? What is it primarily for?
▪ Primary factor required in forming a new network of tissue.
Contains water, and a mixture of various proteins
▪ Critical in rehabilitation and
regeneration of various types of
connective tissue structures.
▪ ECM can include the following:
1. Collagen 2. Proteoglycans 3. Elastin 4. Aggrecan
Define collagen
Building block to connective tissue regeneration after injury.
- Over 28 types of collagen in the human body.
- Only 4 predominate in the make-up of connective tissues:
1. Type 1-Most common in the body. Greatest tensile strength of all collagen. (95% of compact bone is made up from this)
2. Type 2-Found in discs and cartilage. Places with high compressive forces
3. Type 3-Activated immediately after injury. Converts to Type 1. - Areas that withstand high turnover (tensile forces)
4. Type 4-Found primarily in the basil membrane of the skin.
Label the structures
A) loose CT
B) Fibrous CT
C) Adipose tissue
D) Cartilage
E) Bone
F) Blood
What is the structure
Crimp: wave like formation of collagen
Define proteoglycans
1. Water binding—Carry negative charge and draws water for hydration
- Gives infrastructure necessary to withstand compression
▪ Contains approximately 100 glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)
Define aggrecan
it is a type of proteoglycan found in cartilage
▪ Contains chondroitin sulfate and keratin sulfate
Define elastin
important features:
* Second most abundant component
found in ECM.
* Uncoils and recoils when forces are presented or removed from a structure.
* Tissues that have more “give” contain
more elastin than collagen
* Cross-links expand during stretch
creating more pliability with force
* Found in high content in the dermis of the skin, and arteries
What test can be done to check elastin’s functionality?
turgor test:
Pinch skin and release to check if it returns to normal (abnormal, skin remains elevated after being released)
Explain the stretched/relaxed states of elastin
Elastin polypeptide chains are cross-linked together to form rubberlike, elastic fibers.
Each elastin molecule uncoils into a more extended conformation when the fiber is stretched and recoils spontaneously as soon as the stretching force is relaxed.
what are ligaments made of? What’s their properties? How does it respond to rehab?
▪ 90% Type 1 collagen; ~5% dry weight elastin composition
▪ Highly resistive to tensile forces
▪ Collagen oriented in various crosslinks that create stability in withstanding forces from multiple directions
▪ Response to Rehabilitation:
Successful ligamentous treatment interventions incorporate multidirectional loading and challenge.
what are tendons made of? What’s their properties? How does it respond to rehab?
▪ 65-85%- Type I collagen-high resistive capacity to tensile forces; ~1-2% dry weight elastin makeup.
▪ Can rupture if exposed to: Corticosteroids, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, dialysis, and chronic loading without adequate recovery periods
▪ Response to Rehabilitation:
Tendons are treated successfully with progressive tensile loading programs
Label the structures
1) muscle fiber
2) blood vessels
3) perimysium
4) epimysium
5) fascicle (wrapped by perimysium)
6) endomysium
7) sharpey’s fibers
8) epitendon
9) endotendon
10) endotendon
11) collagen micro fibrils
12) tropocollagen
What is the structure?
Tendon, dense regular CT
When the phase of rehab intends to reduce pain, what is the treatment approach?
isometrics in mid range
Reduce compressive load and use of SSC Ibuprofen (if reactive)
When the phase of rehab intends to improve strength, what is the treatment approach?
heavy slow resistance training in non compressive position
When the phase of rehab intends to build functional strength, what is the treatment approach?
progress strength work into more functional tasks.
Treat movement dysfunction
When the phase of rehab intends to increase power, what is the treatment approach?
reduce reps but increase speed of muscle contraction to build power
When the phase of rehab intends to develop stretch-shortening-cycle (SSC), what is the treatment approach?
introduce plyometrics +/- graded return to running
When the phase of rehab intends to be sport specific, what is the treatment approach?
add drills specific to requirements of sport
When the phase of rehab is maintenance, what is the approach?
To maintain optimal tendon health:
Continue strength work
Gradually increase in loading
Avoid training error
After 8 weeks of immobilization, how are tendons and ligaments affected?
they can lose 50% of their tensile strength due to loss of collagen protein
Label these
A) normal ligament
B) ligament regenerating after 6 weeks worth of healing
What is this procedure?
Deep tendon massage
When can stability and alignment be fully restored?
when the structure regenerates fully at a cellular level
What are the 3 types of cartilage?
Hyaline cartilage
Elastic cartilage
What is the composition of cartilage? What is the rehab response?
▪ 90% type II collagen
▪ Avascular; hence depends on synovial fluid for nourishment
▪ High Proteoglycan (PG)
▪ Response to Rehabilitation: Cartilage responds best to cyclical and repetitive moderate compressive forces.
What are the layers of cartilage?
◼ Zone 1 = fibers are
parallel to surface
◼ Zone 2 = random fibers,
permits deformation:
High concentration
proteoglycans(PGs) and
◼ Zone 3 = random fibers,
secure superficial layers
to calcified cartilage
◼ Zone 4 = calcified layer
adjacent to subchondral
bone, anchors cartilage
to bone
Label the structures
1) joint surface
2) zone I (synovial fluid is secreted out of cartilage into joint space)
3) zone II (synovial fluid goes from zone II to zone I)
4) zone III
5) zone IV
6) transitional stratum
7) radiate stratum
8) tidemark (separates unclassified bone in zone III from calcified bone in zone IV)
9) calcified cartilage
10) cancellous bone
Define tidemark
the interface between uncalcified zone 3 (radial zone) and zone 4 (calcified cartilage) and is related to growth, aging, injury, and healing
What are the compositions of bone?
1) cancellous bone (spongy): inner layer which contains trabeculae
Trabeculae: thin columns/plates of bone that regenerate from the inside out
2) cortical bone (hard): outer layer
Sharpey’s fibers
Highly innervated and vascularized
Which aspect of the bone is more vascularized?
epiphysis is more vascularized and has more cancellous bone
Diaphysis has yellow bone marrow (mostly adipose cells) and more cortical bone
Define sharpey’’s fibers
root of a tendon that anchors it into the bone (it’s continuous with the periosteum of the bone)
All 3 are spongy bone
1) 32 yo
2) 72 yo
3) 81 yo
Define wolff’s law
Every change in the form and function of bones, or of their function alone, is followed by certain definite changes in their internal architecture and equally definite secondary alteration in their external conformation, in accordance with mathematical laws
1) ligament
2) articulating bone
3) synovial fluid
4) articular cartilage
5) articulating bone 2
6) fibrous capsule
7) synovial membrane
What is the structure of a joint capsule?
▪ 90% Type I collagen; High water content
▪ Characteristic of all Synovial Joints
▪ Negative pressure vacuum system that creates a counterforce to external forces (stabilizes joints against gravitational pull downward)
▪ Houses joint receptors responsible for proprioception and limb spatial awareness
What are some examples of joint receptors?
- Ruffini—Stretch receptor; especially at extremes of extension
▪ Located on the flx. side of the joint capsule; near ligaments and tendons - Pacini or pacini-form—compression or changes in hydrostatic pressure and jt mvt.
▪ Deeper layers of jt capsule - Golgi-Mazzoni—Pressure and forceful jt motion into extremes of motion
▪ Within the synovium of jt. capsule - Unmyelinated free nerve endings—noxious or non-noxious mechanical stress
▪ Located around blood vessels and fat pads
Where does the synovial fluid come from?
Lubricin is created by the pumping
mechanism of the joint capsule during movement.
▪ More movement, more synovial fluid production.
What is the role of associated joint structures?
Aid in joint congruency, minimizing
compressive/loading forces, increases
stability or facilitates motion
▪ Menisci-fibrocartilage and 70-80% water content
▪ Labrums—Assist with congruence,
stability; mostly proximal limb joints
▪ Discs—Large proteoglycan content 65-90% water
What are the degrees of freedom Of a joint? What are the axis points?
1) Synarthrosis (no movement)
2) Amphiarthrosis (slight movement)
3) Diaarthrosis (free movement)
Axis points:
1) Uniaxial
2) Biaxial
3) Triaxial
Give examples of diarthrosis joints and list the types
1) Ball & socket:
Flexion/extension, abd/add, axial rotation, circumduction
Ex: hips, shoulders
2) eliipsoid:
Flexion/extension, abd/add, circumduction
Ex: wrist
3) hinge:
Ex: knee, elbow
4) flat joint:
Flexion/extension, axial rotation
Ex: wrist
5) saddle joint: flexion/extension, add/adb, circumduction
Ex: thumb
6) pivot:
Axial rotation
Ex: radioulnar
List the type of joint
1) ball & socket
2) pivot
3) condyloid
4) gliding
5) saddle
6) hinge
How do you distinguish joint types?
By Structure
➢Syndesmoses, and Gomphoses
Synchondrosis (growth plates)
Symphysis (IVD, Pubic symphysis)
Has Specific Characteristics
Highly moveable areas of the body
What are some examples of uniaxial joints?
hinge joint (humeroulnar)
Pivot joint (proximal radioulnar)
What are some examples of biaxial joints?
condyloid joint (radiocarpal joint)
Saddle joint (first carpometacarpal joint)
What are some examples of triaxial joints?
plane joint (intercarpal joint)
Ball and socket joint (hip joint)
What does osteokinematics vs arthrokinematics describe?
Osteokinematics describes the motion of the longest part (shaft) of the bone
(Planes of motion and axis)
Arthrokinematics describes what is happening inside the joint capsule at the distal ends of articulating bones.
describe open vs closed chain
1) Distal-on-proximal segment kinematics (open chain);
◦ Distal end of limb or extremity is free to move
2) Proximal-on-distal segment kinematics (closed chain)
◦ Distal extremity is fixed on another surface or object
What are the arthokinematic joint motions?
Rolling: Multiple points along one rotating articular surface contact multiple points on another articular surface
Sliding: A single point, Multiple points
Spinning: A single point, a single point
- Glide: a Combination of rolling and slide b/w two incongruent joint surface
List end feel types
Soft Tissue Approximation
Is the covex/concave understanding a rule or law?
rule, that is generally true under particular conditions
What is the concave/convex rule?
1) convex rule:
Convex surface moves on a STABLE concave surface; the convex surface moves in a direction OPPOSITE to the direction of the shaft of the bony lever.
2) concave rule:
Concave surface moves on a fixed convex surface, the concave surface moves in the SAME directions as the bony lever.
What type of motion is in figure A and B?
A) convex on concave:
Distal end of the bone moves in opposite direction opposed to the shaft (Roll & slide in opposite direction)
B) concave on convex:
Distal end of the bone moves in the same direction opposed to the shaft (roll and slide in the same direction)
how does rolling differ in the convex/concave rule?
in both convex and concave, roll is always in the same direction as the shaft of the moving bone
When is osteoporosis/arthrokinematics concepts applies?
- Assessing movement by observation only; prediction/hypothesizing (osteokinematics)
- Pathology Correction via manual therapy (arthrokinematics)
- Exercise prescription Ex. LAQ, quad setting relation to an open chain activity. (osteokinematics)
- Joint play and end feel assessment of soft tissue (arthrokinematics)
How are osteokinematics and arthrokinematics assessed?
▪ Osteokinematics describes movement of long bones through planes of motion or visual movements that we can observe in our patients. These will usually indicate where our patients have too little motion (hypomobility) or too much motion (hypermobility).
▪Arthrokinematics are motions felt by passive end feels or joint play that cannot be reproduced voluntarily by our patients. They occur between two joint surfaces within a joint capsule.
What is the approach of applying convex/concave rule?
- First—observe activity as being either OKC or CKC to determine which bony segment is moving on the other. This is relative.
- Second—Identify the anatomy of the structure that is the primary mover. Is the articulating and moving structure convex or concave-shaped?
- Third—Apply either the concave or convex Rule to determine the direction of your glide.
List phases of rehab in order
1) reduce pain
2) improve strength
3) build functional strength
4) increase power
5) develop SSC
6) sport specific
Lastly maintenance
which protein molecules produce muscle shortening?
actin and myosin