Week 6 Flashcards
*1-2: Birth & Early Life
3-7: Ministry Begins
8-13: Miracles,Parables,Opposition
14-25: Journey to Jerusalem/Final teachings
26-28: Passion, Death, Resurrection.
1:1-13 - Introduction
1:14-8:26 - Galilean Ministry (The Lord in Strength)
8:27-10 - Journey to Jerusalem (New Exodus)
11-13 - Ministry in Jerusalem
14-15 - Passion of Christ
16 - Resurrection
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Creation?
Genesis 1-2
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the Fall?
Genesis 3
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the Flood?
Genesis 6-9
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the attempted construction of the Tower of Babel?
Genesis 11
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of God’s promise to Abraham? When was it?
Genesis 12; c. 1900 BC
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the sign of the Abrahamic Covenant?
Genesis 17
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Jacob’s wrestling with the angel? Where was it?
In Genesis 32, Jacob wrestled with the angel at Peniel.
Where (book and chapters) do you find the account of the Exodus? When was it?
Exodus 5-15; c. 1450 BC
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the fall of Jericho?
Joshua 6
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the anointing of David? When was it?
1 Samuel 16; c. 1050 BC
Where (book and chapter) do you find the Davidic Covenant?
2 Samuel 7; Psalm 89
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the dedication of the first Temple? When did it happen?
1 Kings 8 and 2 Chronicles 6; c. 1000 BC
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the division of the Kingdom? When did it happen?
1 Kings 12 and 2 Chronicles 10; c. 950 BC
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the Exile? When did it happen?
Deportations: 2 Kings 24
Fall of Jerusalem: 2 Kings 25
c. 586 BC
Israel - 2 Kings 17 C. 722 BC
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the return from the Exile? When was it?
Ezra 1; c. 535 BC
What is the ordo salutis?
Ordo Salutis means order of salvation. This is a logical order, not necessarily chronological. (Romans 8)
-Election - eph 1
-Effectual Calling (WCF 10),Rom. 8:30
o 2 Cor. 5:17
- Faith and Repentance (WCF 14) Mk. 1:15
-Justification (WCF 11)Gal 2:16
-Adoption (WCF 12) Gal. 4:4-5
-Sanctification (WCF 13) Rom 6:4
-Perseverance (WCF 17) Phil. 1:6
-Glorification (WCF 32) Rom. 8:30
How would you explain the plan of salvation to an unbeliever?
Man’s Sinned
God is Holy
Christ’ Saves
Our response
Define and defend (including Scripture proofs) the doctrine of “effectual calling.”
Effectual calling is God’s gracious work of calling his elect out of sin and death by means of convincing them to trust in Christ and to be saved by the renewing power of the Holy Spirit.
- Rom. 8:30
On what is God’s decision to call a certain person based?
His decision to call certain people is based upon his own eternal counsel of his will…AND GRACE!
* Eph. 1:11
- Eph 2:8
How can infants be ‘called’?
Elect infants can be called upon death in that they are regenerated and saved by the Holy Spirit all because God has the right to elect anyone to salvation that he wants.
Lk. 18:15-16 (also Mt. 18) Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.
Can anyone not called by the Spirit be saved? Explain and defend (include Scripture proofs).
No. Only those effectually called by the Spirit may be saved even though some may be called to respond to the gospel but are not elected and thus never saved.
Mt. 7:21-23
Is Jesus really the only way of salvation? Explain and defend (include Scripture proofs).
Yes. Jesus is the only way of salvation because he is the only way God has provided to reconcile our relationship back to him. He is both God and man. He is both Judge and the One who was judged for our sins. Apart from him we all remain dead in our sins and stuck under God’s wrath. Our ignorance of him is no excuse because our sins have forfeited our lives before the Holy God
Jn. 14:6
What about those who never had the chance to hear about Jesus?
Those who have not heard of Christ are still condemned but not for their ignorance of Christ but for their sin. We are not condemned for ignorance but for our willful rejection of God.
o Rom. 1:21
What about the sincere Buddhist (or Muslim, or Unitarian)?
While their sincerity and good deeds are commended by God - Jesus is the only way to God, therefore, they will be judged for their sins before God if they don’t accept Christ because God can’t accept someone who has rejected him.
Isa 64:6
Define and defend (include Scripture proofs) the doctrine of “justification.”
WSC Q. 33. What is justification?
A. Justification is an act of God’s free grace, wherein he pardoneth all our sins, and accepteth us as righteous in his sight, only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, and received by faith alone.
Justification is God’s gracious act of pardoning our sins and declaring us as righteous before him because of the righteousness of Jesus that is imputed to us by faith only.
* Gal 2:16
What is the basis of justification?
The basis of justification is the active (righteous life of Christ) and passive (death for sin) obedience of Jesus Christ and his righteousness imputed to us.
Double imputation - we receive Christ’s righteousness, Christ receives the punishment for our sin. 2 Cor 5:21
Explain this statement: “Faith alone saves, but saving faith is never alone.”
Faith (trust) saves us apart from works but once we are saved by faith, works should naturally proceed.
* James 1 be doers of the word
* James 2 faith without works is dead.
* Eph. 2:10
When is a Christian justified?
WSC 29. How are we made partakers of the redemption purchased by Christ?
A. We are made partakers of the redemption purchased by Christ, by the effectual application of it to us by his Holy Spirit.
What happens when a Christian sins after being justified?
Because justification is irrevocable (an one-time ACT of God’s free grace), the Christian who sins is still righteous in God’s sight however they will endure consequences, discipline, and pain until they repent from their sin and continue to walk in newness of life.
How were believers justified under the old covenant?
Believers under the Old Covenant were still justified in Christ by their faith in the “promises, types and sacrifices” given them by God that pointed to his coming (i.e. seed of Eve, Paschal Lamb, sacrificial system in general, etc.).
Define and defend (including Scripture proofs) the doctrine of “adoption.”
WSC Q. 34. What is adoption?
A. Adoption is an act of God’s free grace, whereby we are received into the number, and have a right to all the privileges of, the sons of God.
Adoption is God’s gracious act of making us his children with all its blessings because of Christ.
* ***Eph. 1:5
Define and defend (including Scripture proofs) the doctrine of “sanctification.”
WSC Q. 35. What is sanctification?
A. Sanctification is the work of God’s free grace, whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the image of God, and are enabled more and more to die unto sin, and live unto righteousness.
Sanctification is God’s gracious work of conforming his elect to his image in putting sin to death and enabling them to live righteously by means of the Holy Spirit.
* Rom. 6:4
Can anyone become perfect (completely sanctified) in this life? Defend (include Scripture proofs).
No. Sanctification occurs throughout the whole person but isn’t complete until resurrection.
* Rom. 7:22-23
How is a man called to office in the church?
Chapter 16
* Called by God the Holy Spirit
o Confirmed by inward testimony (good conscience)
o Confirmed by outward testimony (approval of God’s people)
o Confirmed by the lawful court of the Church
What is a candidate? What is required to become a candidate?
Chapter 18
* Man who:
o Is a member of the church
o In full communion
o Believes he wants to preach the gospel
o Submits under the care of the Presbytery during his training
* Must put himself under care
* Must receive endorsement of Session:
* Must be a member of the church of the Presbytery he seeks to go under care within for at least 6 months
* Must file to go under care at least 1 month before Presbytery meets
* Must go before Presbytery and give:
o (a) Personal Christian experience
o (b) Motives for seeking ministry
* Must vow to:
o (a) Maintain a faithful character
o (b) Be diligent in ministry
o (c) Submit to Presbytery care
What is a licentiate?
Chapter 19
A licentiate is a man (teaching elder, ruling elder, candidate, other) who has been:
* Examined
* Permitted to preach regularly
* Cannot administer sacraments
In what areas is a prospective licentiate examined?
Chapter 19
* Ministry experience
* Inward call
- Written and/or oral exams:
o Bible Content
o Theology (WCF, Catechisms)
o Church Government (BCO) - Oral exam regarding any difference stated in three above exams
- Written sermon presented orally
What is internship?
Chapter 19
Internship is the name for the trial commanded in Scripture of anyone who seeks to be a minister of the Word.
This “trial-internship” ought to:
* Be at least 1 year
* Test the gifts and abilities of such ministry
* Give the church a way of discerning who will be admitted to such ministry
* Ought to do all kinds of practical ministry
* Can do funerals
* Can serve as a temporary chair of a session overseen by a moderator
* Cannot administer sacraments
What steps must a church take in calling a pastor?
Chapter 20
* Session calls a congregational meeting and congregation elects a pulpit committee
* Pulpit committee searches and proposes a candidate
* At the next congregational meeting a vote occurs after the prayer
* Near unanimous vote leads to the moderator drawing up a call for the pastor
In what areas must a candidate for ordination be examined?
Chapter 21, 23
* Experiential religion (esp. personal character, family management)
* Greek and Hebrew
* Exams
o Bible
o Theology
o Government (principles and rules)
o Sacraments
o History (Ancient, Reformed, PCA)
* Theological paper
* Exegetical paper
* Sermon
* List of differences that must be deemed semantic or non-vital to the faith
What vows must he take?
Chapters 21, 23
1. Scripture
o Believe Scripture is the inerrant and infallible rule of faith and practice?
2. Confession/Catechisms
o Receive and adopt the Confession and Catechisms with a promise to notify if views change?
3. BCO
o Approve of the PCA church government in the BCO?
4. Submission to others
o Promise to submit to brothers?
5. Love for God and Mission
o Is your seeking of ministry from your love for God and for your desire for his glory and gospel to go forth?
6. Faithful in truths
o Promise to be faithful to the truths of the gospel and the purity, peace, and unity of Church no matter what suffering might come?
7. Faithful in actions
o Will you faithfully exercise your call as minister personally, privately, publically, and by example?
8. Charge as Pastor
o Willing to take the charge of this church as pastor?
Who has the final say in establishing or dissolving a pastoral relationship?
Chapters 21, 23
The presbytery
How may a pastoral relation be dissolved?
Chapters 21, 23
* Pastor initiates (Presbytery must approve from the church after congregational meeting)
* Church initiates (Presbytery must approve from the church after congregational meeting)
o Session
o Individuals
What is the difference between an associate pastor and an assistant pastor?
Chapter 22
* Associate pastor = elected by congregation, member of Session (DTR by congregation)
* Assistant pastor = elected by session, not member of session (DTR by Session)
What steps must be followed in electing ruling elders or deacons?
Chapter 24
* Communing members in good standing nominate male members who conform to 1 Tim. 3 and Tit. 1
* Those nominated are instructed in the qualifications and work of the offices
* Session will declare a congregational meeting at least 30 days in advance for a vote
* All communing members in good standing may vote
* Majority vote elects those eligible to office
In what areas is a nominee to be examined? (Elders/Deacons)
Chapter 24
* Christian experience (personal character, family management)
* Bible Content
* BCO, WCF, Catechisms
* Duties of the office
* Willingness to vow