PCA Sacraments Baptism Flashcards
What is Baptism?
WSC #94: “Baptism is a washing with water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, which is a sign and seal that we are joined to Christ, that we receive the benefits of the covenant of grace, and that we are engaged to be the Lord’s”
Of what is Baptism a sign and seal?
Baptism is both a sign and a seal of God’s covenant with His people:
Sign – It visibly marks one’s allegiance to and ownership by Christ (Matt. 28:19; Rom. 6:3-4).
Seal – It confirms and assures believers of these spiritual realities:
**Ingrafting into Christ (Gal. 3:27; Rom. 11:17) – **Union with Christ as part of His covenant people.
**Regeneration (Titus 3:5; John 3:5) -The renewing work of the Holy Spirit.
**Remission of Sins (Acts 2:38; Matt. 26:28) – The forgiveness of sins through Christ’s sacrifice.
**Commitment to Walk in Newness of Life (Rom. 6:4) – A pledge to live in obedience to Christ.
How is baptism rightly administered? Defend your answer with Scripture proof.
Baptism is rightly administered in the following ways:
By Sprinkling or Pouring of Water – Baptism signifies the purification of sin, as seen in Hebrews 9:19-21, where the sprinkling of blood in the Old Testament symbolized cleansing. This is fulfilled in baptism as a sign of spiritual cleansing.
With a Trinitarian Formula – Matthew 28:19 clearly instructs that baptism be performed in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, emphasizing the unity and authority of the Trinity in baptism.
By an Ordained Gospel Minister – Matthew 16:19 speaks of the “keys of the kingdom” being given to the apostles and their successors. Baptism is a sacrament entrusted to the church, to be administered by ordained ministers as representatives of Christ’s authority.
Where in Scripture are these terms used?
The terms “sign” and “seal” in relation to sacraments are explicitly used in Romans 4:11, where Paul describes circumcision (the Old Testament counterpart to baptism) as:
“A sign” – A visible representation of God’s covenant.
“A seal” – A confirmation of righteousness by faith.
Rom. 4:11- “He received the sign of circumcision as a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised”
How does seal relate to paedo-baptism?
Seal in Paedo-Baptism:
Indicates public identification with Christ through the faith of the parents (Acts 2:39).
Confidence of belonging to Christ, with the assurance of the covenant, if the child continues to walk in obedience (Romans 6:4).
Would you under any circumstances baptize someone by immersion?
I would explain the biblical and confessional teaching regarding the proper mode of baptism, but if the person insisted then I would baptize them by immersion.
Who is to be baptized?
Adults and children who believe in Christ should be baptized (Acts 3:38; Acts 2:38-39).
Infants of believing parents should also be baptized as part of the covenant promise (Acts 2:39).
Those who are not yet members of the church should not be baptized until they publicly profess faith in Christ and commit to obedience (WSC 95).
How would you deal with a family in your church who did not want their child to be baptized?
How to deal with a family not wanting their child baptized:
Listen – Hear their concerns with empathy and respect.
Ask questions – Gently inquire about their reasons for hesitancy.
Explain the covenant – Share how the covenant includes the children of believing parents (Acts 2:39).
Remind them of the benefits – Highlight the vows the congregation takes to help raise the child in the Lord’s fear (Eph. 6:4).
Exhort them – Encourage them to have their child baptized as part of the covenantal sign of grace.
Teach on baptism’s significance – Emphasize that neglecting baptism is a serious matter but that salvation ultimately rests on faith in Christ, not the ritual.
Does Baptism actually save the person baptized? Explain and defend with proofs.
Baptism does not save by itself but is a means of grace and a sign of God’s covenant promises.
1 Peter 3:21 – Baptism is an appeal to God for a good conscience, not physical cleansing.
Ephesians 2:8-9 – Salvation is by grace through faith, not by works like baptism.
Titus 3:5 – Baptism points to regeneration, but it is the Holy Spirit’s work, through faith, that brings new life.
Baptism signifies faith in Christ but does not cause salvation.
Can a person be baptized more than once?
Not if previous baptism is a true baptism (Eph. 4:5)
b. OT circumcision not done twice.
How would you handle a request to re¬baptize someone who was baptized Roman Catholic?
According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism #91, no rebaptism is necessary for someone previously baptized in the Roman Catholic Church. The catechism affirms that baptism is valid if it was administered in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which aligns with the Trinitarian formula used by the Roman Catholic Church.
How to handle the request:
Affirm the validity of their baptism – Emphasize that the Roman Catholic baptism is valid because it follows the Trinitarian formula (Matt. 28:19).
Explain the principle of “one baptism” – As stated in Ephesians 4:5, there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism. Repeating baptism would contradict this biblical teaching.
Encourage growth in faith – Encourage the individual to focus on growing in their understanding of baptism’s significance and their walk with Christ, rather than on being rebaptized.
How would you handle a request to re¬baptize someone who was baptized in a liberal church?
To handle a request for re-baptism from someone baptized in a liberal church:
Clarify: Ask what they mean by “liberal” to determine if the baptism was done with the Trinitarian formula and by a lawfully ordained minister.
Evaluate validity: If the baptism followed the Trinitarian formula (Matt. 28:19) and was performed by a lawful minister, no re-baptism is necessary (Eph. 4:5).
Address concerns: Explain that baptism signifies God’s covenant, and the validity is not dependent on the church’s doctrine as long as the proper elements are in place.
In summary, if the baptism was valid, encourage them to grow in faith without the need for re-baptism.
How would you handle a request to re¬baptize someone who was baptized in a Mormon Church?
Rebaptize because false Trinitarian formula.