PCA Sacraments General Flashcards
What is sacrament? Defend with scripture proofs. Explain in layman’s terms
A sacrament, from the Latin for “mystery,” is a holy ordinance instituted by Christ in which the benefits of the new covenant are represented, sealed, and applied to believers through physical signs (WSC 92).
In simple terms, a sacrament is a visible sign and seal of God’s covenant with His people, expressing faith and conveying grace.
**Instituted by Christ (Matt. 28:19) – Christ commands the sacraments for His church.
**Sign and Seal (Rom. 4:11) – A sign visibly represents a spiritual truth (e.g., the rainbow as a sign for Noah). A seal confirms and assures believers of Christ’s promises (e.g., a king’s seal on an edict).
**Sets believers apart (Ex. 12:48) – Sacraments distinguish God’s people from the world, marking them as part of His covenant community.
How many sacraments are there? Defend your answer with scripture proofs.
There are only two sacraments instituted by Christ: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
**Baptism – Instituted by Christ in Matthew 28:19, where He commands His disciples to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
**Lord’s Supper – Instituted by Christ in Matthew 26:26-28, where He gives bread and wine as His body and blood, commanding His followers to partake in remembrance of Him.
Does anything really happen in a sacrament?
Yes! Something truly happens in a sacrament—it is much more than a mere ceremony.
**A Means of Grace – Through the sacraments, believers are spiritually nourished and their faith is strengthened.
**Grace is Conferred – The Holy Spirit works through the sacraments to apply grace to believers, but this is received by faith (1 Cor. 10:16).
**Differentiates the Church from the World – Sacraments set apart God’s people as His covenant community, distinguishing them from the world (Ex. 12:48).
While the sacraments do not work automatically (ex opere operato), they are real means by which God strengthens and blesses His people.
Cite at least four NT references showing parallels between OT and NT sacraments
1-Circumcision → Baptism – Colossians 2:11-12
Just as circumcision was the sign of the old covenant, baptism is the sign of the new covenant, representing union with Christ.
2-Passover → Lord’s Supper – 1 Corinthians 5:7-8
Christ is our true Passover Lamb, and just as Israel ate the Passover meal in remembrance of deliverance from Egypt, believers partake in the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice.
3- The Sacrificial Blood → The Blood of Christ in the Lord’s Supper – Hebrews 9:13-14
Just as the blood of sacrifices purified in the Old Testament, Christ’s blood, signified in the Lord’s Supper, truly cleanses our conscience.
4- Ritual Cleansing (OT) → Baptism (NT) – Acts 10:44-48
In the Old Testament, ritual washings symbolized purification (Lev. 16:26). In Acts 10, the Holy Spirit falls on the Gentiles before they are baptized, showing that baptism now replaces ceremonial cleansings as the sign of inclusion in God’s covenant people.