Week 5 part 1 Flashcards
power use per square foot per year computer center is 2,100 kwh
Why use standards?
people do not mess up on the basis, more efficient in business practices, wifi is an exampleof standards we use or the metrics
-standards provide a framwork for ensuring quality, security, efficiency, in IT operations
-they organizaton comply with legal and reuglatory required reducing risks with non compliance
-standards facilatitate communication and interoperability between different systems and orgsanization
-they promote best practices and contnous improvment within organization
-adopting standards can enhacne an organization repuatation and stakeholder trust
different types of standards
ISO 270001 standard for security managment
Quality managment- ISO9001 standard for qulaity managment
environmental managment-ISO 140001 standard for environmental managment systems
occupational health and safety managment-OHSAS 18001 the assessment spcifciation for occupational health and safety mangment system
business continuity managment-ISO 22301 business coninty managment standrd
energy managment ISO150001 adressing energy perfomce including energy efficiency use and consumption
Infrastrure solutions-MS gold partner
payment card security-PCI Data securirt standard
-environmental standards and awards
-corporate social responsiblity - FTSE4Good ani corpution, anti birbery, anti slavery/human traffiking
data center and server room standards
can come from different levels
-idnsutry-professional organization
orginally developed by TIA but then ansi adopted it so it ansi/tia not write another one to replicate but reuse it
- a psecification references private and bulic domain data center rquirments for application and procedures
such as
-environmental contro
-power magmentent
– Network architecture
– Electrical design
– File storage, backup and archiving
– System redundancy
– Network access control and security
– Database management
– Web hosting
– Application hosting
– Content distribution
– Environmental control
– Protection against physical hazards (fire, flood, windstorm)
– Power management
ANSI/TIA-942 Rating/Tier* Level
Tier 1 bais site ifrasture- at homes, 1 motem/router, 1 network connect, 1 power source, might have some reduanncy on the compute sight but other that no redunancy. one line of internet coming in. A data center which has single capcity compenets and a singe, non reducnant distribution path srving the computer equpment, it has limited protection againt physical events.
Rated-2/Tier 2 Redudant capacity compneonet site infrasture, A data center which haas redudnacnt capacity compnents like 2 motem but a single non reduant distribution path serving the computer equipment. it has imrpoved protection againt phsycial events
Rated 3 Tier 3- reduntant compents and multiple paths
2 differnt places they had cables coming with power and multiple indpendent distirbuion path only using one at a time. protection againt most physical events
Rate 4 -tier 4
redunatn compenets inside but also has mulltpo;e distibution paths concurrently maintaible and one fault anywere does not result in any downtime it has protect agiant almost all physical events cisco data centers
uptime institue
the uptime institure ccetifies data center designs, builds and operation on a basis, relaible, reducnat operation cavility to oneof foru tier level, data center designers can certify plans constructed facilier earn tier certication after an audit , operatin ffaiclites can prove fault tolerance and sustaibale practices ccerticancation after and audit, operating facilities cn provef
tier stand standard:topology
tier standard:operation sutaiblaity
internation data center authoriy
another group that sets standards around data centers
ANSI (US)standard
ANSI/BICSI-002-2019 data center design and implentation best practices
best pracices design standard that will complent not replace TIA-942, recommended practices that exceed the requiment specified in TIA-942
BICSI 002 serves as reference meateiral for the data center design consult credential
ANSI/BICSI-002-2019 Data Center Design and
Implementation Best Practices
design methdoloy
-facilities cabiling, network, services application
site slection and space planning
-site services and hazards
strucutral and architectual
electrical system
-DC power
-Standby and backup power systems
mechanic systems
security and fire
-designing for fire safety physical safety
faciltiy and building system
telecomunication infrastrue
-cabiling media and connectivey
-cabinet airflow and cabling capacity
network infrstrature
data center comissioning and maientance
energy efficieny
multi site data center architer
colocation planning moving an entire data center
europenan standard
standards to deal w building, power, environemtn, telecommunication cabilin infrasure, security, maamgnet and operation info
GB 50174 2008
(china) the national standard code for design and election information system room in china
includes three tiers from most strigent to least a, b, c these tiers rank the desing and renovation of IT and communiction equipment rooms
JDCC. the japand data center council
covers vuilding serurit electical cooling equipment, communication equipment and maintenace, inclduing seismic considerations, in its outline of faciltiy standard matrix
the internatioanl organization for standaradization an overaching internation conlomration of stadnards bodies
-iso is working on data center standards, several of which aply to facilies and power usage
other iso standard
-ISO9001 quality manamgnet capblite
-IS0270001 certifies and opeation securit practices regarding physical data securirty as well as business protection continuty efforts
-other iso stadads tha data center may use environmental practice such as iso 14001 and nergy mangment 1SO150001
ISO/IEC 24764
international standard for data center telectiommuniation cabling infratrure
-Based on CENELEC EN 50173-5 euproeand data center telecome cabling standard