ITSS 4370 Week 1 Flashcards
Skills and Capabilites Required of a 2020 ITSM Professional
- An understanding of AI and Analytics and associated personal capabilities
- Knowledge Management capabilities
- Business Relationship Management (BRM) capabilities
- An understanding of what Business Value is and how to create it
- Customer Engagement skills
- Communication and Collaboration skills
- Problem Solving skills and capabilities
- A focus on Innovation for better business outcomes
- A desire for Continual Learning
- Personal Flexibility and Agility, with the ability to deal with complexity
Traditional role of the CIO
Historically, the role of CIO has been highly centralized
Traditional view of CIO:
– purchaser of hardware and software
– overseer of its implementation, maintenance, and security – keeper of the data center
CIOs were also previously referred to as: data-processing managers
and then as
management information system (MIS) directors
The Evolving CIO Environment
Role Demands
Role of CIO- The CIO as trustued advisor,
integration of IT with the rest of the orgs, risk mitigation and opportunity spotting
Critical Skills, competencies, and capabilities- organizational dynamics, organizational contect, communication, stakeholder and relationship managment
CIO contributions-Inovment in strategy formulation, involment in change managment and transformation prgrammes, business process improvments
The Evolving CIO Environment
Role Constraints of CIO
capability and invidual conatraints
Macro constraints- industry sector, ecnomical constraints, technolocial pace of change
Micro contraints- -misunderstanding of role and responsiblities
-reporting struture and access to senior leadership
-role set expectations and perception of CIO role
-organization maturity and attitdue towards technology
not on slides but The Evolving CIO environment
Role Choices
CIO mindset and behavior - career orientation
CIO Mindset and Behaviour- career orientation, CIO leadership and attitude, CIO views on teamwork
Perception of role-role perception, role potential, executive power and influence, managerial discries and locus of control
How does the CIO contribute to performance?
OUR FOCUS: IT operating mode, IT value realisation processes, and IT performance
OTHERS: CIO role, perosnal skills, CIO competenties, Strategy and role of IT, CEO relationship with CIO, organizational performance
Drivers impacting the CIO
Key business drivers in the new normal
-global economic and competitive challenges
-increased role of goverment
-political and social mandates for transparency
-CEOs in search of innovative busineess models to adapt and grow
-traditional vendor and supply chain relationships replaced w collaborative partnerships
-Focus on deligting the customer
-Need for increased risk manamgent and compliance
What has been our technology response to business drivers? The 2001 View of IT
1960-1980 industrial age
DP Era
Micro/Distributed Era
2000 and forward
Network Era
Where are we now?
Wresting with the Nexus of Forces
The Nexus of Forces is the convergence and mutual reinformcent of social, mobility, cloud, and information patterns that drive new busniess scenarios
-ubiquous broadband access to the internet
-mobile computing
-consumerization of IT
-social everything
-cloud coputing/everything as a Service (EaaS)
-explosive growth in data generation, esp unstructured
-data-driven versus process driven computing
-real-time anayltics and business intelligence
Emerging IT Trends
-Social Networking Technolgies (SNT)
-Cloud Computing
-“Affordability” (better known as the “Better-Faster Cheaper-NOW”
-Bring your own device (BYOD) (also knwon as consumerization of IT)
-external alliances and partnerships
Change is Coming! It’s Here Real Soon Now!
According to the results of protivitis 2015 IT priorities survery
-60 percent of organizations are undergoing major IT transformation
-For 54 percent of organizations, the duration of IT transformaton is expected to be a year or longer
Gartner: Predicting the Digital Business
Before the web
focus:build rships that drive business or lowr cost
outcome:optimize rships
distruptions:emerging technolgoes
before nextus of forces
f: extend rships into new markets or geographies
o: extended rships
e: people, business
d:internet and digital technologes
t: CRM, web
f: transform sales channel into a gobal medium to drive efficienies
o:optimize channels
e:people and business
d:automation of business operations
t:EDI,BI, protals
f: exploiuts the nexus to drive great efficeincy
o: optimize interactions
e:people businesses
d:deeper customer rships analytics
t: mobile, big data, social
after the Nexus of Forces
f:exten potential customers from people to things
o:build new busines models
e:people businesses, things
d: creation of new value and new non human cusotmers
t:sensors, 3d printing smart machines
What is dricing change? TOP CHANGES THAT ARE DRIVER FOR CIOs
shifitng to customer demands- 96%
greater need for innovation/creativity 95%
increasingly complex policies/prcedures 95%
significant growth of data into and distributes throughout organization 95%
employee need for ornazation data when outsite the office 95%
Technology Trends
Game Changers
two thirds of CIOs polled said that trends withing mobility and undified communications provide to them a critical way to deliver real business results, while 64% cite the cloud