Managing the IT Capability Flashcards
Managing the IT capability
“What IT can do for the organization… Includes the knowledge, skills, tools, processes, abilities, and motivation available in the IT department to support or perform enterprise business activities.”
provides a systematic approach to proactively
delivering a stream of new and improved IT services and solutions, effectively and efficiently maintaining existing services and solutions, and developing new ones
Capability Assessment Mangament
Knowing where we are and identifying the things to improve, what are we going to do be better a way to plan to those imprvoments
select an overarching capbility framewokr to cmpare it to and mapping other framweorks in the organization to do it
have support from senior managment and have people commited to making that change once u know where you are you want to set some targets
ur gonna need
a capability based framework
evaluation guideline dcoument
assesment evaluation methodoly
a road for improvment/develiplment
ability of the organization to conduct current state evaluations and plan improvements for its portfolio of IT capabilities
Data analytics
what do we do with all the data we have are we using it to intererpret that information and exploit and actaully make use of those results to deliver value. all ab making sure we use our strategy for analytics. do the analysis and actually using the results of it. where did the data come from? actually exploit the data brining in data, explioiting it faciliating to make improvments. use it for experminatation. project portifolio analyis the crictical cabaility of analytics helps us there data to see which projects we should conintue and stop
Data Analytics involves setting clear goals for analysis, identifying useful data sets, applying the right methods, and interpreting results to create value for the organization. It aims to foster a data-driven culture, support informed decision-making, and uncover opportunities for improvement through detailed analysis and experimentation.
Ability to specify analytical objectives, to identify data sets likely to enable those objectives, to apply analytical methods and techniques appropriate to those objectives, and to interpret, communicate, and exploit the analytical results to deliver value for the organization.
Enterpirse Architecture Managment
we have architeeture from all our systems they have to communicate together work togehert INOPERABILITY they have to support our objectives and align with our business strategies to build our needs and have a roadmap of where we are going with our achiteture we are we going in the future with our architrue applicaition of our appliction network hinfrstrure everything how does it deliver value which standards does it comply with, make sure integrating with our system managing risks and communicate ab our common architeure
toolset respoityory of info - confguration managment data base is an example of that and so is documented enterpirse achiterue
Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) helps organizations plan and use technology effectively to achieve their goals. It provides a framework for understanding the current systems, guiding future projects, and ensuring everything works well together. Key activities include setting technical standards, reducing complexity, managing risks, and improving processes, supported by tools and documented methodologies.
Information Security Managment
we have data and information and we want to portect that information prevent its harmal use and facilaate its accurate use. how do we manage information how do we put policies in control to protect that information. accountability of information being stored in the right places. and the usavility do people who need to have access to information have it data being available in for example atms. want to prevent aunauthorized access, know who can make changes and who is allowed to.dealing with threats risk when they happends. supporting persrving protecting our data, doing assessment of it security
incident logs
rriks regiter
IT secruity manamgmetn/tools
information security manamgnt policy
vunerabilies and pathc availabity database
Information Security Management
The Information Security Management (ISM) capability is the ability to manage approaches, policies, and controls
that safeguard the integrity, confidentiality, accountability, usability, and availability of information.
knowledge managment
how do we capture that knowledge? Enable employees to capture, share, develop, and leverage their collective knowledge to improve the performance of the business. how mant capture that information.
IBM u use knowledge as a user one was as adminsitration(manger) and third was doing a cabpablity assessment in the knowlegdg meangment
Key artifacts
* Knowledge management strategy
* Knowledge asset repository(s)
* Register/directory of knowledge domain experts
The Knowledge Management (KM) capability is the ability to identify, capture, classify, analyse, share, and exploit knowledge to improve organizational performance.
People asset manamgnet
People Asset Management (PAM) ensures that an organization has the right IT employees with the necessary skills to meet its goals. It involves creating a workforce strategy, implementing HR policies, defining job roles, and managing employee development and satisfaction. Key activities include recruiting, evaluating performance, planning for promotions, and handling employee transitions, supported by tools like a workforce strategy and career development models.
Ability to meet the organization’s requirements for an effective IT workforce
Key artifacts
* IT workforce strategy
* HR policies
* Job families
* Career development model
* Training catalog
Personal Data Protection
not wanting your personal infroamtion shared. if you have any personal data you dont want shared like the university, or bank account numbers. we want to protect from expsoure and be able to dispose of it proeprly. have policies and controls in place to do that applies to digital automated and manual data and also make sure that the data is used for the purposes that it is intended for.
The Personal Data Protection (PDP) capability is the ability to develop and deploy policies, systems, and controls for
processing personal and sensitive personal data relating to living persons in all digital, automated, and manual forms. It ensures that the organization safeguards the right to privacy of individuals whose information it holds, and that the organization uses personal data strictly for specified purposes agreed with the data subjects.
Key artifacts
* Personal and sensitive data register (catalog)
* Risk register (personal data protection view)
* Privacy impact assessment – identify and assesses the potential severity of data privacy risks
Program managmen and project managment
The program is a collection of realated projects that have some overarching purpose, so we migth talk about a dc center wifi upgrade, sever upgrade proojects and all of those are a program. 1 is thelevel of programs to make sure we meet business objectives relates to budget, budget oversight people asset managment, human resources, The Programme Management (PGM) critical capability is the ability to assemble and assign resources to identify,
select, approve, oversee, and deliver value from programme co-ordinated components (i.e. sub- programmes and projects).
Managing the programme will prioritize, monitor, track, analyse, and report on programmes and programme components. It will also leverage component synergies.
and the other is managing projects, prioritizing which ones to do once they are running were gonna prioritize them and make sure they deliver value them
The Project Management (PM) capability is the ability to assign resources to initiate, plan, execute, monitor,
control, and close projects that deliver project objectives within agreed variances of cost, timeliness, quality, and scope of works. Projects are temporary and may deliver temporary or semi-permanent infrastructure, new capabilities, unique or new products or services, learning and awareness that a business can are we managing these projects
both are about managing resources, budgets, people
we have to select them manage them and oversee and govern them and deliver value to them are we getting value from it and and were evalutating the risks how are we going to set them up and doi the managing and have right skills for them and do what when have issues
The Programme Management (PGM) critical capability is the ability to assemble and assign resources to identify,
select, approve, oversee, and deliver value from programme co-ordinated components (i.e. sub- programmes and projects).
Managing the programme will prioritize, monitor, track, analyse, and report on programmes and programme components. It will also leverage component synergies.
Key artifacts
* Program performance dashboard(s)
* Program schedules
* Program risk scorecard
* Program issues log
* Program management methodology
Key artifacts
* Project schedules
* Project risk scorecard
* Project issues log
* Project management methodology
Relationship Mangment
we talk about alignment with business number one issue of sim study and this is one way we get that alignment. ammbasrdor to tell IT what finance is doing and vise versa. rship mangment applies to all key functional business area, and u build those long term rships and keep them going, were gonna have a relationship with everyone in fiance not monogomous do communicate problems or anyting. strategy and plan for managing relationship tell them what were doing for them every year. keeping request history logs.
Ability to analyze, plan, maintain and enhance relationships between the IT function and the rest of the business
Key artifacts
* Relationship management strategy
* An account management plan
* IT annual report
* Business unit profiles
* Business relationship call logs
* IT services catalog
* Innovation lab
service provisioning and solution delivery
normarlyy u do solution deleviery before service provision bcs u build the service before deploying
The Service Provisioning (SRP) capability is the ability to manage IT services to satisfy business requirements. This
includes ongoing activities relating to operations, maintenance, and continuous service improvement, and also transitional activities relating to the introduction of services, their deployment, and their eventual decommissioning.
* Managing the IT service desk
* Managing requests, incidents, and problems
* Managing access to IT services who gets access
* Addressing requests for new IT services
* Decommissioning unwanted IT services
* Managing IT service levels and service level agreements (SLAs)
Service provisioning-deelviering and managig the IT serverices that were going to do, were writing software hardware, operating, mainting, deploying them for use
whats our services, whats in our services cataglog, whats our configuriation, managing and what jour procces for doing that and montiroing and recording
Key artifacts
* IT services catalog
* Service level agreements (SLAs)
* Operating level agreements (OLAs)
* Configuration Management Database (CMDB)
* IT service management software suite/tools
Service desk
The point of contact within the IT organziation for users IT services
anything that does casue or may cause a reduction or an outage of a service
Any event that is not part of the standard operation of a service and that causes, or may cause, an interruption to, or a reduction in, the quality of that service
in IT the unknown underlying cause of one or more incidents what caused the incident
A Service Request is a user request for information or advice, or for a standard change (a pre-approved change that is low risk, relatively common and follows a procedure) or for access to an IT service. cna u pleser reset my password or move my printer