COBIT 5 Flashcards
-information is a key resource for all enerprises
-infroamtion is created,used, retained, disclosed and destoryed
-technology plays a key role in these actions
-technology is becoming pervasie in all apsct of business and persoanl life
What benefits do information and technology bring
to enterprises?
enterprises and their executives strive to:
-matintain quality information support business decions
-generate business value from IT enabled invesemnt, achieve strategic goals and realise business benfits throguh effective and innovative use of IT
-achieve operational excellence through relaible and efficient technology
-maintain IT related risk at a an acceptable level
-optimise the cost of IT services and technolgoy
How can these benefits be realised to create enterprise
stakeholder value
Stakeholder value
-delivering enterprise stakeholde value requires googd governance and maangment of information and it assets
-enterpise boards, executives, and manamgent have embrace IT like any part other business
-external legal, regualtory, and contractual complaoince requirements related to enterpise use of information and technology are incrasing therating value of breaed
The cobit 5 framework
simply stated ccobit 5 helps enterprises create otpimal value from IT by maintiang a balance between realising benefits and optimisitng rsik levels and resource use
-cobit 5 enables ifnroamtion and related technology to be governed and manged in a holistic manner for the entire enterpirse, taking in the full end to end businsess and fucntion areas of respobility considering the IT related interst of internal and external stakeholder
-the cobit 5 princpices and enablers are gneric useral for enterprise from all sizes whether commerical not for porfot or in thepublic sector.
COBIT 5 princpple
- meeting stakeholder needs
- covering the enterprise from end to end
- applying a single integrated framework
- enabling a holistic appraoch
- seperating governance from mangment
COBIT 5 enablers
- princp.lies policies framerwoks
3.organiational sturucutes - culture ethics and behavior
6.sercics infratrue and application
7.people skills and competnecies
Governance and Managment
Governance ensures that enterprise objectives are achieved by evaluating stakeholder needs, contitons, and options, seeting direction through priortization and decison making and monitoring merformance companiance and progress against ond direct objectives EDm
maagment plans builds, runs and moniotrs activies in alvignment with direction set by the governance body to ahcieve enterprise objectives (PBRM)
In summary
COBIT 5 brings together the five principles that
allow the enterprise to build an effective
governance and management framework based
on a holistic set of seven enablers that optimises
information and technology investment and use
for the benefit of stakeholders.
now one complete business framework
cobit 1 audi 1196
cobit 2 control 1998
cobit 3 managment 2000
cobit 4 IT governance
cobit 5 governance of enterprise IT 2012
cobit 5 framework
the main overarching cobit 5 product
-contains the eexcutive summary and the full description of all of teh cobit 5 framework compnents
-the five cobit 5 principes
-the seven cobit 5 enables plud intor to implementation guidance provided by ISACA
-an introductio to the cobit assment programme and the process capbabpity appracoh being adopte d by ISACA for COBIT
5 cobit principles
- meeting stakeholder needs
- covering enterprise from end to end
- single integrate framework
- enabling a holistic appraoch
- seperating governance from managment
meeting stakeholder needs
-entirprises exist to create value for their stakeholders
drive comes from business ralisation, risk optimisation, resource optimisation
Enterprises have many stakeholders and creating value means different and sometimes conflincting things to each of them, governance is about negotating and deciding amonst differnt stakeholders value inerest, the governnance system should consider all stakeholders when making veneit fresource and risk assesment decisons? for each decsion as who revies the benefits, who bears the risk, what resources are required
stakeholder needs have to be transfromed into an enterpises practicals stragegy. The cobit 5 goals cascasde translates stakeholder needs into specifc, practical, csutomized goals within th context of the enterprise, it related goals and enabler goals
Benefits of the COBIT 5 goals cascade:
IT allows the definton of priorities for implementation, improvment, and assurance of enterpise goverance of IT based on strategic objectives of the enterpise and therlated risl. in pracitce the goals cascade: defines relevant and tangible goals and objective at diff levels of resposnbility, filiters thek nowlege base cobit 5 vased on enterprise goals to extract revelent guidance for inclsuion inspecic emplentation, improveemnt or assurance projects, clearly identifies and communies how (somees very operations) enablers are imporatn to achiever enterprise goasl
Benefits of the COBIT 5 Goals Cascade
- Prioritization: Helps define priorities for implementing and improving IT governance based on the enterprise’s strategic objectives and associated risks.
- Goal Definition: Establishes clear and relevant goals at different levels of the organization.
- Guidance Filtering: Extracts useful guidance from the COBIT 5 framework based on enterprise goals for specific projects.
- Enabler Communication: Clearly shows how various operational enablers contribute to achieving enterprise goals.
Cobering the enterpise from end to end
Principle 2. Covering the Enterprise End-to-end:
COBIT 5 addresses the governance and management of
information and related technology from an enterprisewide,
end-to-end perspective.
This means that COBIT 5:
Integrates governance of enterprise IT into enterprise
governance, i.e., the governance system for enterprise IT
proposed by COBIT 5 integrates seamlessly in any
governance system because COBIT 5 aligns with the
latest views on governance.
Covers all functions and processes within the enterprise;
COBIT 5 does not focus only on the ‘IT function’, but
treats information and related technologies as assets that
need to be dealt with just like any other asset by everyone
in the enterprise.
Sure! Here’s a simplified explanation of Principle 2 from COBIT 5:
Principle 2: Covering the Enterprise End-to-End
- Comprehensive Approach: COBIT 5 looks at the governance and management of information and technology across the entire organization, not just the IT department.
- Integration with Enterprise Governance: It integrates IT governance with the overall governance of the organization, ensuring that IT aligns with broader business goals.
- Holistic Coverage: COBIT 5 considers all functions and processes within the organization, treating information and technology as valuable assets that everyone in the enterprise is responsible for managing.
In essence, COBIT 5 promotes a unified and comprehensive approach to managing IT and information across the entire enterprise.
Applying a single integrated framework
Applying a Single Integrated Framework
Principle 3. Applying a Single Integrated Framework:
COBIT 5 aligns with the latest relevant other standards and
frameworks used by enterprises:
Enterprise: COSO, COSO ERM, ISO/IEC 9000,
ISO/IEC 31000
IT-related: ISO/IEC 38500, ITIL, ISO/IEC 27000 series,
This allows the enterprise to use COBIT 5 as the
overarching governance and management framework
ISACA plans a capability to facilitate COBIT user mapping
of practices and activities to third-party references.
Sure! Here’s a simplified explanation of Principle 3 from COBIT 5:
Principle 3: Applying a Single Integrated Framework
Alignment with Other Standards: COBIT 5 is designed to work alongside other important standards and frameworks used in organizations, including:
- Enterprise Standards: COSO, COSO ERM, ISO/IEC 9000, ISO/IEC 31000.
- IT-Related Standards: ISO/IEC 38500, ITIL, ISO/IEC 27000 series, TOGAF, PMBOK/PRINCE2, CMMI.
- Overarching Framework: This integration allows COBIT 5 to serve as a central framework that connects and aligns various governance and management practices across the enterprise.
- Future Capabilities: ISACA plans to enhance COBIT 5 by providing tools to help users map their practices and activities to these third-party standards.
In summary, COBIT 5 acts as a comprehensive framework that integrates various governance and management standards, making it easier for organizations to align their practices.
Enabling a holsitic appraoch
- Enabling a Holistic Approach
Principle 4. Enabling a Holistic Approach
COBIT 5 enablers are:
Factors that, individually and collectively, influence
whether something will work—in the case of COBIT,
governance and management over enterprise IT
Driven by the goals cascade, i.e., higher-level IT-related
goals define what the different enablers should achieve
Described by the
Principle 4: Enabling a Holistic Approach
- COBIT 5 Enablers: These are factors that impact the effectiveness of governance and management of IT in an organization.
- Goals Cascade: The enablers are aligned with higher-level IT goals, which determine what each enabler should achieve.
- Collective Influence: Together, these enablers work to ensure that governance and management efforts are successful.
In short, COBIT 5 enablers are key factors that support effective IT governance and management, guided by overarching goals.
Principle 4. Enabling a Holistic Approach:
1. Processes—Describe an organised set of practices and activities to achieve
certain objectives and produce a set of outputs in support of achieving overall
IT-related goals
2. Organisational structures—Are the key decision-making entities in an
3. Culture, ethics and behaviour—Of individuals and of the organisation; very
often underestimated as a success factor in governance and management
4. Principles, policies and frameworks—Are the vehicles to translate the desired
behaviour into practical guidance for day-to-day management
5. Information—Is pervasive throughout any organisation, i.e., deals with all
information produced and used by the enterprise. Information is required for
keeping the organisation running and well governed, but at the operational level,
information is very often the key product of the enterprise itself.
6. Services, infrastructure and applications—Include the infrastructure,
technology and applications that provide the enterprise with information
technology processing and services
7. People, skills and competencies—Are linked to people and are required for
successful completion of all activities and for making correct decisions and
taking corrective actions
Principle 4. Enabling a Holistic Approach:
Systemic governance and management through
interconnected enablers—To achieve the main objectives of
the enterprise, it must always consider an interconnected set
of enablers, i.e., each enabler:
Needs the input of other enablers to be fully effective, e.g.,
processes need information, organisational structures need
skills and behaviour
Delivers output to the benefit of other enablers, e.g.,
processes deliver information, skills and behaviour make
processes efficient
This is a KEY principle emerging from the ISACA
development work around the Business Model for
Information Security (BMIS).
Principle 4. Enabling a Holistic Approach
COBIT 5 Enabler Dimensions:
All enablers have a set of common dimensions. This set of common
Provides a common, simple and structured way to deal with enablers
Allows an entity to manage its complex interactions
Facilitates successful outcomes of the enablers
Principle 4: Enabling a Holistic Approach
COBIT 5 identifies seven key enablers that support effective IT governance and management:
- Processes: Organized practices and activities designed to achieve specific goals and produce desired outcomes.
- Organizational Structures: The key decision-making bodies within the organization.
- Culture, Ethics, and Behavior: The mindset and values of individuals and the organization, which are crucial for success but often overlooked.
- Principles, Policies, and Frameworks: Guidelines that translate desired behaviors into actionable steps for daily management.
- Information: Essential for operations and governance, encompassing all information used by the organization.
- Services, Infrastructure, and Applications: The technology and systems that provide IT services and support information processing.
- People, Skills, and Competencies: The necessary talents and abilities of individuals to complete tasks effectively and make informed decisions.
In short, these enablers work together to create a comprehensive approach to managing and governing IT in an organization.