Managing IT like a Business Flashcards
Managing IT like a business
Managing IT Like a Business –
shifting the focus from technology as an end to
itself towards the customers and the business problems to which IT can provide solutions
Accounting and Allocation
The Accounting and Allocation (AA) capability assigns costs of IT services proportionally and transparently to the users of those services, improving cost awareness and responsible usage behaviours.
* The Accounting and Allocation (AA) capability aims to allocate the consumption of IT services to business units and to calculate the associated costs for chargeback/showback purposes.
Ability to define and manage the policies, processes and tools used for calculating the costs of IT and distributing them across the organization.
Key artifacts
* IT accounting model
* Chargeback/showback model
* IT services catalog
Business Planning
What is our IT plan? what are we going to do make sure we have tesources,s trategies and roadmap to implemtn our it stratedgy? what our our operation, tacital strategies which constriants will apply to us but the requirments in a plan and how to manage those does this meet your needs is this okay for you?got to get support from key stakeholers, check to see if were actually performing. need to know what rewuirments are and what people are expeting. we need bau business as sual commitments database so we need that to feed into our plan
Ability to produce an approved document that provides implementable detail for the IT strategy, setting out the
IT function’s tactical objectives, the operational services to be provided, and the financial and other resources and constraints that apply in the coming planning period.
Key artifacts
* IT business plan
* Business-as-usual (BAU) commitments database
* Comprehensive requirements catalog
Business process managment
buisness process asiggnemnt look athe business process plan andsteps. manging the business process flows across the business and how IT supports those flows. be able to identify design document. Ability to identify, design, document, monitor, optimize, and assist in the execution of both existing and new organizational processes. someone who ownes the process changes or ask someone for permission to change it.
Key artifacts
* BPM policy
* BPM governance model
* BPM technology (suite)
* Business process model and notation
Capacity forecasting and planning
Ability to model and forecast demand for
IT services, infrastructure, facilities and people key part of being able to delivring IT services are wer going to have enough IT what resources are we going to need based on what we need and how to project it. what is the demand for our serverices like e-learning orion, and do we have enoguh poepl to support the demand, look, use and communicate thsoe models. to be able to forecast we need to know how much we are using right now.utilziation data helps us plan.
key artificat
-it forecast plan
-it utilization reports
-capacity manamgent information sytems
-capacity forecasting modelds and modeling tools
Demand and Supply Managment
Ability to manage the IT services portfolio in such a way that there is a balance between the demand for and the supply of IT services
be able to adress the current and future demand, undertanding the tradeoffs
Demand and Supply Management
Key artifacts
* Demand models
* IT services portfolio
services catagolog
* IT services catalog
* Shared operations catalog (IT & business)
* Supply models
supply capcity models saying how much we actually have
Enterprise Information Managment
the quality of data matter? yes
making sure we have data available and it is quality data that is correct and we have effective systemf for that data and making sure we have effective systems for also disposing that data who gets to make approve and change these decisions
knowing how much ur data is worth, knowing where to store all that data, knowing the quality of data so need to think about strategies and polcies knowing the access controls getting the right access to right information for the right people
bility to establish effective systems for gathering, analyzing, distributing, exploiting and disposing of data and information, covering strategic, operational and security aspects of information management for the enterprise
who gets to
high levle strategy critical capability
in governance we are monitioring what are doing, evaluating how we are doing it and then direction changes and futher changes, with alighnment w our stratgic objectives, making sure we have the right decision making groups and comittes to manage IT who is it that is reviewing governance and making sure we have an esclation path
what theyre doinghow theyre doing it and theyre leadership
key artificiats Decision-making responsibility and accountability matrix listing all the sstakeholders adn the steps like who is rspeonible for what raci matrix whos responsible, whos accountable, whos consulted, who informed, format charters
The Governance (GOV) capability is the ability to evaluate, direct, and monitor the current and future use of an
organization’s IT resources in support of strategic objectives.
Green IT
all about sutainability we want to focsu on triple bottom line to make sure we are not being and minimize our impact to the environment. so what is our strategy for green IT what our our goals like lowering pue how to measure tose capbility and make sure we deliver those, what are our targets measures, and road plans for delivering those
Key artifacts
* Environmental sustainability strategy
* Green IT roadmap
* Green IT targets
innovation maangment
we need to keep changing to meet the new technology and driving technology base objectives it could be inside it inside our business or indisde our products and services. starvucks has innovated in IT and and transformted it wiht the moble example. key artificats make innovation labs and what not. dashboard for mointoring ur piple,and rewards, innvoation portals
Ability to identify, fund, and measure technology-driven business innovation
Covers technology-driven business innovation:
* Within the IT function
* Across the organization’s operations
* Applied to the
this is all about making sure we have leadership and leadership vision that helps us meet our goal and ojbectives, and making sure we get good suitable IT people, building the right stratures implement the rigt technologies to do dirve value
The Leadership (LDP) capability is the ability to guide the organization in making the optimal use of technology and related assets to drive business value.
key artificat is IT vision statemtn
organization chang emanagment
Ability to plan for and manage IT-related change, and to support organizations as they go through it.
categories to mange that change
- change leadership - bb would be buidling the team and get get people to participate, governance, how do we get peo[le to get 8am classes, how do we communicate with them and get them to be a part of it, set up change culture
- change redinees-ned for change
change models and etholodies - change transition-streaegy, planning, implementation, impact
4.change sutabilty-embeding change evolution and learing
gaining and maintian commitemtne to change
implementing and evaluating the impact of change
embedding sustainable change prosses in the organization
Organziation Design and Planning
Organization Design and Planning (ODP) helps the IT department adjust its structure to better meet business needs and goals. It focuses on defining roles, how IT works with other departments and partners, and setting performance measures (KPIs). Key tools include organization charts and guidelines to ensure the IT team functions effectively and adapts smoothly to changes.
ability to manage the IT functions interal structure and its iterfaces with other busine sunits supplier and business partners
* Defining the internal structure of the IT function
* Defining IT’s interfaces with other parts of the business, suppliers and business partners
* Defining IT roles and key performance indicators (KPIs)
* Managing the process for implementing and gaining
buy-in to the emergent IT organizational structure
* Monitoring organizational effectiveness
Key artifacts:
* Organization structure templates
* Organizational design guidelines
* Organization charts
* Documented organizational effectiveness indicators
Risk Managment
Risk Management (RM) helps organizations identify, assess, and prioritize IT-related risks to protect business operations from potential negative impacts. It includes establishing policies, understanding risk tolerance, developing handling strategies, and monitoring exposures, with key tools like a risk management policy and a risk register.
Risk Management
The Risk Management (RM) capability is the ability to identify, assess, prioritize, treat, and monitor the exposure to and the potential impact of IT-related risks that can directly affect the business.
Risks include traditional IT risks and those more specific to the transformational changes brought about by new and emerging technologies; they include those mainly associated with IT security, data protection and information privacy, business operations, continuity of business and recovery from declared disasters,
IT investment and project/service delivery, and IT service contracts and suppliers.
Key artifacts:
* Risk management policy
* Risk profiling and scoring approach
* Risk register
Service analytics and intelligence
Service Analytics and Intelligence (SAI) helps organizations improve their IT services by showing how they connect to business processes. It analyzes IT performance data to find ways to optimize services and identify risks and growth opportunities, using tools like Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and analytics software.
The Service Analytics and Intelligence (SAI) capability helps identify how best to configure IT infrastructure and services to meet business demand.
Ability to define and quantify the relationships between IT infrastructure, IT services, and IT-enabled business processes
Key artifacts:
* Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
* Analytics software
* Capability maps (map from business capabilities to business processes to IT services)
* Configuration management database