Week 5: Messaging and Social Psychology Flashcards
Strategies to enhance physical activity messaging
. Include certain message qualities:slide6
-Novel – best if messages are unusual, unfamiliar, unique
-Vivid (richness of information) – attracts more attention
-Salient – stands out
B. Create relevance: slide 7
-Tailoring – present information in a manner that best fits an individual’s needs/characteristics
-Targeting – define a population group based on a common characteristic; provide information consistent with that groups’ characteristics
C. Choose appropriate message framing: slide 8-9
The emphasis a message has on the benefits of adopting physical activity behaviour (gain-framed) or the costs of failing to adopt physical activity behaviour (loss-framed)
D. Create accessible messages: slide 10
Ability of individuals to obtain, process, understand a health message
Gain Frame
+ effects of exercising
Loss Frame
- effects of physical inactivity
Importance of messaging about physical activity
It informs people about the proper healthy lifestyle and whether or not they are getting the recommended about. Encourages people; can help shape healthy lifestyles.
Potential Consequences about negative media images
Exposure to ideal media images associated with:
- Decreased self-esteem, muscularity and body satisfaction
- Increased, negative affect, body-related anxiety, body size distortion, dieting and other restrictive eating practices, drive for thinness, social comparisons, body weight and shape dissatisfaction
Compare and contrast individual level media literacy options
Individual level
Media literacy training
-Psych educational interventions
-Focus on unrealistic standards and tricks used to create images
-Emphasis on resisting internationalization of images and messages
Cognitive-behavioural therapy
-Change the way incoming social information is interpreted
-Cognitive re-structuring (i.e., change thoughts from irrational and unrealistic to rational)
-Self-monitoring (i.e., self-awareness to know when to change thoughts)
Efforts made at the societal level towards media literacy
“Society” rejects and challenges media conceptions of the “ideal” body image
Last 10-15 years, new trend for media to discuss their use of idealized images
1996, a watch manufacturer withdraws ads from popular fashion magazine because models in the magazine are so thin they appear anorexic
2004, Dove campaign for real beauty
2012, Vogue magazine vows to use healthier looking models to promote responsible body image within their pages
Develop a workshop aimed at promoting media literacy
Goals: make people proud and happy with their body, an encourage a healthy lifestyle
Activities: Work out for them. Research project about media influences and how advertisement isn’t always how it seems. Display positive media, show successful people without the “perfect” body.
Resources: Get a professional, ie: Nutrionist, or doctor who treats people with anorexia
Social Psychology
“An attempt to understand and explain how the thought, feeling, and behavior of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others.”
Scientific study of how people influence each other, and other factors that affect social behavior
Specific examples and/or individuals significant to each general theory
Psychoanalytic- Freud; example child acting out at school might subconsciously acting out about a different problem unrelated to school, like problems at home.
Behaviours- Pavlov; Skinner box. Example dog getting rewarded for doing a trick, always expects a treat afterwards.
Cognitive- Gestalt; example people being put into the Olympic games, some scared some enthused, all the same environment.
Connect each general theory to a specific social psychology topic
“From the described experiment, it is clear that the mere act of eating, the food even not reaching the stomach, determines the stimulation of the gastric glands”=Behaviour Theories
“Children are completely egoistic; they feel their needs intensely and strive ruthlessly to satisfy them” ——–=Psychoanalytic Theories
What are people motivations to exercise? =Cognitive