Week 5 large scale events Flashcards
what are the two roles of the department of health?
act as control agency as a protection of health -
manages prehospital and hopsital responses to emergencies
what is outlined in the departement of health control plan?
what specific incidents/events?
outlines how departement will undertake its responsibilitieds for incident control
- retail food contamination, human disease, bilogical materials, radioactive materils and food/water contaminated
what is the role of the emergency managment comminsinor?
accountable for ensuring the response to emergencies in victoria is systmatic and coordinated
what is the role of the state controller do?
enabale appropriate focus on health consequences accourding tot he nature of the emergency
what is the role of the state health emergency managment coordinator ?
state health commander, state health coordinator and public health control roles are appropriately filled
what is the role of the public health commander
public health commander - deals with emergencies such as fres, floods, disease- effects the overall population
what is a code brown?
used by health service to prepare respond and recover from an external emergency
- easers burdern on healthcare system by streamlining services of emergency manamgnet system when there is an influx of paitents
what is sherp?
victorias prehospital and hospital response plan for emergency incidences
what does sherp outline?
arrangments for coordinating health response to emergency incidents that go beyond day to day bussiness arrangments
what are the prinicples of sherp?
saftey of health responders is paramount
providing information to people involved in emergencies
planning is integrated
lines of command and coordination
colaboration at all levels
incident manamgent preinciples are followed
all hazards approach
what are the aims of SHERP?
reduce preventable dealth/perminant disability
improve paitent outcomes by matchin needs of injured paitents to approriate level of treatment in a safe and timely manner
what is the scope of sherp?
describes principles, command and coordination arrangments, roles and responisbilites for a health emergency response that involves pre-hospital care, pt transport, reciving hospitals and other healthcare facilities
provides framework for planning the health response for emergency incidents and mass gatherings
what types of things does sherp describe?
who is accoutnable for command and coordination of health response
arrangments for escalating and sacalable health response
avaliable rescources and how they are organised
how helath emergency responses connect with broader state and national emergency managment response and recovry arrangments
who should SHERP be used by?
all individuals and orginisations that inter the plan or are connected to the plan through other emergency manamgent arrangemnts in order to undertake planning and prepardness for activites
communit memebers incidnet control agencies department of health AV first aid providers medical providers inclduing GPs health services - public and private hospitals residental aged care relfie agencies local government authorites event organisers