What are contraceptives?
Devices used to prevent pregnancy
What are the mostly used contraceptive methods?
Female sterilization & IUD: the most common methods used (19% and 14% in 2015).
Outline considerations in Choosing Birth Control Method
*Effectiveness–statistics show two numbers:
-Failure rate: # of women per 100 who become pregnant after 1 yr. when using a birth control consistently & correctly
-Typical use failure rate–takes into account improper or inconsistent use
About half of all unintended pregnancies occur among women using contraceptives
*Ease of use
*Side effects
*Parity and age
Outline how to rule-out pregnancy reasonably before prescribing contraceptives.
1.Menstrual period started in the past 5 days?
2.Gave birth in the past 4 weeks
3.Breastfeeding, gave birth less than 6 months ago, period have not returned?
4.Had miscarriage or abortion in the past 7 days.
5.No sex since your last period
6.Been using another method correctly.
State the 4 types of birth control methods.
*Hormone based
*Barrier & spermicide methods
*Natural based methods
Outline the hormonal based contraceptives.
*Combined contraceptives: estrogen & progestin(binds to progesterone receptors)
-Oral Contraceptives (COCs)
-Injectable contraceptives (CICs)
-Transdermal patch-to be changed weekly
-Vaginal ring-to be inserted and left for three weeks
*Progesterone-only contraceptives:
-Long-acting/Progestin-only- implant & IUD
-Low dose/progestin-only (Mini pill)
Describe the 3 ways in hormonal contraceptives prevent pregnancy.
What is the percentage effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives?
*Estrogen & progesterone in hormonal contraceptives
inhibit LH, FSH, and GnRH secretion, preventing ovulation.
*Progesterone also:
*thickens cervical mucus to prevent
Passage of sperm into the uterus
*changes uterine lining to inhibit implantation
*97% to 99%
Outline the benefits of hormonal contraceptives.
Benefits of hormonal contraceptives:
*Reliable, reversible and effective contraceptive (97-99%)
*To treatmenorrhagiaordysmenorrhea (decreases endometrial proliferation): e.g., for women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
*With longer duration of use decreases the risk of endometrial cancer-same mechanism!
*Decreases the risk of development of ovarian cancer-greatest for longer duration of use (reducing the lifetime number of ovulations).
*To treat hyperandrogenism (e.g., reduce the severity of acne)-decrease gonadotropin stimulation of androgen production by the ovary.
Outline adverse effects of hormonal contraceptives.
*Cardiovascular disorders (CVD)-rare among young women; pregnancy itself increase the risk of CVD, and promotes thrombosis (primarily an effect of estrogen):
-Venous thromboembolism/VTE
-Arterial thromboembolism: Myocardial infarction or Stroke, especially among older women who smoke.
*Breast Cancer (BCA):
-Estrogen containing contraceptives might increase the risk of BCA.
-Most BCA are diagnosed in post-menopausal women.
Describe how the progestin only contraceptives MOA.
*Progestin-only injectable
*Implantable rods, and
*Progestin releasing Intra uterine Device (IUD
1.Progestin only injectable
Given by injection into the muscle (intramuscular injection). The hormone is then released slowly into the bloodstream.
*Depo povera/Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA)-quarterly,
*Norethisterone enanthate (NET-EN)- every two month
- 1.5” rod is inserted under skin of upper arm
3.Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)
*Small plastic objects inserted into uterus:
2 types:
*Hormone-releasing (progesterone)~ 5 years
*Copper-releasing ~10 years
Have fine plastic threads attached that hang slightly out of cervix into vagina for removal.
4.Low dose progesterone/progestin-only pills (POP)/Mini-pills:
*Work primarily by the thickening cervical mucous.
Useful for women wanting to avoid estrogen or lactating.
*Should be taken at the same time each day to ensure sufficient plasma level of progestin to alter cervical mucous.
5.Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECPs)/Morning after pills/post-coital contraceptives.
*ECPs-should be taken within 5 days after unprotected sex;
*Primarily work by preventing or delaying ovulation;
*Progestin-only or a progestin &estrogen combination.
Special dedicated ECP product: with levonorgestrel only, or estrogen and levonorgestrel combined, or ulipristal acetate.
-Progestin-only pills: with levonorgestrel or norgestrel;
-Combined oral contraceptives: with estrogen (ethinyl estradiol ) and a progestin: levonorgestrel, norgestrel, or norethindrone (also called norethisterone)
How do barrier methods and spermicides work?
List their examples.
Work by preventing sperm from reaching an egg.
*Condoms: male & female.
*Spermicides: foam/sponge.
*Cervical barriers: diaphragm & cervical cap.
Describe how the cervical barrier devices are used and their MOA.
1.Condoms: trap semen.
- Chemical that kills sperm (nonoxynol-9)
Different forms: foam, sponge, suppositories, creams, film
*Use shortly before sex; mostly used with diaphragm and cervical cap.
*Not effective enough to be used w/o a condom or other method.
3.Cervical barrier devices.
*Cervical cap: covers cervix only
*Diaphragm: covers upper vaginal wall, too.
Method is usually combined w/spermicide.
Describe the surgical methods of birth control.
1.Female Sterilization/tubal sterilization/ligation
*Permanent method-works by preventing eggs released from the ovaries meeting the sperm;
Involves a physical examination and surgery (Mini laparotomy or Laparoscopy)-the procedure is done by a specifically trained provider.
2.Vasectomy/Male sterilization/surgical contraception- permanent method
*Works by closing off each vas deferens-semen is ejaculated, but it cannot cause pregnancy;
*Through a puncture or small incision in the scrotum, the provider locates each of the 2 tubes that carries sperm to the penis (vas deferens) and cuts or blocks it by cutting and tying it closed, or by applying heat or electricity (cautery);
Vasectomy is not fully effective for 3 months after the procedure.
Describe the natural methods, “Fertility Awareness.”
Works by keeping sperm out of vagina near ovulation
1) Standard days method (Cycle beads)
*For women w/cycles between 26 & 32 days
Couples avoid unprotected intercourse b/n days 8-19 of each menstrual cycle
*Effective natural family planning methods
2) Mucus method: based on cyclical changes
*Vaginal secretions change throughout cycle; woman learns to “read” these changes and keeps a daily chart
3) Calendar method: self- knowledge of fertility
After charting cycles for some time (preferably 1 year), a woman estimates the time she is ovulating based on the calendar.
4) Basal body-temperature
*Based on changes in body temperature around ovulation
*Slight drop immediately before ovulation (approximately 3 days before ovulation)
*After ovulation, release of progesterone causes slight increase in temperature (0.2 degrees Celsius)
*Fertile- until 3 days after a sustained temp. increase
5) Lactational Amenorrhea (LAM): exclusive BF 6 Ms a/r birth
*The lactationalamenorrheamethod (LAM) works on the basis that exclusive breast-feeding suppresses a woman’s fertility, preventing pregnancy while she is caring for a young infant.
*The baby’s sucking causes a mother’s uterus to contract and reduces the flow of blood after delivery
*During lactation, menstruation ceases, offering a form of contraception.
Often, some combination of these methods will be used
State the advantages of using natural methods.
*Essentially free
*No medical side effects
*Does not interrupt sexual activity
*Woman gains awareness about her body and natural cycles, which can increase comfort w/sexuality
State the disadvantages of using natural methods.
*No STI protection
*Requires some degree of discipline in order to keep track of calendar/charts, etc.
*Need to abstain from intercourse or use a backup method during fertile days
Contraceptives preventing implantation
*Morning after pill or emergency pill
Taken within 72 hrs after sexual intercourse
The most common of emergency contraception is a kit consisting of high doses of birth control pills.
They work in different ways to prevent pregnancy depending on where the woman is in her cycle.
They can either suppress ovulation or cause premature degeneration of the corpus luteum, thus preventing implantation of a fertilized ovum by withdrawing the developing endothelium ‘s hormonal
A hormonal IUD contain progestin which is released everyday
Progestin helps to prevent pregnancy in three ways:
It thickens thecervical mucusto the extent that sperm cannot penetrate in order to fertilize an egg
It changes the normal contractions in the fallopian tubes, making it more difficult for an egg to travel to the uterus .
When sperm enters the body of a person who uses a hormonal IUD, the sperms’ development can be negatively affected, or they might not survive at all
The released progesterone or copper createschanges in thecervical mucusand inside the uterus that kills spermor makes them immobile.
The IUD changes the lining of the uterus, preventingimplantation should fertilization occur. It is important to consider theethical implicationsof this third method.
*Copper IUDs work by releasing copper ions into the uterus, making it inhospitable to sperm
Discuss the side effects associated with contraceptives
- They do not prevent pregnancy
*Weight gain
*Triggers BP
*Heavy periods
*Pelvic inflammatory infection
*Breast tenderness
WEEK 5: Criteria for giving oral contraceptives
Combination oral contraceptives should not be given to women older than 35 years who also smoke, because there is an increased risk of blood clots in these women, or to women who have high blood pressure, heart disease, migraines with auras, liver problems, very high cholesterol, a history of blood clots, a history of stroke, or breast cancer.
Oral contraceptives and blood clots
Combination oral contraceptives should not be given to women older than 35 years who also smoke, because there is an increased risk of blood clots in these women, or to women who have high blood pressure, heart disease, migraines with auras, liver problems, very high cholesterol, a history of blood clots, a history of stroke, or breast cancer.
Estrogen leads to increased thrombin generation and fibrin clot formation byincreasing the levels of variable coagulation proteins (green arrowheads) and decreasing the levels of anticoagulant proteins (red arrowheads).
Outline the benefits of hormonal contraceptives.
Benefits of hormonal contraceptives:
*Reliable, reversible and effective contraceptive (97-99%)
*To treatmenorrhagiaordysmenorrhea (decreases endometrial proliferation): e.g., for women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
*With longer duration of use decreases the risk of endometrial cancer-same mechanism!
*Decreases the risk of development of ovarian cancer-greatest for longer duration of use (reducing the lifetime number of ovulations).
*To treat hyperandrogenism (e.g., reduce the severity of acne)-decrease gonadotropin stimulation of androgen production by the ovary.
Outline ways of preventing both pregnancies, STIs and HIV and AIDS.
2.Condom and another family method
3.Any family planning method with an uninfected person.
4.Other forms of intimacy.
5.Delay having sex until you are ready.
6.Reduce number of sexual partners. One uninfected partner is enough.