State the 2 main division of the male reproductive system
*internal genitalia
*external genitalia
What are the 3 main parts of the penis?
*The shaft/ body
*The glans
*the root
What are the 3 erectile bodies found in the shaft of the penis and their function?
*2 corpus cavernosum: fuse in the median plane except posteriorly to form crura of the penis
*1 corpus spongoisum :contains spongy urethra
Divide the parts of the male reproductive system as internal and external organs
INTERNAL: testes, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory ducts, prostate gland, urethra , bulbo-urethral gland
EXTERNAL: penis and scrotum
What is the largest accessory gland of the male reproductive system?
Prostate gland
What makes up the ejaculatory duct?
*Joining together of the seminal vesicle duct and vas deferens
*These ducts are formed by the fusion of the vas deferens and the seminal vesicles duct
What suspends the testes from the scrotum?
spermatic cord
Name the cells in the testes that produce male sex hormones.
Where are they located?
*Interstitial cells (cells of Leydig), which produce male sex hormones,
*In the interstitial tissue between the seminiferous tubules
Name the 3 structures which are found at the root of the penis
*Right crura
*Left crura
*bulb of the penis
Which part of the penis formed by the distal expansion of the corpus spongiosum.
The glans (head)
What is another name for foreskin?
State the muscles of the scrotum that in the subcutaneous tissue contract to give the scrotum its wrinkled appearance. When these fibers are relaxed, the scrotum is smooth
Dartos muscle
What are functions of the cremaster muscles?
controls the position of the scrotum and testes. When it is cold or a man is sexually aroused, this muscle contracts to pull the testes closer to the body for warmth.
State the two main function of the penis
*Micturition: urinating
*sexual intercourse
State the functions of the scrotum
*It holds the testicles (also called testes), as well as many nerves and blood vessels.
State the functions of the epididymis
*It carries and stores sperm cells that are created in the testes
*to bring the sperm to maturity — the sperm that emerge from the testes are immature and incapable offertilization
State the function of the seminal vesicle
*The seminal vesicles make a sugar-rich fluid (fructose) that provides sperm with a source of energy and helps with the sperms’ ability to move (motility).
*The fluid of the seminal vesicles makes up most of the volume of your ejaculatory fluid, or ejaculate which helps wash the sperm into the urethra and dilutes the thick mass of sperm enabling them to be mobile
* Secretes prostaglandins which stimulate contraction of the smooth muscles in both male and female reproductive tracts which in help transportation from their storage site in male to the site of fertilization in female oviduct
*Secretes fibrinogen
Name the 3 portions of the urethra
*Prostatic urethra: the uppermost segment within the prostate
*Membrous urethra: the segment within the urethral sphincter
*Penile/ spongy urethra/ carvenous urethra :the lowermost and longest section within the penis
What is the function of the ejaculatory ducts?
*Drain and open into the penile urethra
How is the urethra able to carry out its two way function?
*When the penis is erect during sex, the flow of urine is blocked from the urethra, allowing only semen to be ejaculated at orgasm.
State the function of the prostate gland
*contributes additional fluid to the ejaculate
*Prostate fluids also help to nourish the sperm.
*It secretesproteolytic enzymesinto the semen, which act to break down clotting factors in the ejaculate. This allows the semen to remain in a fluid state, moving throughout the female reproductive tract for potential fertilisation.
*Secretes alkaline fluid that neutralizes the acidic vaginal secretions,sperms are viable in neutral environments
*Releases prostatic clotting enzymes Which acts on the fibrinogen from seminal vesicles to produce fibrin, which clots the semen thus keeping the ejaculated sperms in the female reproductive tract during withdrawal of the penis
* It produces prostate specific antigen,a fibrin degrading enzyme,thus releasing mobile sperm within the female tract
State the function of the bulbo-urethral gland
*produce a clear, slippery fluid that empties directly into the urethra during sexual arousal.
*This fluid serves to lubricate the urethra and to neutralize any acidity that may be present due to residual drops of urine in the urethra.
State the function of the erectile tissue
The erectile tissues fill with blood during sexual arousal, producing anerection.
The root and body of the penis are spanned by three masses of erectile tissue.
Name the 2 paired muscles located in the root of the penis and their functions
*Bulbospongiosus(x2) – associated with the bulb of the penis. It contracts to empty the spongy urethra of any residual semen and urine
*The anterior fibres also aid in maintaining erection by increasing the pressure in the bulb of the penis.
*Ischiocavernosus(x2) – surrounds the left and right crura of the penis.
* It contracts to force blood from the cavernous spaces in the crura into the corpora cavernosa – this helps maintain erection.
State the ligaments found at the root of the penis
Suspensory ligament– a condensation of deep fascia. It connects the erectile bodies of the penis to the pubic symphysis.
*Fundiform ligament– a condensation of abdominal subcutaneous tissue. It runs down from the linea alba, surrounding the penis like a sling, and attaching to the pubic symphysis.
Which ligament at the root of the penis is a condensation of abdominal subcutaneous tissue.
Fundiform ligament
Which ligament connects the erectile bodies of the penis to the pubic symphysis?
suspensory ligament
What connects the foreskin to the glans?
What is the potential space between the glans and prepuce is termed ?t
Thepreputial sac.
Describe arterial supply to the penis
Main: internal iliac artery branches into internal pudendal artery which gives the:
*the deep arteries of the penis
*dorsal artery of the penis
*bulbo-urethral artery
Describe venous drainage to the penis
*The cavernous spaces are drained by thedeep dorsal vein of the penis
– this empties into the prostatic venous plexus.
*Thesuperficial dorsal veins
drain the superficial structures of the penis, such as the skin and cutaneous tissues.
Describe the blood supply to the scrotum
*External pudendal artery gives the anterior scrotal artery
*Internal pudendal artery branches into the posterior scrotal artery
Describe venous drainage to the scrotum
Scrotal veins drain into the external pudental veins
State the fascia layers of the erectal tissue of the penis
*external fascia ofColles(which is in continuity with the fascia of Scarpa which covers the abdominal wall).
*thedeep fascia of the penis(also known asBuck’s fascia)
*tunica albuginea
,forming an individual capsule around each cavernous body and fused in the midline
What arteries supplies blood to the testes?
venous supply??
*testicular arteries ,which arise directly from the abdominal aorta
*However, the testes are also supplied by branches of thecremasteric artery(from the inferior epigastric artery) and the artery of the vas deferens (from the inferior vesical artery). These branches give anastomoses to the main testicular artery.
*Thepampiniform plexusin the scrotum – a network of veins wrapped around the testicular artery
*In the retroperitoneal space of the abdomen, the left testicular vein drains into the leftrenal vein, while the right testicular vein drains directly into theinferior vena cava.
What is pampiniform plexus?
*a network of veins wrapped around the testicular artery
*Coiling of the testicular v. around the testicular a. in the spermatic cord.
What is a frenulum?
a median fold of skin on the ventral surface of the penis.
an elastic band that connects the foreskin and penis glans
What is the potential space between the glans and prepuce?
Preputial sac
List structures found in the spermatic cord
*the ductus deferens, testiculararteryandveins,lymphvessels, testicularnerve,cremaster musclethat elevates the testes for warmth and at times of sexual stimulation, and aconnective tissue
What is the function of the pampiniform plexus?
*Function is to decrease the temperature of the blood coming to the testis through the artery.
*The association of the veins of the pampiniform plexus with the testicular artery constitutes a countercurrent exchange system to cool the blood somewhat on its way to the testis
Where is the cremaster m. derived from?
Internal abdominal oblique muscle
Describe the pathway of sperm from the testis.
Testis => Head of epididymis => Body of epididymis => Tail of epididymis => Ductus deferens => Ejaculatory Orifice (accessory sex glands also dump secretions into the pelvic urethra creating semen) => Pelvic urethra => Penile urethra = External urethral orifice
Name the part of the testes that produce sperms
seminiferous tubules
Name the 3 accessory glands of the male reproductive system
Seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral gland
Where is prostate specific antigen produced!
What disease is it used to screen for?
Prostate gland
Prostate cancer, benign prostatic hypertrophy
What are prostaglandins derived from?
Arachidonic acid