State the anatomical position of the pituitary gland
It is found in the sella turcica ( hypophyseal fossa) of the sphenoid bone
Name the main parts of the pituitary gland
*anterior pituitary gland ( adenohypophysis)
*Posterior pituitary gland ( neurohypophysis)
*Infundibulum ( Pituitary stalk)
What is the other name for pituitary gland?
Hypophysis cerebri or hypophysis
Describe the blood supply to the pituitary gland
Superior and Inferior hypophyseal arteries which are branches of the internal carotid artery
Describe the embryology of the pituitary gland
A glandular diverticulum grows upwards from the ectoderm of the primitive buccal cavity and meets with a similar neural outgrowth from the floor of third ventricle.The stalk of the Rathke’s pouch disappears but the neural outgrowth persists at 6-8 weeks.
Where does the ectodermal diverticulum originate from that forms the Anterior pituitary gland?
Primitive buccal cavity
Between the anterior and posterior part of the Rathke’s pouch, which one proliferates more
Anterior part which forms the pas distalis
Describe the vascular link between the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary
How the hypophysiotropic hormones reach pituitary gland and pituitary hormones reach target organs
1.Hypophysiotropic hormones produced by neurosecretory neurons in the hypothalamus enter the hypothalamic capillaries
2.These hypothalamic capillaries rejoin to form the hypothalamic - hypophyseal portal system, a vascular link to the anterior pituitary
3. The portal system branches into the capillaries of the anterior pituitary
4. The hypophysiotropic hormones,which leave the blood across the anterior pituitary capillaries, control the release of anterior pituitary hormones
5.When stimulated by the appropriate hypothalamic releasing hormone,the anterior pituitary secretes a given hormone into these capillaries
6. The anterior pituitary capillaries rejoin to form a vein, through which the anterior pituitary hormones leave for ultimate distribution throughout the body by the systemic circulation
List the cell types under the acidophils, basophils and chromophobes
Acidophils:lactotropes( Prolactin secreting cells)
Somatotropes( Growth Hormone secreting cells)
Basophils: Gonadotropins( FSH and LH secreting cells)
Thyrotropes (TSH secreting cells)
Corticotropes( ACTH releasing cells)
Which part of the pituitary gland is an extension of the hypothalamus?
Pas nevosa/ posterior pituitary gland
What parts of the pituitary gland are formed by the neural outgrowth?
Infundibulum,Pas nevosa and median eminence
Which cells found in the Anterior pituitary gland have long projections and with gap junctions?
Folliculostellate cells
What part of the anterior pituitary gland contains numerous colloid containing cysts( Rathke’s cysts), lined with cuboidal epithelium and are remnant of Rathke’s pouch?
Pas intermedia
What parts of the pituitary gland is formed by the Rathke’s pouch?
Anterior pituitary (Pas distalis,pas intermedia,pas tuberalis)
Where does the neuro ectodermal diverticulum that forms the posterior pituitary gland originate from?
Hypothalamus ( diencephalon)
All the hormones of the anterior pituitary gland are tropic hormones except which one?
Describe how the hypothalamus and posterior pituitary act as a unit to secrete vasopressin and oxytocin
The Pars nevosa contains axons which originate from cell bodies in the hypothalamus and pass to the posterior pituitary by the hypothalamo- hypophyseal tract and the infundibulum stalk.These nerve fibers carries the secretory granules consisting of oxytocin and vasopressin which are synthesized by the neural bodies in the hypothalamus. Both of these hormones are produced in the supraoptic and paraventricullar nuclei, but a single neuron can produce only one of these hormones.
The secretory granules are stored in the neuronal terminals in the posterior pituitary.
*Each neuronal terminal can only store one either oxytocin or vasopressin at a time ,thus allowing each hormone to be released independently as needed.
*The secretory granules are release via exocytosis after stimulating by the hypothalamus
Describe the stimulatory pathway for oxytocin or vasopressin secretion by the hypothalamus
The hormonal release is triggered in response to action potentials that originate in the hypothalamus cell body and sweep down the axon to the neuronal terminals in the posterior pituitary.As in any other neuron,action potentials are generated in these neurosecretory neurons in response to synaptic input to their cell bodies.
How can one different the 3 cell types in histology diagram of the anterior pituitary gland?
Acidophils: more pinkish
Basophils: blueish/ purplish
Chromophobes: no staining
How is the hypothalamic- hypophyseal portal system unique?
It involves an unusual capillary to capillary connection.
1.Internal carotid artery ( artery)
2.Superior hypophyseal arteriole ( arteriole)
3.capillary plexus. ( Capillary)
4. Hypophyseal portal vein ( vein)
5. Capillary plexus( capillary)
6. Venule. ( Venule)
7. Normal circulation