Week 5 a Flashcards
What are the 3 types of literature reviews?
- Narrative Review
- Systematic Review
- Meta-analysis
What is a Narrative Review?
- Selective review of the literature that broadly covers a specific topic
- Does not follow strict systematic methods to locate and synthesize articles
- a good source for background information
- Prone to bias and lower on the hierarchy evidence pyramid (ex. authors may be selective as to which articles are included and they will include articles that support their hypothesis and exclude those that don’t)
What is Systematic Review?
- Utilizes exacting search strategies to make certain that the maximum extend of relevant research has been considered
- Original articles are methodologically appraised and synthesized
- Searching, Appraising, Summarizing the existing info on a selected topic
- Most commonly address questions of effectiveness
- The entire process of collecting, reviewing, and presenting all available evidence
What is Meta-analysis?
- Quantitatively combines the results of a systematic literature review
- Capable of performing a statistical analysis of the pooled results of relevant studies
What is the goal of a Systematic Review?
Aim to find all studies addressing the reviews question using an object and transparent process
What is the Cochrane Collection?
Gold Standard for Systematic Reviews
What is the process of a systematic review?
- State the study objective
- Develop the protocol
- Develop a research strategy
- Conduct the research
- Retrieve Relevant Papers
- Screen and select papers that meet established criteria
- Evaluate methodological Quality of Selected Studies
- Analyze and Synthesize findings
- Determine if Statistical data are sufficient for further analysis
No = Report results of systematic Reveiw
Yes: Analyze Effect Size Estimates then report results of meta analysis
What is the PEDro Scale?
Asses the quality for interventional studies
What is Meta Analysis?
The statistical technique involved in extracting and combining data to produce a summary result (optional part of systematic review)
When should you use Meta Analysis?
- When more than one study has estimated an effect
- When there are no differences in the study characteristics that are likely to substantially affect outcome
- When the outcome has been measured in similar ways
What is a Forest Plot?
- A type of graph often used in meta analysis to illustrate the treatment effect sizes of the studies
- Each study is represented by a black square and that is an estimate of their effect size
- If the line includes the line of no effect the line is not statistically significant
When is Cohen’s d appropriate?
Continuous data
When is an Odds Ratio (OR) appropriate?
When the study’s outcome measure is dichotomous
ex) pain vs no pain
What is Odds Ratio?
A comparison of the odds of the outcome being present in the treatment group against the control group
What is Confidence Intervals (CI)?
- A range of values that we are confident contains the population value
What is Point Estimate?
- A single value that represents the best estimate of the population value
What are small samples more susceptible to?
Chance variation, thus they are given less weight than larger studies so they will have less influence on the final estimate
What is Weighting based on?
What happens when data from individual studies combine?
increase in sample size
What are the two types of diagnosis?
- Medical Diagnosis (Herniated disc L4-5 and Polymyosits)
2. Physical Therapy Diagnosis (Right sided radiculopathy centralizing w/ repeated extension)
When you see pattern recognition this is caused from?
- History Exam
2. Physical Exam
What is pretesting probability?
For any given patient there is a baseline probability of a certain condition pretesting
What is Post test probability?
Application of a clinical diagnostic test alters the baseline probability
What are the key thresholds for diagnostic test?
- Test threshold: the probability below which a diagnostic test will not be ordered or preformed because the possibility of the diagnosis is so remote
- Treatment Threshold = The probability above which is a diagnostic test will not be ordered or performed because the possibility of the diagnosis is so great that immediate treatment is indicated