Week 2 Flashcards
What are Independent Variables?
(X) variables that you can change or manipulate and also called factors and there are 2 or more
What are Dependent Variables?
(Y) What you measure
What is Attribute Variable?
Cannot be manipulated such as gender, age,
What is Active Variable?
Things you can manipulate (control group)
What is Repeated Factor?
Same people are measured at all levels
What is Independent Factor?
Different groups of people at each level
What are the levels of measurements?
- Ratio
- Interval
- Ordinal
- Nominal
What is Ratio?
Number represent units with equal intervals. There is a true 0. ex) distance, age, time, and weight
What is Interval?
Numbers have equal intervals but there is no true 0. ex) Calendar year, Degrees Celcius or Farenhiet
What is Ordinal?
Numbers indicate rank order ex) manual muscle test, pain, funciton
What is Nominal?
Numerals are categorical based ex) gender, blood type, diagnosis
What are Factorial Designs?
allow researchers to look at how multiple factors affect a dependent variable, both independently and together
What is a Construct?
Abstractions not observable
What is the Operational Definition?
converting a construct to a measurable variable
What is a univariate design?
Only 1 dependent variable