Week 5 Flashcards
The ______ ______ ______ is superior to the
sacrospinous ligament and is divided by the
piriformis muscle.
greater sciatic foramen
The greater sciatic foramen is divided by the piriformis muscle and creates these two foramen.
suprapiriform foramen and the infrapiriform foramen
Which pathway do the superior gluteal a., n., and v. travel through in the pelvis?
suprapiriform foramen (part of the greater sciatic foramen)
What pathway does the pudendal n. follow in the pelvis?
out of the infrapiriform foramen (part of the greater sciatic foramen) and then travels BACK through the lesser sciatic foramen
What is the function of the pelvic diaphragm (aka pelvic floor)?
3 S’s
1. supports organs
2. sexual function
3. sphincter control
What muscles make up the pelvic diaphragm?
levator ani and coccygeus m.
What is the muscle responsible for maintaining continence at the anus?
puborectalis m. (part of the levator ani mm.)
What is the innervation of the levator ani mm.?
pudendal n.
What is the innervation of the coccygeus m.?
Name the space: Located behind the pubic symphysis and anterior to the bladder, this space contains fat and connective tissue. It is relevant during urologic surgeries.
Retropubic Space (Space of Retzius)
Name the space: This is the space between the posterior wall of the uterus and the anterior wall of the rectum in females. It is the lowest point in the peritoneal cavity, where fluid, blood, or infection may accumulate.
Pouch of Douglas
What are the 4 arteries from the abdominal aorta which supply the pelvis?
“I See Two Igloos”
I: Common iliac a.
S: Sacral a.
T: Testicular or Ovarian aa. (Gonadal a.)
I: Inferior mesenteric a. (Superior rectal a.)
What is the parasympathetic innervation of the pelvis?
S2-S4 pelvic splanchnic nerves join the inferior hypogastric plexus
Which division of the nervous system is responsible for contracting the bladder/rectum, opening internal urinal and anal sphincters, and erection?
The Scarpa’s fascia which covers the abdomen is continuous with the fascia in the perineum and can be called this.
superficial perineal fascia
What are the contents of the deep perineal pouch?
external urethral sphincter muscle, deep transverse perineal m., membranous urethra, bulbourethral glands (M), vagina (F)
What is the innervation of the external urethral sphincter?
perineal branches from pudendal n.
The deep perineal pouch is also known as what?
urogenital diaphragm
The peritoneal cavity is also known as what and it contains what?
abdominal cavity; gut tube & derivatives
What is the name of the space which contains the uterus, prostate, and bladder?
subperitoneal space
The ischioanal fossae communicate with this space in the perineum.
deep perineal pouch
This nerve travels through both inguinal rings travelling with the spermatic cord or round ligament. It provides sensory to lateral scrotum, mons pubis, and labia majora. It also has motor fibers for the cremaster m.
genital branch of the genitofemoral n.
The pudendal n. travels through these two foramen to reach the perineum.
Greater and lesser sciatic foramen
Any of these symptoms can be due to what?
pudendal neuralgia
Which structure separates the greater sciatic foramen from the lesser sciatic foramen?
sacrospinous ligament
What is the name of the space posterior to the bladder?
rectovesical space
What structure is the floor of the pelvic cavity?
pelvic diaphragm
What are the layers of the testis?
- skin
- superficial perineal fascia
- fused spermatic cord layers (includes cremaster m.)
- tunica vaginalis
- tunica albuginea
The layers of the spermatic cord originate in the abdominal wall, so name where each layer is derived from:
1. internal spermatic fascia
2. cremaster m.
3. external spermatic fascia
- transversalis fascia
- internal oblique m.
- external oblique m.
What is the content of the spermatic cord?
ductus deferens
testicular vessels
cremaster n. (and its artery)
sympathetic fibers
genital branch of genitofemoral n.
In the pelvic cavity, the ductus deferens extends from the deep inguinal ring and over which vessels?
external iliac vessels
Ductus deferens joins ___ _____ and ______ on postero-inferior bladder to form ejaculatory duct
seminal vesicle, prostate
Where in the fallopian tube does fertilization typically occur and is also the most common site of ectopic pregnancy?
ampulla of fallopian tube
This ligament is continuous with Scarpa’s fascia and the superficial perineal fascia
fundiform ligament
This ligament connects the dorsal root of the penis to the pubic symphysis
suspensory ligament
The penis is made of three erectile tissue chambers surrounded by fascia. Each chamber is surrounded by ____ _____, and all chambers together
are surrounded by ____ _____
tunica albuginea, Buck’s fascia
These glands secrete pre-cum and are located where in the penis?
bulbourethral glands; external urethral sphincter
This muslce covers the bulb of the penis inferiorly and assists with urination, erection and ejaculation
bulbospongiosus m.
This muscle covers the crura, extends to the ischial tuberosity, and assists with erection
ischiocavernosus m.
What tissue makes of the crura and body of the clitoris?
corpora cavernosa (which is under the ischiocavernosus m.)
What tissue makes up the bulb of the vestibule in the female?
corpus spongiosum
Gonads and kidneys drain to ____ lymph nodes
Pelvic structures (sub-peritoneal
and above pelvic diaphragm like uterus, bladder, and prostate) and
parts of rectum drain to _____ lymph nodes
common iliac
This artery supplies the cremaster muscle via the cremasteric a.
inferior epigastric a.
ID iliopectineal line
ID ilioischial line
ID Acetabular roof
ID Shenton’s Line
A pelvic CT is best for visualizing which structures?
Is this a T1 or T2 weighted MRI?
T1 because the liquid spaces are black
Is this a T1 or T2 weighted MRI?
T2 bc water is white
Is this a T1 or T2 weighted MRI?
T2 bc water is white