week 5 Flashcards
what things do you consider before designing data collection?
reserch question
what are you going to analyse? and how are you going to analyse the data?
who is your population?
good instrument
population centred methods,
quali and quanti? based on research aim
demographics an important one
are open ended questions in surveys qualitative data method?
No, but they can be analysed qualitatively.
what are good survey questions?
- measures the concept trying to examine
- doesnt measure irrelevatn concepts
- means the same thing to all participants.
what are the general rules for writing survery questions?
- avoid technical terms and jargons
-avoid vague or imprecise terms (e.g regularly?)
-define things very specifically
-avoid complex sentences
provide refenrece frames ( in the pst week e.g.)
-make sure scales are ordinal
-avoid double barrelled questions.
-responses should anticipate all possibilities
-make sure your responses are unique. ( e.g. within intervals)
-avoid questions suing leading, emotional or evocative language.
what are the types of questions in a survey?
- one response (yes/no)
- several response question with one answer
- several response with more than one answer.
- ranking qstn
- weighted questions
- list question. (open ended)
- sematinc differential -rating scale ( from good to bad rate)
- open questions
How many questions should be open questions in the survey?
no more than 5% of the survey quesitons.
clear instructions at the beginning
- if administer over the phone, limit questions and response options
- pilot your questions
- do not develop them on your own
qualitative daata collection
social media
participant observation
focus groups
types of interviews
- in depth
- semi- structured
- key stakeholder
- narrative
- life history
- dyad
- think aloud
what is dyad?
alongside a caregiver ( e.g. children , disabilities).
what is key stakeholder int?
one to one conversations about a specific topic or issue. (e.g. with head of departments .. professionals).
what is think aloud interview?
involve participants thinking aloud as they are performing a set of specified tasks.
why use interviews?
- increase rapport
- provides support to participants.
- increase response rate
- allows immediate clarification of your interpretation
what does interviwe guides/ topic guides do?
provide suggestion of prompts
allow flexibility
allows researcher to pursue new avenues of enquiry.
what type of questions hsould you use in interviews?
open-ended! :)
avoid leading questions.
tips for good interviews
- build rapport
- listen, express interest
- encourage participant to expand ( give more details)
- let responses guide the direction
- reflect back, use participant’s language
- avoid excessive use of why
what percent of the interview should be for the participant responses?
what are the six stages of the interview?
- arrival and introduction
- introducing the research
- beginning the interview
- during the interview
- ending the interview
- after the interview.
what do you do during the introduction of an interview?
you build rapport.
what do you do during the introduction of the research?
you tell the scope of the interview and emphasize the openness of responses.
when do you provide context of the research?
during the beginning of the interview.
what approach do you use to make sure you cover the areas needed?
a semi structure approach during the interview.
what should you do during the ending of the interview?
give some advice and end positively.
What do you do after ending the interview?
- thank them for their participation and value they have provided.
- provide them ongoing contacts in case they have concerns.
what are focus groups and co design workshops?
groups where interactions bring out different data to individual intervies
it is exploratory
what do you do during focus groups and workshops?
explore, testing ideas, evaluations, multi-methods studies (triangulation) and co-design with the population.
what kind of activities could you do in focus groups?
Q-sorting or card sorting River of life listing, ranking activities sentence completion collages
should you use an interview guide as a focus group guide? why>
No, everyone will have a perspective on the topic and might be different from each other.
tips for focus groups:
-record the sessions
-think who is in the focus groups, and this will influence interactions.
Make note at introduction, who attends.
-address confidentiality
-map your questions to your research questions or objectives.
what are focus groups ground rules?
- all ideas are valid,
- no judgment
- healthy discussion
- we want to hear from each of you
- might be asked directly for a response
- may be asked not to answer next
- no talking over anyone else.
Participant observation, what should you observe?
Space, Actor, Activity, Object, act, event, time, goal and feeling.