Week 4 - Resipiratory System Flashcards
What means the identification of a disease of condition by a scientific evaluation of physical signs, symptoms, history, laboratory test results, and procedures?
Also, what does the word breakdown into?
Dia - through, across
gnos - knowing
is - noun ending
What means pertaining to the lungs or the respiratory system?
Also, what does the word breakdown into?
Pulmon = lung
ary = pertaining to
What is the molecular exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide within the body’s tissues?
Aka breathing, pulmonary ventilation, or ventilation.
What is the meaning of thoracic and what does its breakdown mean?
Pertaining to the thorax or thoracic cage (bony enclosure formed by the sternum, costal cartilages, ribs, and the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae)
Thorac = chest
ic = pertaining to
What meaning pertaining to a blood vessel?
Also, what does the word breakdown into?
Vascul = vessel (usually blood or lymph)
ar = pertaining to
What is the branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment of diseases involving the structures of the lower respiratory tract, including the lungs, their airways, and chest wall (thoracic cage)?
Pulmonology, also known as pulmonary medicine
Who treats respiratory disorders?
What are some disorders they treat?
Asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, occupational and industrial lung disease, and pulmonary vascular disease. They also care for patients who require specialized ventilator support and lung transplantation.
What does diagnosis and management of pulmonary disorders include?
Administering pulmonary function tests, arterial blood gas analysis, chest x-ray (radiography), and chemical or microbiological tests.
What does the respiratory system consist of?
Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchial tubes, lungs, and breathing muscles! All of these organs work together to perform the mechanical and, for the most part, unconscious mechanism of respiration.
What are the two external and internal processes that consists of repiration?
External respiration - oxygen (O2) is inhaled into the lungs and absorbed into the bloodstream. Carbon dioxide (CO2) leaves the bloodstream and enters the lungs where it is expelled during exhalation.
Internal respiration - O2 and CO2 are exchanged at the cellular level. O2 leaves the bloodstream and is delivered to the tissue cells, where it is used for energy. In exchange, CO2 enters the bloodstream from the tissues and is transported back to the lungs for removal.
Name the combining form(s) associated with the following term:
Combing Form(s)
Nas/o Rhin/o
Name the combining form(s) associated with the following term:
Combing Form(s)
The adenoid is a lymph node used to trap bacteria and viruses we breath or eat. This is also called the pharyngeal tonsil which is part of the immune system.
Name the combining form(s) associated with the following term:
Combing Form(s)
The tonsils are lymph nodes in the back of the mouth. They also factor out bacteria and viruses that enter our body. Strep throat is a bacterial infection that can cause tonsillitis.
Name the combining form(s) associated with the following term:
Bonus: What are the three sections?
Combing Form(s)
This is the cavity that connects to the esophagus. The three sections of the pharynx is the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx.
Name the combining form(s) associated with the following term:
Combing Form(s)
The hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs and holding vocal cords; also known as the voice box.
Name the combining form(s) associated with the following term:
What is its other name? What sits behind it?
Combing Form(s)
This is also known as the windpipe. The esophagus sits behind the trachea. This is reinforced by rings of cartilage extending from the larynx to the bronchial tubes
Name the combining form(s) associated with the following term:
Combing Form(s)
Bronch/o Bronchi/o
These are the major air passages of the lungs that diverge from the trachea or windpipe.
Name the combining form(s) associated with the following term:
Combing Form(s)
Name the combining form(s) associated with the following term:
Right lung or left lung
Combing Form(s)
Pulmon/o Pneum/o Pneumon/o
Name the combining form(s) associated with the following term:
What is the purpose of the pleura?
Combing Form(s)
It is a thin layer of tissue that covers the lungs and lines the interior wall of the chest cavity. This protects and cushions the lungs. The tissue secretes a small amount of fluid that acts as a lubricant, allowing the lungs to move smoothly in the chest cavity while breathing.
Name the combining form(s) associated with the following term:
Alveolus (air sac)
What is the purpose of the alveolus?
Combing Form(s)
This is where the lungs and the blood exhange oxygen and carbon dioxide during the process of breathing in and out.
Name the combining form(s) associated with the following term:
Combing Form(s)
This is the major muscle of respiration.
excision of the adenoid
instrument used to examine the larynx
Pertaining to the nose
discharge from the nose
Involuntary spasm of the pharynx
spasm = involuntary contraction, twitching
Excision of the tonsils
Incision of the trachea
otomy = incision
Pertaining to the alveoli (singular alveolus)
Visual examination of the bronchi (or bronchus)
scopy = visual examination
Expansion or dilation of the bronchi (or bronchus)
ectasis = expansion, dilation
Inflammation of the bronchioles
Pain in the diaphragm
Pain the the pleura
Dynia = pain
Abnormal condition of blackening of the lung tissue (caused by inhalation of coal dust or other black particles)
melan = black
osis = abnormal condition
Abnormal condition of the lungs
ia = condition (abnormal condition)
Specialist who treats pulmonary diseases
Disease of the thorax
Act of swallowing air
Aer = air
phagia = swalling, eating
Abnormal condition of blue (skin)
Resembling mucous
muc = mucous
oid = resembling
Any disease induced by a fungus
myc = fungus
osis = abnormal condition
(labored) breathing that improves when standing or sitting up
Orth/o = straight
pnea = breathing
Pus in the chest
py/o = pus
Tumor composed of cartilage
Surgical repair of the nose