Week 3 - Integumentary System Flashcards
Where does the term integument come from in Latin?
Integumentum meaning “a covering”
The skin is the largest organ of the body and covers the entire body.
What is produced in the basal layer of the skin and also gives it its color?
Melanocytes; produces pigment.
Other than covering and protecting our body, what else does the integumentary system do?
Regulates body temp, pain, and pressure with sensors that are connected to the nervous system.
And helps the skeletal system by synthesizing vitamin D to help the bones store nutrients and calcium.
Specialist focusing on diseases of the skin
Outer layer of the skin
Binds dermis to underlying structures
hypodermis (subcutaneous tissue)
Pertaining to the skin
Cutane = skin
ous = pertaining to
Lesion (just meaning)
Wound, injury, or pathological change in body tissue
Pertaining to a system or the whole body rather than a localized area
therapeut = treatment
ic = pertaining to
Pertaining to treating, remediating, or curing a disorder or disease
Where is the epidermis the thinnest on the body and thickest on the body?
Thinnest on the eyelids and the thickest on the palms of the hands.
T/F The epidermis is the nonsensitive layer of the skin and has neither a blood supply nor a nerve supply (avascular).
True. It is dependent on the dermis’ network of capillaries for nourishment.
What layer of skin is rich with blood vessels (vascular), nerve endings, sebaceous (oil), and sudoriferous (sweat) glands, and hair follicles?
The dermis.
What tissue is below the dermis that binds it to underlying structures and its main function is to protect the tissues and organs underneath it to include preventing heat loss?
Subcutaneous tissue.
What is included in the anatomical structures called accessory organs located within the dermis?
Nails, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands.
What are the three different root words for skin?
Cutane/o, dermat/o, derm/o
sudor/o and hidr/o
sweat gland pore
pil/o and trich/o
What is the stratum corneum?
The top layer of the epidermis.
What is the second layer of the epidermis called?
The basal layer.
Sebaceous (oil) gland
What does the breakdown of the following words mean?
Adipose tissue
Subcutaneous tissue
Adip/o = fat ose = pertaining to
Sub = under/below cutane = skin ous = pertaining to
Breakdown the word
hernia containing fat or fatty tissue
cell containing fat or fatty tissue
tumor composed of fat
what are the different word roots that mean fat?
Adip/o, lip/o, steat/o
pertaining to under or inserting under the skin, as in a hypodermic injection
abnormal condition of blue (skin)
What does the suffix osis mean?
osis means abnormal condition
redness of skin caused by capillary dilation
pertaining to redness (of the skin)
What does the suffix -a mean?
Noun ending.
red blood cell
abnormal condition of sweat
condition of profuse sweating
What does the suffix -esis mean?
abnormal condition of dry, scaly (skin)
abnormal condition of a horny growth, or abnormal condition of the skin characterized by overgrowth and thickening of the skin
black tumor (malignant tumor of melanocytes)
What does melan/o mean?
abnormal condition of a fungal infection of the skin
myc/o = fungus (plural fungal)
abnormal softening of nails
onych/o = nail
pertaining to growth of hair in a cyst or other internal structure
pil/o = hair
nid = nest
disease of the hair
hardening of the skin or chronic disease with abnormal hardening of the skin
discharge or flow of sebum (secreted by sebaceous glands)
seb/o = sebum, sebaceous