Week 4 - Genetic testing Flashcards
What is the goal of genetic testing?
To rule out a suspected condition, to determine the chance of the person having or passing the condiiton
Gene test
Studies genes that identify mutations that lead to genetic disorder
Chromosome test
Identifies changes in a chromosome, that causes a genetic condition i.e birth defect
Protein tests
Studies function of the proteins, to detect for abnormalities
PGD testing
Testing of pre-implantation embryo to diagnose if they are affected by a serious disorder
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis steps
Cell removed from the embryo, DNA analysed
PGD determines which embryo has condition, 1-2 put back
Some embryos are frozen the ones with condition are destroyed
ij ~~Amniocentesis\
15-17 weeks
Sample of amniotic fluid is sampled
Cells cultured for 2 weeks to be analysed
Miscarriage 1 in 500
10-11 weeks
Samples placenta tissue
oetal cells can be directly tested:
DNA analysis
biochemical assay
1 in 500
Performed at 16 weeks
* Foetal blood sample obtained by inserting a fine needle into the umbilical cord
* Used to detect chromosomal abnormalities and inherited blood disorders eg sickle cell anaemia.
* Slightly higher risk than amniocentesis or CVS.
Determines if the baby has genetic abnormalities using mother’s blood
10 weeks
Pros: No miscarriage risk, high accuracy, fast turn around
Cons: Screening test not diagnostic, not suitable for triplets or above
Maternal serum testing
Shows if a woman is more at risk of having a child with down syndrome pr neural tube defects, measures the protein levels in the blood
PKU disease
The inability to break down the amino acid phenylalanine which can lead to a build up in the brain and cause brain damage
PKU tetsing
Heel prick test
Drops of blood from baby’s heel placed on absorbent card and left to air dry
Sent to screening centre to check for high levels of phenylalanine
Predictive vs presymptomatic testing
- Identifies mutations that increase persons risk, positive means more likely to develop symptoms
- Determines if a person will develop genetic disorder before the symptoms appear, positive means symptoms appear
Why would someone want a presymtomatic test
To make the appropriate life choices, requires written consent , patient can change their mind after signing
Positive and negative impacts of this test of presymptomatic
Long term physiological support,
Counselling for the child, planned medical surveillance
N: Pyschological support required