Week 4 Clinical Cases Flashcards
If a patient cannot screw up his left eye, where is the likely lesion and what muscle has been paralysed?
- lesion at left zygomatic branch of facial nerve
- paralysis of orbicularis oculi
Which muscle is injured if a patient cannot frown or raise their eyebrows?
If a patient has a lesion in the trigeminal nerve, is it possible that they wouldn’t be able to cry?
the lacrimal gland is innervated by the lacrimal nerve, which is the smallest branch of the ophthalmic nerve, a branch of the trigeminal nerve
Which muscle of mastication is responsible for the jaw-jerk reflex?
What does the facial nerve innervate?
- muscles of facial expression
- stapedius muscle
- chorda tympani: taste from anterior 2/3rds tongue + secretomotor parasympathetic to sublingual and submandibular salivary glands
- GPN: secretomotor to lacrimal gland
What is hoarseness a result of?
- damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve - a branch of the vagus nerve
- recurrent laryngeal supplies vocal cords
which nerve innervates the muscles that elevate the soft palate?
vagus nerve
Give a clinical sign of injury to the vagus nerve?
deviation of uvula toward the unaffected side
What would be the clinical signs of a pontine lesion?
- right sided motor dysfunction (pyramidal tract involvement)
- left sided facial paralysis
- internal squint (paralysis of lateral rectus)
How can you spot a subdural haematoma on a CT of the brain?
there is a characteristic crescent shape that causes midline shift
What is hemiparesis?
weakness of one entire side of body
What is the most common pathological cause of locked in syndrome?
occlusion of the basilar artery forming an infarct in the ventral pons