Week 3: Volmer, Spruk & Niessen (2012) Leader-Member Exchange (LMX), job autonomies and creative work involvement Flashcards
The purpose of this study is to extend earlier research by integrating ____ into the ___ theory.
job autonomy, LMX
The hypothesis is that _____ moderates the relationship between ____ and ____.
job autonomy, LMX, creative work involvement
According to Volmer et al., the key driver for organisational effectiveness and survival is ____, and ____ are one of the most influential predictors of creativity at work.
creativity, leaders
What methods did the authors use?
longitudinal field survey data (n=144)
questionnaires filled out and collected in high-technology firms in Germany (with two points of measurement)
Creative work involvement refers to the degree to which…
an employee engages his or her time and effort in creative processes associated with work
Creative performance refers to…
a supervisors evaluation of employees’ creative problem-solving
Job autonomy refers to the degree to which…
one can influence the way in which they accomplish their tasks, schedule their work and select the suitable equipment.
Job autonomy is especially related to ____, but has also been associated to ____.
creative work involvement
positive well-being
- The LMX theory builds on _____.
- LMX assumes that a supervisor has a ____ to his followers which is ____ over time.
- The theory has previously been found beneficial for innovation as it results in ____.
- LMX is beneficial for ____ at work, as employees feel obliged to deliver good work.
- social exchange
- unique relationship, negotiated
- positive environment perceptions
- discrete processes
Meta-Analyses show that on average there is a positive association between LMX and ____.
The LMX Theory is also called the _____ theory and is a response movement to the failing of other _____ theories.
The LMX theory generally assumes that a leader has a _____ or also called ____ with each follower.
The _____ determines the outcomes.
vertical dyad linkage, contingency
unique relationship, dyadic relation
quality of this relationship
According to the LMX Theory, a leader forms an ____ and an ____ perspective when being introduced to a new group of followers.
in-group, out-group
Followers in the in-group receive more ____, ____ and ___.
Followers in the out-group maintain only _____ to the leader.
trust, attention and interaction
formal relationships
Volmer et al. argue that a high-quality relationships between leader and member leads to five factors. What are they?
- better performance
- higher commitment
- higher job satisfaction
- higher degree of mutual liking
- more creative employees
What is the first of two main findings of Volmer et al.?
there is indeed a positive relationship between LMX theory and creative work involvement of employees
What is the second finding of the research team?
job autonomy is a confirmed moderator
In what way does job autonomy moderate the relationship between LMX and creative work involvement?
it gives employees the opportunity to try out new and useful combinations of work procedures –> good for creativity
It provides employees with a sense of responsibility for their jobs.
The Pygmalion effect describes what?
the greater the supervisor’s expectations, the more creative work involvement.
To increase employees creative work involvement one has to do what, according to Volmer et al.?
consider the integration of LMX and job autonomy for creative work involvement
Employees with less job autonomy do not pick up creative work involvement as a central theme in the role-negotiating process due to what reason?
they are restricted in terms of operation and method choice
All in all, this research explores under what circumstances ____ foster creativity.
quality relationships