Week 3 - Social Determinants Of Mental Health Flashcards
In what cases is the patient the family rather than the individual?
If patterns of thought/behaviour can’t be understood without considering family dynamics
At an abstract level, “_______/_______” are in an endless, two-way conversation with “_______/_________”
What is “the shadow”?
The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about themselves
Can see plainly in others, DIFFICULT to see in ourselves
In modern media, the HERO and the VILLAIN are often played in psychological mirrors or counterparts
Psychology is both an “_____” and a “__________”
What are the social-determinants of health?
Give some examples
Non-medical factors that influence health outcomes
TERM IS A MISNOMER- not deterministic
Ex) Income/social protection, education, working life conditions, housing, food insecurity
Social determinant risk is “_____” evenly distributed within a population
Depending on lots of factors…
Some people are more LIKELY to …
- develop conditions than others
- get treatment
- experience negative consequences
Social factors influencing health can “_______” across an entire population
Emile Durkheim started study crime and suicide, he studied…..?
The sociological phenomena
Individual behaviours
Can increase or decrease in society
Ex) economic disruption
Shelia Liming attributes what to a “quiet catastrophe” in modern society (people lack/reject deep and meaning social connections)?
That national and sub-national level INCREASES in phenomena require a sociological explain action
Psychological explanations
True or false. Mental health and life satisfaction issues ARE NOT attributed to jobs
Burnout (from prolonged stress)
Moral injury (people are forced to act against their ethics) are HUGE factors in mental health
What does Eyal Press’s “dirty work” term mean?
Work that society deems necessary but MORALLY TROUBLING
For low status people, made invisible to the average person
Workers often IMPOVERISHED
Causes PHYSICAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL injury’s at high rates
Who was Satoshi Kon?
His work is about how modern people cope with living MULTIPLE LIVES
(Private, public, onscreen, offscreen, waking, dreaming)
Felt that we experience time, space and reality at the SAME time as individuals, but also as a society
“_____%” of those with a mental health disorder consider themselves disadvantaged in employment because of their condition
“_____%” of those with a mental health disability consider themselves housebound
What are environmental hazards?
Communities based around garbage dumps associated with HIGH consumption of alcohol and other drugs = increased psychiatric treatment
Called sacrifice zones
What is the “lead hypothesis” for 20th century crime rates?
Environmental contaminants
May cause 30% intellectual disability
Effects cognitive development
What is transportation noise?
Living in proximity to major road, railway or airport = increased STRESS, lower-quality SLEEP
Also strongly impacts animals
True or false. Immigrants struggle to gain access to mental health services
Language barriers, lack culturally sensitive providers
Specialized services usually have LONG wait times
Marginalized communities often AVOID healthcare when available (discrimination/fear)
How can marginalization influence who gets ill in the first place?
Impacts on employment, income and housing etc…
Victimization and stress
What is minority stress?
Stress that attributable to one’s membership in a marginalized/minority group (discrimination, prejudice, implicit biases, stigma, internalized shame etc…)
They experience ADDITIONAL stressors ON TOP of ordinary life stressors = psychological consequences
How is conflict a major generator of mental health issues?
Give an example
Can exacerbate pre-existing mental health issues
Ex) Syrian refugees PTSD and addiction to prescribed medicines
Identities aren’t ________ they can ___________.
Happens as we develop and learn and our sympathies SHIFT
What do sociocultural theorists emphasize?
That to understand and treats patients competently
Need to understand intersectionality
What is intersectionality?
How identities intersect to form that patients UNIQUE experiences of the WORLD
What is the term “deaths of despair”?
What could it be attributed to?
Coined by Anne Case and Angus Deaton (2015)
Referenced a RISE in mortality and morbidity among American demographics = low-education & “working class”
Economic explanations are very common
May be attributed to SUICIDE & OVERDOSES
Many mental health and life satisfaction issues are specifically _____-________.
Job related
Clinical researchers search for general or ___________understanding of the nature, causes and treatments of abnormality across individuals