Week 13 - Future Of Psychopathology Flashcards
What are the 3 ways psychologically climate change can impact us?
1) direct impacts:
- acute or traumatic effects of disaster/environment change
2) indirect impacts:
- increased uncertainty/anxiety from observed/predicted impacts
3) psychosocial impacts:
- chronic psychosocial and community effects resulting from a degraded environment; war, migration, heat / water stress, etc.
What are direct impacts and why are they important?
Will affect us more and more and MORE
If atmospheric carbon continues to be increased
Largest impact falls on Inuit communities (more north)
What is climate trauma?
Traumatic experiences that are the result of climate change/extreme weather
Ex) loss of life, loss of ones home/belongings, requirement to evacuate, high physiological stress
What is climate anxiety?
Aka “eco-anxiety”
People experience significant distress and worry about climate change
Climate change generates “__________ __________”
“Ontological security”
Deep chronic insecurity where people LACK sense of continuity and order b/w PAST and PRESENT
And/or a (+) outlook on the future
Consequence may include anxiety, depression, and other defence mechanisms
What is moral injury?
“The distressing psychological AFTERMATH experienced when one perpetrates or witness actions that VIOLATE moral or core beliefs”
True or false. Many youth worldwide report feeling sad, anxious, helpless/powerless, angry, afraid and guilty and not reassured by their governments on climate change
True or false. Typically the client and the therapist have a shared experience of the event/experience in terms of climate change
They typically DONT = causes the client distress
Since everyone is affected by climate change, however, it’s impossible for the therapist to be detached / objective
Climate change is a ____________ rather than a ___________ ___________, and is also a present and future danger; the experience isn’t over, and never be
Collective; personal experience
What is climate resiliency?
Awareness of climate change and engagement on climate issues is associated with INCREASED stress, but also with INCREASED resiliency and well-being
Taking action increases AUTONOMY, COMPETENCY, AND RELATEDNESS (self-determination theory)
”More intense experiences of frustration and anger in relation to climate change are associated with greater attempts to take personal actions to address the issue”
What is technology’s role?
Has become our culture, our culture technology
Arguably always true ^
Hard to ACCOMMODATE a new technology before being confronted with OTHERS
Poses psychological and social problems
What is the internets role?
“A place where every idea has a backer, and every backer an idea; contradiction, paradox, irony and multifaceted truth rise up like a flood.” (Kelly, 1994)
The paradox of the Internet is that it is both HIGHLY connected and HIGHLY fragmented
What are some positive views of the internet?
Enables online mental health interventions
These are cost-effective and convenient ^
Enables “social diversification”
Octavia Butler —> “positive obsession” aiming yourself towards pro-social ends
What are some negative views of the internet?
The tendency of the internet to present people with contradiction, irony, etc. makes it DIFFICULT to discern fact from fiction, or sincerity from mockery
Result can be a = physic retreat =“internet is not real life”
Mass society people subsume their identities into COLLECTIVES
Unlike media before, the internet can enable _____-________
On the internet, in the space of a few minutes, you can read a news article, tweet a thought, answer an email etc…
What did Marshall Mcluhan/Neil Postman say about internet affordances?
The way you engage with content depends on the affordances of the MEDIUM
“The medium is the message”
What did Birkerts argue about one of the primary effects of the internet?
Increased SHALLOWNESS to how we engage with people, ideas and content, we also lose the desire to do these things
What does the term “digital scanning” mean according to Lui?
Scanning and skimming
As opposed to “deep reading”
Refuses opportunity for insight/empathy
“Illusion of knowledge”
True or false. there’s evidence that technology divides attention in a way that’s detrimental to traditional classroom learning
Is there connection b/w smartphones and depression/anxiety?
Yes, but studies are mostly correlational
So directly of CAUSALITY is not clear
Psychopathy could cause technology addiction
Technology addiction could cause psychopathy
What is “emergent phenomena”?
Social media is participatory and interactive
Ex” bandwagon effects, spontaneous generalization, population movements
Facilitated by MASS scale of the internet
What was the “Tik Tok couch guy”?
The girlfriend of a man named Robert McCoy’s uploaded a 19s video to TikTok, in which she surprised him with a visit while another friend filmed Robert’s reaction
BLEW UP afterwards
He became a subject of frame-by-frame analysis, menacing tik tok users invaded their privacy
True or false. Social media causes harm to adolescences
6: Adolescents should be routinely screened for signs of “problematic social media use” that can impair their ability to engage in daily roles and routines, and may present risk for more serious psychological harms over time
Not necessary true or false
There is 10 precautionary recommendations regarding the use…
#1: Youth using social media should be encouraged to use functions that create opportunities for social support, online