Week 3 - Psychosocial and cognitive development 0-2 years Flashcards
between 18 - 24 months how many words do children learn a day
5 -6 new words per day
How many words for in a 6 year olds vocabulary
10, 000 words
what is referential style of speech
referring to objects/objective events
what is expressive style of speech
referring to feelings and relationships
what is the more common type of speech in children 0-2
referential style
what is cooing
repeated vowel sounds
e.g. ooh, aah
What is babbling
consonant vowel strings in increasing complex ways
between 4 - 8 months
e.g. baba, mama, bobo
what is parentese
caregiver speech
- shorter sentences
- simpler vocab
- slow speech
- high pitch
- repetition
what is fast mapping
- ability to connect a word with it’s underlying concept after a brief experience with the word
how does the parent’s mental portrait of their child evolve over time
- it is continually updated based on interactions and experiences with the child
what is a mental portrait of a child
what the parent whats their child to be like before they are born
once borne this mental portrait can continue to influence the parent internal experiences and expectations
mental portrait is under continual revision based on the interactions and experiences with their baby
what is infant synchrony
- Matching of care giver and infant of emotional states
- patter of interaction involving close coordination and teamwork
e.g. each waits for the other to finished before responding
maintain and break eye contact at regular intervals
What are the 4 types of cries
- basic hunger cry
- angry cry
- pain cry
- fussy irregular cry
Define temperament
the infants characteristic way of feeling and responding that depicts differences in self regulation and reactivity
Define reactivity
Refers to variations among individuals in emotional arousal, motor activity and attention
define self regulation
Strategies that modify and adjust reactivity
What are the 4 different types of temperament
- easy babies (positive moods, regular bodily functions, good adaptation to new situations)
- difficult babies (negative moods, irregular bodily functions, high stress in new situations)
- slow to warm up babies(resembled difficult babies, but less extreme, moody and relatively unadaptable, did not react vigorously to new stimuli)
- mixed pattern babies (did not fit neatly into any of the other groups, unique blended pattern)
What is the most common baby temperament
- easy babies (40%)
- mixed pattern babies (35%)
- slow to warm up babies (15%)
- difficult babies (10%)
What are examples of signaling behaviours
- crying
- cooing
- babbling
What are examples of approach behaviours
- smiling
- clinging
- non nutritional sucking
- following or gazing
what is the strange situation
By Mary Ainsworth
where an infant is presented with a cumulative series of stressful experiences:
- being in an unfamiliar place
- meeting a stranger
- being separated from the caregiver
What are the 4 different attachment styles
- secure attachment
- anxious resistant (ambivalent)
- Avoidant
- Disorganized - disorientated
Describe secure attachment
- confident that their caregiver will meet their needs
- they show distress when the caregiver leaves but are easily comforted when the caregiver returns
describe avoidant attachment
- do not show a strong preference for their caregiver over a stranger
- they tend to avoid seeking comfort from their caregiver and may appear emotionally distant or indifferent
- in the stranger situation they the child doesn’t show distress when the caregiver leaves and avoid contact upon their return
describe ambivalent/resistant attachment
- shows intense dependency and clinginess towards their caregiver but also display resistance or difficulty being comforted when distressed
- they become distressed when the caregiver leaves but are ambivalent upon their return - seeking contact but also resisting
Describe disorganised attachment
- often results from inconsistent or frightening behaviour by the caregiver.
child displays a mixed of avoidant, resistant and confused behaviour - in the stranger situation children may display contradictory behaviours such as approaching the caregiver but with averted gaze or freezing when the caregiver returns
what is self description and self evaluation
cognitive competence and vocabulary to describe and represent themselves in terms of physical characteristics such as size, type of hair,, eye colour
What is self esteem
a Childs feeling that they are important, competent, powerful and worthwhile person, whose efforts to be autonomous and take initiative are respected and values around them
What are early emotions expressed in infancy
- joy and laughter 3-4 months
- wariness 3-4 months
- anger 4-7 months
- fear 5-8 months
shame, embarrassment, guilt, envy and pride during toddlerhood
What is attachment
the strong and enduring emotional bond that develops between an infant and a caregiver during the infant’s first year of life