Week 3: Memory And Cognition Flashcards
Name the 3 types of memory
- Sensory Memory
- Short-term Memory
- Long-term Memory
Sensory Memory
Sensory memory is the shortest type of memory.
- When information is brought in and retained by the senses, this is what is known as sensory memory.
- Sensors are directly linked to our CNS which is made of our spinal cord and brain.
Another term for Visual Sensory Memory
Iconic Memory
Another term for Auditory Sensory Memory
Echoic Memory
Define Short-term memory
This type of memory can hold information for 20 seconds.
- Rehearsing can help keep information in short term for longer: I.e. Repeating student number to yourself.
List three key aspects of Short Term Memory
- Limited Capacity: Inly 7 items can be stored at a time.
- Limited Duration; Storage is very fragile and info can be lost with distraction or passage of time.
- Coding: Translating visual information into sounds.
List three ways you can forget information in Short Term Memory
- Decay: When you don’t rehearse or contemplate information.
- Displacement: A form of forgetting , where new memories replace old ones.
- Interference: When your trying to memorise stuff that’s similar.
Name two forms of interference
- Proactive Interference: Old memories interfere with new ones.
- Retroactive Interference: When new information distorts old memories.
Define Long-term Memory
Memory that is held for days or decades.
Includes two types:
- Declarative or Explicit Memory: Includes all the memories available in the consciousness.
- Procedural or implicit memory: Memory of body movement and how to use objects in the environment: I.e. How to ride a bike.
Define Episodic Memory
Memory that remembers specific events or images. Is a part of the Long term memory.
Define Semantic Memory
Knowledge about the world, stores facts and general knowledge, verbal information, concepts, rules and problem solving.
- Schemers and networks store this information in the Long Term Memory.
Define Forgetting
The time dependant decline in memory.
Define Memory
A process of maintaining information over time.