Week 3 Lecture Assignment Flashcards
What is the term used to describe interstitial fluid once it has entered the lymphatic system? _____________________
The lymphatic vessels begin as blind ending _______________ which feed into larger and larger lymphatic vessels.
Another term for lymphatic capillaries is _______________________.
terminal lymphatics
What type of valves in lymphatic vessels keep the lymph moving toward the heart?
semi-lunar valves_(one way valves)
The thoracic duct begins just beneath the diaphragm in the __________________.
cisterna chyli
Which lymphatic duct receives lymph from the upper right side of the body?
the right lymphatic duct
Skin and mucous membranes, which act instantaneously to prevent pathogenic invasion into the body tissues, are considered what type of immune function? _____________________________________
barrier defense
Which immune cells function primarily by producing antibodies? _______________
Lymph fluid that leaves the lymph node do so through vessels known as the __________________________________.
efferent lymphatic vessels
Which immune system component is a series of proteins constitutively found in the blood plasma? ____________________________
complement system
Any activity that causes tissue damage will result in _____________________.
What chemical increases the diameter of local blood vessels (vasodilation)?
The immune system’s first exposure to a pathogen is called a ________________________________________.
a primary adaptive response
An antibody molecule is also called an __________________________.
What type of immunity occurs in response to a pathogen? (NOTE: Be specific in your answer!) __________________________________
naturally acquired active immunity