Week 3 (BRB) Flashcards
What are the difference between Cognitivism and Behaviorism?
Cognitivism =
1. Mental processes
2. Operant and classical conditioning aren’t enough, people have a brain
Behaviorism =
1. Black box (input + outcome)
2. Operant and classical conditioning are enough, no cognitive process needed
What is the Mere exposure theory?
You can learn by being exposed to something.
How does the mere exposure theory work?
- The more exposure we a have to a stimulus, the more we will tend to like it
- When we make choices, we often pick familiar over the unfamiliar
- Wear-in (starts after minimum of exposures) vs wear-out effect (effect stops after too many exposures)
What is the Social learning/Observational learning theory?
You learn by copying behavior you have seen from others.
How does the Social learning theory work?
- Effect of the behavior is clear, behavior will be reinforced
- Status of the role model, you’ll be more likely to do it if it’s done by someone you look up to
- Awareness, you can only copy behavior you are aware of
- Retention, the behavior must be memorized
- Motoric reproduction, you should be able to conduct the behavior
What is the Bystander effect?
You follow the maturity of people. If someone needs help and nobody gets up to help, you won’t either. If everyone offers a hand, you will be more likely to do the same.
What is the difference between Social learning and Operant conditioning?
Social learning =
1. No-trial learning
2. Cognitive processes are a precondition to this form of learning
3. Environment shows behavior, but learner decides which behavior they copy
Operant conditioning =
1. More trials needed before success
2. No cognitive process needed
3. Environment decides what is learned
What are Mirror Neurons?
Type of brain cells that respond equally when we perform an action and when we witness someone else perform the action. You can emphasize with people. When you observe behavior, your neurons will mirror theirs.
What is Psychomotoric learning?
Learning by observing and trying.
1. Observation and instruction
2. Practicing
What is Cognitive learning?
Learning aimed at obtaining knowledge and insights.
1. Knowledge of facts, imprinting through repetition
2. Insights in casual relation between behavior and outcome
What are the four processes Cognitive learning?
Attention, observation > Remembering > Skills > motivation
What are the forms of Social Psychology?
- Psychology = individual
- Sociology = groups/society
What are Reference groups?
Actual or imaginary groups conceived of having a significant relevance upon an individual’s evaluation, aspiration, or behavior
How can we see the difference of individual related to a group?
- Communication
- Interpersonal attraction
- Group processes
- Leadership
- Social influencing
- Principles of Cialdini
What are the 2 types of reference groups?
- Normative = influence through direct interaction (family, friends, colleague)
- Comparative = influence through indirect interaction (celebrities, etc.)
What are the 3 groups of comparative reference groups?
- Formal (boss, teacher) vs informal (friends)
- Factual (actually exist) vs symbolic (aspired to them, hipsters, celebs)
- Associative (want to be like) vs Dissociative (don’t want to be like)
How do reference groups influence us?
- Luxury product = product you would like to buy, not necessary
- Necessary product = need to be bought
- Visibility to the outside world has an impact on the choice of brand
How can we apply reference groups?
- Celebrities (value, expressive, symbolical)
- Everyman (recognizable)
- Expert (informational)