WEEK 3: Animal Welfare Flashcards
What are sentient creatures?
Animals that feel pain/pleasure
Attributing human thoughts, emotions, and characteristics to animals, gods, objects, and so on.
The human-centered POV that says humans are the only holders of moral standing. Basically humans > animals
Like racism - placing the needs of one’s own species above those of other species. Abolitionists use it to describe humankind’s arrogance and mistreatment of animals.
Animal Welfare
> The psychological and physical wellbeing of an animal
Measured on a scale from poor to thriving
“Belief that it is morally
acceptable to use animals if
they are treated properly”
Animal Welfare vs Animal Rights
Animal Welfare emphasizes the humane treatment of animals being used for food, research, pets, etc. Animal Rights refers to varying stances taken by people regarding… animals’ rights (ex. reformist, abolitionist, etc)
Animal rights proponents who focus on changing methods of animal use.
Animal rights proponents who advocate the total abandonment of any animal use.
Textbook definition of Animal Rights
Philosophy, sociology, and public policy as they deal with the standing of animals in relation to human society.
Science and Ethics in the context of Animal Welfare
> Science deals with “What is”
Ethics deals with “What should be”
How can science assess welfare?
Look at the animal: health, emotional state, productivity, natural history, observable behavior, changes to physiology
Look at the environment: housing/weather, feeding, handling
First federal law to prevent animal cruelty in the US was made in…
The Five Freedoms (1979)
Freedom from…
1. Hunger & Thirst
2. Discomfort
3. Pain, Injury, or Disease
4. Fear & Distress
5. Freedom TO Express Normal Behavior
Dr. Temple Grandin
Professor of Animal Sciences and renowned animal behaviorist - autistic advocate for animal welfare, led to the redesigning of slaughterhouses to reduce distress in cattle before slaughter.
Glass Walls Project
Series of educational videos made with Temple Grandin’s help to show how slaughter plants work and how food processing happens, etc.
Made in response to the phrase “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.”
Holistic Monitoring
Using multiple strategies for assessing the welfare of an animal.
>Behavior, hormones, reproductive success
>Training, enrichment, nutrition
>Individual history
>Natural history
A web application that tracks zookeepers’ assessments of an animal’s physical, mental, and emotional states. Creates a huge database for all keepers to use and refer to for animals in captivity.
Testing/observing hormone levels in biological samples from individuals. Helps contribute to monitoring the welfare of an animal.
Vermont Humane Federation
Network of Vermont animal welfare organizations.
Adoption, cruelty prevention, legislation, disaster prep, spay & neuter programs.