Week 2- Definitions MH Flashcards
Mood vs Affect
Mood = sustained emotional experience over a period of time
Affect= Emotion state prevalling at a given moment
Circumstantial thinking (MSE Thought)
Over-inclusive speech- many unnecessary & trivial details/ diversions. Thinking is organised. Patient eventually reaches final goal
Tangentiality (MSE Thought)
Patient diverts from initial train of thought & never returns to initial points. Answers very indirectly relate to question
Flight of ideas (MSE Thought)
Rapid flow of thought & speech. Connections between topics intact but may be obscure
Loosening of association (MSE Thought)
Loss of connection between thoughts. Disorganised thinking
Word salad (MSE Thought)
Jumbled & incomprehensible speech. Loss of connections within sentences. Indicated severe loosening of associations & disorganised thinking
Neologisms (MSE Thought)
Words created by patient w/ own idiosyncratic meaning
Delusions (content)
a false and firmly held beliefthat is out of keeping with the patient’s educational, cultural and social background. Unshakable and cannot be altered by rational argument
Primary delusions (content)
‘out of the blue’ and cannot be understood. Characteristic of schizophrenia & other primary psychotic disorders
Secondary delusions (content)
due to pre-existing psychopathological state (usually mood disorder) and understandable in context of psych hx
Content: Persecutory
false belief that they are being harmed, threatened, victim of conspiracy
Content: Grandiose
false belief that one is exceptionally powerful, important, talented
Content: Nihilistic
false belief that one is dead/ no longer exists OR others or the world are non-existent/ about to end
What is reference?
Certain objects, people, events have personal significance
What is perception?
Primary delusion arising out of a real perception
What is control/ passivity phenomenon
feelings, impulses, actions or bodily sensations controlled by external agency
Thought insertion
thoughts are being implanted into head by external agency
Thought withdrawal
thoughts are being extracted from head by external agency
Thought broadcast
their thoughts are being broadcast- everyone knows what they are thinking
What are overvalued ideas?
non-delusional, non-obsessional belief that preoccupies the patient and dominates their thinking. Plausible belief arrived at logically but held with undue importance and causes distress to patient/ those around them. No major abnormality in reasoning. Not viewed as abnormal by the patient.
What are obsessive thoughts?
recurrent, intrusive unpleasant thought. Patient knows that thought makes no sense and struggles to resist it
What are hallucinations (MHE perceptions)
Sensory perception in absence of external stimulus- patient believes is a real perception
Pseudo-hallucinations (MHE perceptions)
Doesn’t have same sense of reality as hallucinations. Occurs as part of one’s subjective internal experience not from the external world. Not under conscious control. Patients may be aware that they are not real
Illusion (MHE Perceptions)
Misinterpretation of an external stimulus
Elemental Hallucinations (Auditory Hallucinations)
Simple, unstructured sounds. Commonly associated with organic disorder
First person auditory hallucinations
Hears their own thoughts spoken aloud.
Thought echo (first person auditory hallucinations)
patient hears their own thoughts spoken echoed by a voice. Most often occurs in schizophrenia
Second person auditory hallucinations
Patient hears a voice or voices are speaking directly to patient. Often associated with mood disorders thus mood-congruent.
Command hallucinations (2nd person auditory hallucinations)
Voice is telling the patient to do something. May also occur in schizophrenia.
Third Person auditory hallucinations
patient hears a voice or voices talking about them and referring to them in third person.
Running commentary (3rd person auditory hallucinations)
On what the patient is doing/ thinking. Commonly associated with schizophrenia.