Outline Physical Characteristics of Blood.
*Color range, pH, Temperature
- Color range
- O2-rich: scarlet red
- O2-poor: dull red
- pH 7.35–7.45
- Slightly higher than
body temp
State the functions of blood.
*Deliver O2
* Remove metabolic wastes
* Maintain temperature, pH, & fluid volume
* Protection from blood loss-platelets
* Prevent infection-antibodies & WBC
* Transport hormones
State the constituents of blood.
*Red blood cells
*White blood cells
What is a complete blood count used to screen for?
- Screens for:
- anemia
- infections
Outline the components of a complete blood count.
*RBC count- 10^12 (12-16)
- hemoglobin - g/dL (4-5.20)
- hematocrit- (0.360-0.460)
- WBC count- 10^9/L (4-11)
- differential WBC count 10^9/L (
- platelet count 10^9/L (150-400)
Outline Plasma Proteins & Their Role.
- Albumin - Transportation
(65-85 g/l) Regulation of oncotic pressure
Regulation of pH - Globulin -
α - transport & serve as substrates (28 g/l)
β - Transportation
γ - Defense - Fibrinogen - Blood clotting (hemostasis)
What is tonicity?
. The ability of an extracellular solution to make water move into or out of a cell by osmosis is known as its tonicity.
State the types of tonicity.
Hypertonic solution: A solution will be hypertonic to a cell if its solute concentration is higher than that inside the cell, and the solutes cannot cross the membrane.
*Hypotonic solution: If the solute concentration outside the cell is lower than inside the cell, and the solutes cannot cross the membrane.
*Isotonic solution: If the solute concentration outside the cell is the same as inside the cell, and the solutes cannot cross the membrane, then that solution is isotonic to the cell.
What is hematopoiesis?
The production of blood cells.
State the centers for blood cell production: -
* During Embryonic (Fetal) phase:
* After Birth:
- During Embryonic (Fetal) phase:
- yolk sac, liver, spleen, thymus
gland, lymph nodes, and bone
marrow - After Birth:
- red bone marrow
What is the lifespan of red blood cells?
120 days
State the amount of RBC in males and females.
In male: 4.0-5.0 × 10^12 /L
In female: 3.5-4.5 × 10^12 /L
Classify RBC according to:
*According to size:
Normocytes - Normal sized RBCs
Microcytes - Small sized RBCs
Macrocytes - Large sized RBCs
- According to color:
Normochromic - Normal colored RBCs
Hyperchromic - Darker, due to increased hemoglobin
Hypochromic - Paler, due to decreased hemoglobin.
Define the following terms used to determine RBC.
*Mean Cell hemoglobin (MCH)
*Mean Cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
*It is a measurement of the amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells.
*It is a measure of the average concentration of hemoglobin inside a single red blood cell
Describe the following RBC diseases.
*Sickle cell anemia
-low O2 carrying capacity of RBC;
-insufficient RBC or iron deficiency.
*Excess of RBCs
*Viscosity of blood; 8-11 million cells/mm3.
*Usually caused by cancer, tissue hypoxia, dehydration; however, may naturally occur at high elevations
3.Sickle-cell anemia:
*HbS results mutation in one of the 287 aa in the b chain in the globin molecule.
State the types of WBC and their classes
*Neutrophils 40-70%
*Eosinophils 1-4%
*Basophils <1%
*Lymphocytes 20-45%
*Monocytes 4-8%
Describe neutrophils and state their functions.
- 60-70% of total WBCs
- nucleus usually consists of 3
lobes linked by fine threads of chromatin - contain two types of granules
- First line of defense (site inflammation).
- Acute infections - Multi functional cells that attack and destroy viruses and bacteria.
- Phagocytize pathogens
Describe lymphocytes and their functions.
* spherical nucleus, occupies most
of cell
* produced & differentiated in the
bone marrow and thymus
* reside in spleen, lymph nodes,
tonsils, etc.
* produce antibodies &
antimicrobial chemicals
B-lymphocytes: humoral immunity.
T-lymphocytes: cell -mediated immunity
Describe the B cells and their function.
- Differentiate in the bone marrow.
- B-cells differentiate into plasma cells which further produces 5 classes of antibodies that provides immunity
- Different types of B cells that respond to only one type of
antigen - When in contact with specific antigen, cell is converted into plasma cell
- Plasma cells then produce antibodies for that antigen
State the functions of different T-cells.
Differentiate in the thymus T Cells
- 80% of circulating lymphocytes
- Cytotoxic T-cells (CD8) directly kill tumor cells& aims to eliminate: - Virus-infected cells - Cancer cells - & also cause graft rejection.
- Helper T-cells (CD4): Help activity of other immune cells
- Suppressor T-cells stimulate and inhibit activities of other lymphocytes (tolerance)
- Other T-cells: release chemicals that stimulate macrophage
- Oval nucleus
- Horseshoe-shaped, or kidney shaped nucleus
* Antigen – presentation function
* They differentiate into macrophages which can
phagocytose up to 100 bacteria.
* Enter tissue spaces and become macrophages
* Phagocytize pathogens
* Important in chronic infections
What types of WBC are these?
Describe and state the functions of eosinophils.
* bilobed nucleus & large granules
* migrate to the site of infection.
* defense against parasitic infections (increased number
associated with)
* Weak phagocytes.
* allergic response: contains histaminase, therefore reduces allergic reaction.
Describe and state the functions of Basophils.
- 0.4-1.0%
- irregular-lobed nucleus
- granules contain heparin and histamine
- secrete histamine in allergic reactions
– Histamine – for vasodilation
– Heparin – anticoagulant
– IgE & thus participates in allergic reaction along with
mast cells in tissues - Promotes functions of other leukocyte
Describe the following WBC diseases.
*Leukemia- too high WBC
*Leukocytosis- suppresses normal bone marrow function, abnormally high WBC
*Leukopenia- too few WBC; commonly induced by drugs, and anticancer agents
*Mononucleosis- highly contagious viral disease caused by Epstein-Barr virus, excessive no of agranulocytes.
Describe the following bleeding disorders.
*Platelet (thrombocyte) deficiency
*Normal movements can cause bleeding
*Petechiae – purple blotches
2.2. Hemophilia
* Hereditary bleeding disorder
* Normal clotting factors missing
*Sex-linked genetic disorder
Name and describe the 7 classes of anemia.
a. Haemorrhagic – massive bleeding
b. Haemolytic – bacterial infection
c. Pernicious – lack of B12 absorption
d. Aplastic – damage of bone marrow
e. Iron-deficiency – diet, menstrual flow, bleeding ulcer
f. Sickle-cell – recessive genetic disorder.
sickling due to increase CO2/O2 levels.
g. Renal anemia: from kidney disease
State the phenotypes for the 4 main blood types.
O - i i
A - I A I A or I A i
B - I B I B or I B i
AB - I A I B
What is an antigen?
What is an antibody?
Antigen- protein on the surface of a RBC membrane
Antibody- proteins made by lymphocytes in plasma which are made in response to the presence of antigens. (Attack foreign antigens, which result in clumping (agglutination))
Would there be a problem or not in the following situation?
*Rh+ mother w/Rh- baby
*Rh- mother w/Rh+ baby
*Rh- mother w/Rh- baby
- no problem
- Problem
- no problem