What is patient centered care?
*Patient-centered: Providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions.
Outline the following six aims for the health care system.
*Safe: Avoiding harm to patients from the care that is intended to help them.
*Effective: Providing services based on scientific knowledge to all who could benefit and refraining from providing services to those not likely to benefit (avoiding underuse and misuse, respectively).
*Patient-centered: Providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions.
*Timely: Reducing waits and sometimes harmful delays for both those who receive and those who give care.
*Efficient: Avoiding waste, including waste of equipment, supplies, ideas, and energy.
*Equitable: Providing care that does not vary in quality because of personal characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, geographic location, and socioeconomic status
Outline improvements brought by orienting health care around the preferences and needs of patients.
clinical outcomes
reduces both underuse and overuse of medical services.
Reduce health care cost and disparities.
Improve quality.
Outline the elements of patient centered care.
1.Education and shared knowledge.
2.Involvement of family and friends
3.Collaboration and team management
4.Sensitivity to non-medical and spiritual dimension
5.Respect for patient’s needs and preferences
6.Free flow accessibility of information and knowledge.
What is the healing relationship?
A two-way interaction between clinician and patient in which information is shared.
State the importance of healing relationship.
Explores patient’s values and preferences
Helps patients and their families make clinical decisions
Facilitates access to appropriate care
Enables patient follow-through with often difficult behavioral changes that need to be maintained or improve health
State the 2 key model of human disease.
*Medical model
*Biopscychosocial model
Define the following terms.
2.Pain and discomfort
Subjective feeling of distress that accompanies disease.
*Pain and Discomfort
A way of being by the individual –a subjective experience –not always accompanied by disease or pathology.
A social condition applied to people who are deemed by others to be ill or diseased.
Objective conditions- presence of pathology or abnormality in part of the body often caused by bacteria, viruses etc.
According to Parsons, what is the best way to study illness sociologically?
According to Parsons, the best way to study illness sociologically is to view it as deviance that disturbs the social function of society
What is the sick role perception?
The sick role perception involves the manner in which people internalise symptoms and allow illness to interfere with their life based on illness perception
Describe ways in which people react to the sick role perception.
*Ranges from total denial of illness to disability that is disproportionate to physical findings
*Some may use the sick role as a way of avoiding responsibility (seeing recovery as a loss of positive attention of being ill)
Describe the bio-medical model.
Explains “The nature and Causes of Health and disease.”
*All diseases are caused by a specific etiology
*The body is seen as a passive machine that is devoid of feelings and emotions.
*Interventions focus on treatment.
The Patient
*The treatment focuses on the person’s body.
*The patient can be treated like a machine (passive during treatment)
*Thus, the doctor’s approach is to resolve the problem on the patient’s behalf
Describe the characteristics of the bio-medical model.
*The body and mind can be treated separately (mind-body dualism)
*The body can be repaired as a machine
*The technological imperative.
*The reductionist in the explanation of disease that focuses on biological changes.
*Germ theory: a disease is caused by identifiable agent
Describe the following under the bio-medical model.
*Nature of intervention
*Role of Medicine
*Nature of intervention
Focuses on treatment and the belief that medical knowledge and skills are sufficient to make the person’s body better.
*Role of Medicine
Medical care with its technology and chemical interventions is perceived to have contributed a major role in the eradication of infections and parasitic diseases
Characterized by the treatment of disease rather than the person.
Treatment of disease is based on technology and chemical means
The biomedical model views health and disease through the microscope and offers solutions to what are of a large extent social problems.
Outline the Missing important dimensions of health on the medical model.
*Psychology and Social aspect are separate
*Address disease but may not consider quality of life (QOL
Outline the advantages of the bio-medical model.
Detailed knowledge of biological functions on the cellular and molecular levels has led to :
Extensive development of drug therapy
Extensive development of surgical interventions
Extensive development of technology
State the disadvantages of the bio-medical model.
Increase in social ills
Dependence syndrome
Exploitation of resources
Describe the biopsychosocial model.
*Health (and illness) are caused/influenced by many factors.
*Mind and body are not separate
*Relationships are significant to health
*Health is on a continuum