Week 2 - Chapter 2 and 3 Flashcards
Produced through meiosis - contain half the genetic material of other cells
How does conception occur?
Egg releases and travels through fallopian tube and releases a chemical that attracts sperm
Only a few sperm reach the egg - one inserts itself in the egg
Developmental processes
Cell division - mitosis
Cell migration - movement of cells away from their point of origin
Cell differentiation - embryonic stem cells turn into special types of cells
Cell death - apoptosis - certain parts of the body require cell death - in between fingers
Hormones and development
Play a role in sex differentiation
If androgens are present male genitalia develop
Conception and early development
Fertilized ovum - formation of zygote through fusion of egg and sperm nuclei - rapid division - morula (solid ball of cells resulting from division) - blastocyst by day 5 or 6 - implants into uterine wall
Conception and twins
Monozygotic - zygote splits and forms 2 zygotes
Dizygotic - two eggs were released and both fertilized
Germinal period
Conception to 2 weeks
Ends with blastocyst implantation
Rapid cell division
Embryonic period
Amniotic sac and placenta formed first
3rd to 8th week
Major development of organs and body systems
Cell division, migration, differentiation, death
Hormonal influences
Network of blood vessels
Like a barrier
Gives fetus nutrients, antibodies
Highlights of the embryonic period
4 weeks - primitive heart rate, arm and leg buds
5.5-8.5 - nose, mouth, mouth palate differentiation, separate structures
Fetal period
9th week to birth
Development of physical structures, rapid growth of body
Increased behaviour, sensory experience, learning
Highlights of fetus development
9 weeks - rapid brain growth, all organs, sexual differentiation
11 weeks - basic heart structure, spine and ribs visible, major division of brain
16 weeks - growth in lower body, movement, external genitalia
Highlights of fetus development part 2
18 weeks - fine hair and greasy coating, facial expressions
28 weeks - brain and lungs, REM sleep, auditory system, neural activity of newborn, weight triples
Fetal movement
From 5-6 weeks
Reflexes - hiccups - burping reflux - swallowing - fetal breathing
Mother feels movement at 16-25 weeks
By week 27 move up to 30 times an hour
Fetal sight and touch
Minimal visual experience, more tactile experience
May grasp umbilical cord, rub face, suck thumb
Fetal heart rate responds to maternal movements
Fetal taste and smell
Amniotic fluid has taste - fetuses have a sweet tooth
Amniotic fluid has odour from what mother ate
Fetal hearing
Lots of sound - mothers heart beat, blood flow, breathing, digestive sounds
Mothers voice is prominent - fetal heart rate changes
Last trimester - external sounds audible - can distinguish between music and speech
Can a fetus learn?
30 weeks gestation - fetus decreases response to repeated or continued stimulation - fetal habituation
Fetus learns and prefers and remembers mothers voice
Newborn remembered if mother ate carrots before, preferred carrots if she did
6-15% of known pregnancies
Due to defects
2/3 occur before pregnancy detectable
25-50% will experience at least one
1% experience recurrent miscarriages
Environmental agents that cause harm during prenatal development
Medications, alcohol, agrochemicals, infectious agents, recreational drugs, retinoids, anti hypertensive drugs
Two things that impact harm of teratogens
Timing - there are sensitive periods where more damage can be done - embryonic period
Dose duration - the effect of exposure increases with the extent of exposure
Importance of timing
Thalidomide during 4th and 6th week leads to structural abnormalities in arms and legs
Importance of duration
Was in many products for a long time
Accumulation can lead to poisoning, and death
Inhibit oxygen for the fetus and metabolizes carcinogens
Second hand smoke
Linked to cognitive impairment and low birth weight
Linked to SIDS
Alcohol statistics
Most common teratogen
Many women drink while pregnant
10% in Canada - Ireland 60% - Saudi-a Arabia - 0%
Crosses the placenta
Can lead to FASD
Continuum of alcohol related birth defects
Facial structures - eyes, nose, lips
Intellectual disability and cognitive disorders - ADHD